Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 131 Genetic Modification Surgery (70,000 per day, please vote)

"These two are my new friends." Jiu Si Spider introduced.

Bid stretched out his hand: "Hello, Dr. Maria, I am Bid, and this is my girlfriend Gwen Stacy."

"Hello Mr. Bid, hello Miss Gwen, may I ask what this is?" Dr. Maria asked after greeting Bid and Gwen respectively.

The Nine-Four Spider stepped forward and said, "That's it. Bide has a magical ability that can help me remove the shortcomings of mutated genes in my body, but he needs to know the specific parts that need to be removed, so... we need your help."

Dr. Maria was slightly startled and looked at Bid: "The ability to remove the disadvantages of mutated genes? With all due respect, except for Dr. Connors's New Gene Research Institute, I have never heard of it. There are other comparable ones. There is such capability in the research institute. But please, take me to see your laboratory."

In fact, she was wondering if this man named Bid had deceived Spider-Man and wanted to get something from him.

Such as his mutated genes.

She didn't want her friend to be used as a guinea pig.

Bid smiled slightly and said: "I am not a researcher at the institute, well, at least not now. This ability is mine. Well, you can understand it as: super power."

"Superpower? Acts on the genetic level?" Dr. Maria was shocked.

"Yes," Bide estimated that she still wouldn't believe it, but she also wanted to protect the Nine-Four Spider, and he really couldn't blame her for this.

So Bide briefly explained some of the genetic lesions he had seen on Jiu Si Spider when he was treating him.

When Dr. Maria heard this, she immediately believed it.

Because she had previously collected some blood samples from Spider-Man to study his lesions and develop an antidote.

Therefore, she has indeed seen the situations Bide mentioned.

However, it is still difficult to convince her based on this alone.

Bide knew this, and he could have checked it out with professional instruments like her.

Until Jiu Si Spider stood up on his own.

"Dr. Maria, I think I need help from Bide and you. My lesions are getting more and more serious now, and I don't want to turn into a humanoid spider monster. Please help me!" 94 the spider begged.

At the same time, he also expressed his trust in Dr. Pedder and Maria.

Dr. Maria looked at Bid for a while, then nodded: "Okay, happy cooperation. How do you need me to help you?"

Bid reached out and shook her hand.

"It's a pleasure to work with you. To be honest, I don't understand genetics, but I can 'see' genetic mutations and necrosis. So, Dr. Maria, please put your hand on my shoulder later and close your eyes. , I will share my 'vision' with you," Bide said.

Dr. Maria was even more confused.

She felt that what Bide was talking about was not science, but metaphysics.

But she nodded and did not raise any questions. Instead, she was somewhat looking forward to Bid's actions.

Bid turned to Gwen again and said: "Gwen, I'm going to trouble you about the warning. I estimate that we will need to spend a lot of time, and there is still a punisher in this city who is causing trouble for him, and A vampire who can attack people at any time."

Gwen nodded and walked to the window.

"Can she?" Jiu Si Spider Mouth was a bit mean.

Gwen looked back at him: "Maybe I wouldn't mind sparring with you."

Bid knocked on him helplessly: "Hey, do you think my boyfriend doesn't exist? How dare you question my girlfriend like this? Besides, don't worry, Gwen is better than you."

"Uh, okay, I'm really a pitiful, weak and helpless little spider!" Jiu Si Spider shrugged and mocked himself aggrievedly.

"Okay, shut up and lie down on the bed," Bid felt like he had a headache now because this guy's mouth was broken.

The Nine-Four Spider obediently obeyed.

Bid turned around and said, "Dr. Maria, put your hand on my shoulder now."

Dr. Maria heard this and walked to Bede's side and put her hand up.


Bide's eyes entered the [Quantum Insight] mode, and his hands also turned on the [Quantum Scalpel] state.

The Nine-Four Spider noticed this miraculous scene that happened to Bide, as well as his current somewhat terrifying and mysterious appearance, and couldn't help but feel a glimmer in his heart.

