He picked up a pen and started writing quickly on the paper beside him.

"In terms of the ratio of a single mutated gene, the current ratio between the 'super' genetic parts and the ordinary parts is already three to four times that of before!"

"And overall, the proportion of mutated genomes is also higher than before!"

"But this growth is not vicious, but the best balance point reached under an extremely sophisticated calculation."

"It's like the most perfect golden ratio!"

"Perhaps the mutated gene in your body now can be called: the golden gene! It is a true evolution! A perfect evolution that evolves from ordinary people to superhuman beings, which is stable enough to continue to the next generation and the next generation! "

Dr. Connors' expression gradually became fanatical.

The Nine-Four Spider was startled and his eyes widened: "Really, really?"

"Of course it's true!" Dr. Connors said excitedly, "Can you tell me what happened?"

The Nine-Four Spider scratched his head: "What you said, Dr. Maria also told me. She said that the gene I have now can be called the golden spider gene."

"You can indeed say that about the golden spider gene. After all, the source of your mutation still comes from spiders," Dr. Connors nodded. "You said Dr. Maria, is it Dr. Maria Crawford?"

The Nine-Four Spider nodded.

"Dr. Crawford is indeed an expert in genetics, but she shouldn't have the ability to solve the problems in your genes," Connors frowned.

Compared to the Nine-Four Spider who just met Maria Crawford by accident, he and Dr. Crawford were actually more familiar with each other.

Both are experts in genetics.

However, he focuses on new genetics, while Maria Crawford focuses more on the study of genetic defects. The fields are relatively overlapping, so the contact with each other is not very deep.

"There is indeed help from other friends. He is a mysterious Eastern wizard," Jiu Si Spider said.

"Oriental wizard?" Dr. Connors was slightly startled, "Then I wonder if you can recommend him to me?"

Jiu Si Spider said: "I can give you a message. It depends on him whether he wants to see you or not."

"Okay, thank you, Spider-Man," Dr. Connors nodded, "Why did you bring him here?"

He looked at the vampire Morbis lying on the ground.

The Nine-Four Spider quickly said: "I hope you can help Mobis return to a normal human being. He became what he is now because he was exposed to the new gene conversion device."

Dr. Connors nodded: "Put him over there, and I'll debug the machine first."

Soon, he debugged the machine and irradiated the vampire Mobis.

During the irradiation, Mobis woke up and yelled that he didn't want to lose his power.

But Jiu Si Spider, who wanted to kill him, was indifferent to this.

He doesn't want a monster that attacks people and sucks their blood to run around on the streets anymore!

Dr. Connors does not want the machines he developed to benefit mankind to end up creating monsters that harm mankind.

Time passed bit by bit.

After nearly half an hour of exposure to the new genetic converter, Mobis had completely returned to human form.

However, he also temporarily passed out due to excessive physical exertion.

Dr. Connors pulled the Nine-Four Spider and whispered: "Although it seems that he has returned to normal, the combination of the new genes has actually left permanent irreversible traces in his body. Therefore, he may still have some The hidden danger of mutation.”

Jiu Si Spider hesitated: "Is there no way to completely cure it?"

Dr. Connors shook his head: "To tell you the truth, even the lizard mutant gene in my body has not been completely eliminated, and I need to undergo irradiation treatment every once in a while, unless"

"Unless what?" Jiu Si Spider asked.

Dr. Connors said: "Unless I can meet your mysterious wizard friend."

"I understand," Jiu Si Spider nodded, "I will try my best to convince him."

Dr. Connors nodded, hesitated for a moment and then said: "Actually, I have something in my hand that may be of interest to your wizard friend. If he knows about it, he may be willing to come and see me."

"What is it?" Jiu Si Spider asked doubtfully.

"Monument of Time!"

"Monument of Time?"

"Yes, that is a sacred object of the Toltak people. It is said that it contains the secret of eternal life. If you are a wizard, you will be very interested in these things, right?" Dr. Connors said.

In fact, he didn't really want to use the Monument of Time to "seduce" Bide, because the Monument of Time was just a borrowing for him. It was because of his authority in the academic world that he got the first one to study it. s right.

