Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 128 Madam Spider and the Skywalker

Just like the Toby Spider, the Venom Symbiote became resentful after being "chaotic and ultimately abandoned" by the Nine-Four Spider.

It combined with Eddie Brooke (this version is translated this way), a newspaper photographer who also had a grudge against Spider-Man, and transformed into Venom.

When the symbiote merged with Spider-Man, it shared Spider-Man's secrets and copied many of Spider-Man's abilities.

In the battle with Venom, Spider-Man was repeatedly defeated, and was even arrested and took off his mask in public.

Fortunately, they were in a high-rise building and it was night at that time. The people below did not see his true face, so the Nine-Four Spider was able to escape successfully.

After that, he finally found Venom's weakness and guided Venom to the rocket launch pad, allowing the symbiote to break away from Eddie Brooke and send it into space on a rocket.

Afterwards, he also met with SHIELD agents Nick Fury and Black Widow. While they were fighting, they captured another wanted criminal, Chameleon.

Chameleon itself is average in strength, but it can use its belt to change its appearance at will and make things messy.

Fortunately, in the end, the Nine-Four Spider relied on his intelligence to catch the chameleon, and he also eliminated the misunderstanding with the SHIELD agents and turned enemies into friends.

These are the contents of the first season, which can be regarded as the "growth period" of Jiu Si Spider.

He went from a smart college student to a smart superhero.

During this time, he also met Mary Jane Watson and Felicia Hardy, with whom he maintained relatively good relationships.

Bi De was not interested in the rich emotional life of the Nine-Four Spider.

But Mary Jane Watson was really one of the reasons he was here.

This version of Mary Jane Watson is a good girl who always cares about Peter Parker.

However, later, during the battle between the Nine-Four Spider and the Green Devil, she was sucked into a black hole world by the shuttle and disappeared ever since!

This is something that many people find hard to reconcile, and it is also the pain that Jiu Si Spider has suffered throughout his life.

If Mary Jane Watson could be saved and she and the Nine-Four Spider could get married smoothly, I believe many people would be willing to see it.

In addition, there are several other reasons that drove him to this world.

One is a treasure called the "Monument of Time" that appears in the plot.

This monument of time has magical effects and can make people regain their youth.

It was initially acquired by Kingpin's nemesis Silverman, but this guy was turned into a child by the Time Monument.

Afterwards, Toms studied the Monument of Time and used it to invent a device that could temporarily absorb other people's time into his own body, transforming into a vulture.

He even used this ability to transfer the youth and strength of the Nine-Four Spider into his body, which is quite a bug.

Because Bid himself also has the power of time and space, he is very interested in this monument of time.

Maybe he could get something out of it.

Secondly, there is the mysterious Spider Lady and the Skywalker!

The Spider-Man in the canon is a mutant suffering from congenital blindness and the neurological disease myasthenia gravis. She possesses powerful psychic and telepathic abilities, and can detect events happening around her and even know some things that will happen in the future.

The Spider Lady in this world lives in a different dimension, quietly observing the Nine-Four Spider, and summoning him over at certain times.

It doesn't feel like she has much strength, she's just an old lady who's been sitting in a chair and dying.

But in the last part of the play, she says that she is a subordinate of Skywalker!

In the Marvel Universe, there is a character known as the Beyonder, who is said to be a being above everything in the multiverse.

Bid always felt that this was just a character created by people in his world to make the story more interesting.

Previously, he had verified from many aspects that many things in his world were actually different from those he encountered.

And this guy named Skywalker who appeared in the world of Nine-Four Spiders is said to be the Transcendent!

In the play, some of the abilities he displayed were indeed very powerful.

For example, when they appeared, Doctor Octopus, Lizard Man, Doctor Doom, Alister Smyth and Red Skull were transported from the earth to a planet called "Paradise".

Intelligent life on this planet has had no concept of "evil" since its birth. They use technology to eliminate hunger, pain and misfortune, and everyone lives a very happy life.

After the Sky Walkers teleported these super villains, a large number of indigenous people were killed and enslaved on that planet in just one year, turning it into a complete hell.

And the reason why he did this was just to verify the so-called concepts of "good" and "evil".

During this period, he also showed off his ability to skip time, jumping directly to one year later.

Manipulate time and space.

Experiment with countless lives on an entire planet just to satisfy your own curiosity.

This kind of free will can be said to fully reveal one's own strength.

However, there is a doubt in this.