However, he was afraid of disturbing Bede, so he wisely refrained from making any wisecracks.

At this time, Dr. Maria was completely in shock.

"What's this?!!"

When Bied used his own power to present the microscopic vision obtained by [Quantum Insight] in Dr. Maria's mind, Dr. Maria couldn't help but exclaimed.

This is a more intuitive observation mode than a microscope.

And she discovered that this magical microscopic vision could actually move, enlarge, shrink, etc. to different parts according to her wishes.

For a moment, Dr. Maria even forgot her own purpose and began to mobilize this ability to her heart's content.

"Dr. Maria, point out to me the genetic lesions that need to be treated."

Just when she was having fun, Bide's voice rang out.

"I understand!" Fortunately, Dr. Maria is a sensible person. After hearing Bide's reminder, he immediately remembered the most important thing now.

Then, she concentrated on observing the mutated parts of these genes, and based on her own research, she pointed out all the diseased parts she found, as well as the defective parts of the spider genes.

This is indeed a very huge project.

Because Bide was needed to operate the quantum scalpel, Dr. Maria observed and tried to use concise language to explain what was happening in the body of the Nine-Four Spider at this time.

When the mutated spider bit Spider-Man and injected mutated genes into him, these mutated parts produced a replacement effect through the break and link of the gene chain, and were successfully linked to Spider-Man's human genes.

In genetics, this process has a proper term called "gene mutation."

Gene mutations are specifically divided into two situations:

One is called point mutation, which refers to the process of changing the heritable structure within a single gene.

The other is called chromosomal aberration, which is a mutation in a broad sense.

Of course, the actual boundary between these two situations is not particularly clear, especially when the distortion is subtle.

Like point mutations, it can cause phenotypic changes.

For example, when the Nine-Four Spider was first bitten by a spider, its body only became stronger, but it did not show obvious spider characteristics. This is a subtle aberration, which can also be called a point mutation.

The mutation of the Toby spider is more obvious in comparison.

Because like a real spider, it has a new organ in its body that can spin silk.

However, their symptoms are still relatively mild, and with the exception of the Nine-Four Spiders, most of the Spider-Men who have gained superpowers through mutated genes do not have the trouble of turning into humanoid spider monsters.

This may depend on the "quantity" issue, or it may depend on the "quality" issue. For example, the genetic aggressiveness of the spider that bit the Nine-Si Spider was more domineering.

In comparison, the least worrying thing is the mutant gene of the Andreus spider.

Because his mutated gene was carefully prepared by his father using their family's DNA blood samples, it had been accurately calculated using the zero-zero decay rate formula and would not produce a mutation effect.

Back to the Nine-Four Spider.

The reason why Spider-Man is still in human form and retains his humanity is because the mutant part representing the spider gene only occupies a very small part of the gene, so in fact it is still human genes that dominate Spider-Man's body.

The key to the problem that the Nine-Four Spider is encountering now is that his mutated spider genes are continuing to expand and are constantly cannibalizing human genes.

When human genes cannot suppress the mutated spider genes, this is the beginning of his disease.

It has evolved to that point before.

Originally, the ratio of mutant spider genes to human genes in his genome was 1:9. However, as the mutation intensified, the ratio of mutant spider genes began to rise, reaching a level of 3:7, and the same as spiders appeared. It looks like it has six arms.

And if this situation continues to intensify and reaches a 50/50 level, then he will completely turn into a humanoid spider monster just like in the play.

At this time, he will have the common characteristics of humans and spiders.

For example, he still has human thinking, likes to walk upright, etc.

But it also has many spider characteristics, such as multiple single eyes, multiple pairs of legs, dense cilia on the body surface, etc.

Among them, these cilia are one of the spider's sensory organs, and they are also the principle behind Spider-Man's spider sense.

But if the mutation continues to intensify, by the time of 7:3, 8:2, or even 9:1, his human reason will almost completely disappear and he will become a complete monster!

Just like those other poor people affected by new genetic technology.

Vampire Mobis with bat genes added, Dr. Lizard with lizard genes added, and so on.

However, in the microscopic perspective brought by Bidde's quantum insights, the problem does not stop at this point.

What is happening to the Nine-Four Spider at this time is that not only the proportion of mutated fragments in a single gene is increasing, but also the proportion of mutated genes in his entire genome!

The former is "quality", which will deepen the degree of his disease;

The latter is "quantity", which will accelerate the degree of his disease.

Two-pronged approach

"Oh my god, if the problem is not discovered in time, Spider-Man will completely turn into an irrational humanoid spider within 24 hours!" Dr. Maria was very scared and blamed herself very much.

She believed that her semi-finished medicine had aggravated the mutation of the Nine-Four Spider.

Ignoring her self-blame.

After listening to her description, Bide felt like he had taken a genetics course.

However, he did benefit a lot from it.

Before that, he was still thinking about how to study his own situation.

I didn't expect to find a way here.

But now was not the time to think about his own problems. Bid cheered up and started to really operate.

First, he needs to find those mutated genomes in each segment of the Nine-Four Spider's body that are eating away at and infecting nearby genomes, and then use his own quantum scalpel to cut off the connections between them.

The process is quite simple.

Mainly because Bide accidentally used this method when he was treating the Nine-Four Spider.

Having done it once before, you will naturally become familiar with it.

With the help of Dr. Maria's explanation and labeling, they quickly found all the mutated genomes.

Subsequently, Bied input a large amount of quanta, allowing them to simulate the appearance of cell membranes, and quietly cut off all mutated genomes without causing damage to the body.

Next, is the top priority of this quantum surgery!

He needs to "sterilize" all these isolated mutated genomes.

Eliminate part of the spider genes in the mutated genome and restore it to the normal ratio.

But while operating this process, Bide asked a question.

"Dr. Maria, if the proportion of spider genes is slightly increased, to what extent can it not affect Spider-Man and prevent it from happening again?"

Dr. Maria frowned: "Do you want him to have more powerful abilities?"

"Yes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I have seen Spider-Man's sense of responsibility. But I hope that he can also protect himself in the process, so if he can have greater abilities, I want to give it a try," Bid said.

Of course, he actually has selfish motives.

This is actually a kind of genetic improvement.

If he masters such an ability, he can enhance the abilities of every Spider-Man, and even every genetically mutated person.

Without affecting them, slightly increase their genetic variation to achieve a greater growth effect!

Dr. Maria doesn't know the true background of Bid.

As Spider-Man's friend, she was extremely touched to see that Bid could actually think about Spider-Man like this.

At this moment, she completely let down her guard against Bide.

"Maybe, but I need to use your ability to conduct some experiments." Dr. Maria said.

Jiu Si Spider looked at the two people standing beside him in a dazed state, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

The white mouse in the cage next to it squeaked, as if to say: "Look, the same kind!"

He ignored the mental activities of the Nine-Four Spider.

At the request of Dr. Maria, Bied input more quantum energy and isolated a small piece of mutated genes from the Nine-Four Spider.

Then she began her experiment.

Her operation was probably to use Bid's quantization effect to fine-tune the ratio of gene fragments in the mutated gene again and again, while observing its condition.

In this way, after hundreds of experiments, she finally found the most accurate value.

If the entire mutant gene is one unit, then the ratio of spider genes is about 0.3815, which is the optimal ratio.

This is nearly three times higher than the original value of 0.1!

And when this situation is applied to the whole body, the increase will be explosive!

"Okay, I'm going to trouble you next, Mr. Bide." Dr. Maria breathed a sigh of relief, let go of her hand, and exited the quantum insight mode.

After all, she was just an ordinary person, and being in this high-intensity insight mode for a long time was extremely draining on her spirit.

"Okay," Bide responded, looking at the Nine-Four Spider lying on the hospital bed, and stretched out his sinful hands.

I went to attend a wedding yesterday. Sorry, I will continue to make thousands today. Please give me some votes~

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