After completing the "Secret War between Good and Evil", Skywalker and Madam Spider revealed their true purpose of finding the Nine-Four Spider.

In a certain universe, a genetic expert named Miles Warren copied the genes of Spider-Man Peter Parker and made a clone.

But the clone escaped from the cloning warehouse and changed his name to "Ben Riley".

But later, after Dr. Connors' research, he discovered that perhaps Ben Riley was the real Peter Parker, and the current Peter Parker was just a clone.

The Peter of this world was then filled with hatred for Ben Reilly and wanted to kill him.

Later, when Kingpin built a time shuttle and tried to connect to other time and space, Ben Reilly went to stop it, but was attacked by Peter Parker.

In the opened teleporter, the Carnage symbiote ran out and combined with Peter Parker to become Carnage Spider-Man.

Spider-Man Carnage attempts to use some device to destroy the entire multiverse.

Skywalker claimed that he had consumed all his power to reverse the time of the multiverse, so now that his power has almost disappeared, he asked the Nine-Four Spiders and several other Spider-Man they summoned from other universes to deal with Spider-Man Slaughter and stop it. his behavior.

Then here comes the problem.

When the secret war was held before, he clearly still had so much power.

Why did it immediately wither away as soon as it came over?

If this reversal of time had just happened, then why did he organize a secret war in advance?

And if he had foreseen all this happening, then there was no need for him to hold a secret war. He could just crush and massacre Spider-Man in advance, which would be enough to stop everything.

These two statements are completely contradictory!

So Bid suspected that the so-called secret war was actually just a dream created by Madam Spider, and there was no such thing as a skywalker at all!

Mrs. Spider has the ability to predict the future. She foresaw the appearance of Carnage Spider-Man and knew that his actions might threaten the multiverse.

So she created such a dream to let the Nine-Four Spider understand her own heart, so that she would not fall into darkness and be controlled by the symbiote because of doubting herself like Spider-Man Killing.

Later, she used her abilities to summon several Spider-Man, and together with the Nine-Four Spiders, her purpose was to defeat Spider-Man Carnage and prevent this multiverse crisis.

Of course, all this is Bid's own speculation.

That's why he wanted to go see this world and verify his guess.

As for whether his and Gwen's appearance would attract attention, it didn't matter.

Because judging from the original work, the common purpose of Mrs. Spider and Skywalker is to prevent the destruction of Spider-Man.

Now that he and Gwen have become two powerful combatants, do they still want to refuse?

I guess it’s too late to be happy, right?

Besides, now that he has mastered more power of destiny, he can make a little "disguise" for himself and Gwen.



A long siren wafted through the streets.

In the streets of the city, more than a dozen police cars came from all directions, surrounding the area.

The dark-skinned female police chief Terry Lee ordered her men: "What are you waiting for? Turn on the searchlights quickly!"


Several police officers immediately adjusted the huge searchlights on the police cars and shined them on the wall.

On a wall somewhere at the corner of the street, there was a young man with pale skin wearing a black jacket. When he saw the searchlight turning, he immediately flew up in panic.

His name is Michael Morbis.

Not long ago, Jiu Si Spider decided to study his own blood samples because his genes were unstable, so he put part of the blood samples into the school's equipment.

Mobis stole the school's equipment for experiments, but happened to introduce some of the mutant genes of the Nine-Four Spider into his body, turning him into a vampire, constantly attacking humans and absorbing blood to survive.

On the other side, an even stranger guy appeared on the opposite wall.

He wears Spider-Man's red and blue suit, but he actually has six arms!

He is the Nine-Four Spider.

Because of the problem of genetic mutation, he found a friend to help, but due to the aggravation of the mutation, he took imperfect medicine, which caused the mutation to intensify and became the current six-armed Spider-Man.

Seeing Mobis flying up, the Nine-Four Spider swooped down and saved him from the spotlight.

The two landed on the roof.

Seeing the appearance of the Nine-Four Spider, Mobis was also shocked: "How did you become like this?"

The Nine-Four Spider scratched his head: "Let's put it this way, you are not the only one who has mutated."

"Yeah!" Mobis didn't want to talk nonsense with him. In fact, he hated Spider-Man so much that he didn't want to stay with him for a moment.

He rushed up, held the Nine-Four Spider in his arms, and threw it out.

The Nine-Four Spider suddenly had four extra arms. It was not used to fighting at the moment, and because it didn't want to hurt Mobis, it quickly fell into a disadvantage and was thrown out.

Mobis took the opportunity to leave here.

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