However, after seeing the miracle that happened to the Nine-Four Spider, Dr. Connors gradually came up with an idea.

Compared with these mythical ancient legends, wouldn't a technology that can actually improve genes be more valuable?

"Okay, I will definitely bring the message to you," Jiu Si Spider nodded solemnly, "Mobis will leave it to you."

"Okay, Spider-Man."

Afterwards, the Nine-Four Spider left the New Gene Research Institute. He planned to go home first and then go to find Bide.

After the Nine-Four Spiders left, Dr. Connors contacted the teachers at Imperial University and asked someone to bring Mobis back.


In a small box in a luxury hotel.

Bid and Gwen sat opposite each other, struggling with the food on their plates.

At this time, the news playing on the TV attracted Bide's attention.

"According to ancient legends, the Monument of Time contains the secret of eternal life. Now, as an ancient heritage of a lost ancient civilization, it will be displayed around the world. However, Dr. Curt Connors of New York Imperial University will We will first conduct research on the stone tablet," the host said eloquently on TV.

Gwen's beautiful big eyes were originally looking at Bid. After noticing the change in his gaze, she also came to the TV: "Monument of Time? Eternal life? Is there really such a thing?"

Bide smiled and said, "It's hard to say, but I do have a purpose in coming to this world, which is to study this thing."

Gwen knew that Bid had a lot of knowledge about the "plots" of many worlds. Hearing this, he was a little surprised and said: "It seems to be true? But, as far as I know, the Toltak people only lived between 800 and 1000 AD. It’s just a civilization located in Central America, and it really can’t be called an ‘ancient civilization’.”

Bide nodded: "It is indeed an exaggeration to say that it is an ancient civilization. You must know that at that time, we in the East were in the Tang Dynasty, and a relatively sound humanistic society had already been established. However, the Toltak people may be more like There is a connection with the mysterious Mayan civilization, and I suspect that this monument of time is a legacy of the Mayan civilization.”

"Mayan civilization!" Gwen was even more surprised now.

Mayan culture is one of the most precious ancient cultures in the world.

The Mayans possess a high degree of mathematical knowledge, astronomical calendar knowledge, hieroglyphics, philosophical thoughts combined with religion, etc.

For example, modern science has only deduced that a year is 365.2422 days, but thousands of years ago, the Mayans had already derived data that a year is equal to 365.2420 days.

The deviation between them has been as small as less than 20 seconds, which can be said to be very accurate.

The most well-known ones are their several relatively accurate predictions.

First, it predicted their own destruction.

Second, it predicted that our era would have high-tech products such as airplanes and automobiles.

Third, it is predicted that in our generation there will be a person like a big devil who will harm the world, that is, a mustache.

Fourth, devastating global wars were predicted, even their number, start and end times.

Fifth, it will not appear after the sun sets on December 21, 2012.

Except for the fifth one, all the first four were predicted to succeed.

This is the reason why the Mayan civilization "canonized" the gods.

And if it has something to do with it, it will really put a mysterious veil on this monument of time.

Bid continued: "The Monument of Time may contain some kind of power that can allow time to travel through the human body, thereby rejuvenating people. There is a guy named Tums who will use it to make a The instrument allows him to rejuvenate himself briefly. There is also a guy named Silverman who will be turned into an infant by the Monument of Time. Oh, by the way, he is now in his seventies. "

"It's really miraculous," Gwen said with a smile, "But birth, old age, illness and death are natural laws. Using this method to forcefully reverse the natural laws will probably cause some uncontrollable consequences, right?"

Bid nodded: "For ordinary people, yes."

Another thing he didn't say was: For people like them who can travel around the world at will, time and life don't mean much.

For example, the Ancient Master in the movie dimension, if she didn't want to die, she could have lived forever.

Doctor Strange, Thor and others don’t age either.

Even superhuman beings like Captain America and Black Widow who have only been injected with super serum will age at a greatly reduced rate.

And Bid himself.

To be honest, since the energy quantization, he felt that the impact of time on him has been minimal.

Even without eternal life, he felt that his life span had been greatly increased.

"The Monument of Time will fall into the hands of Connors. Maybe it's time to find a way to get in touch with him," Bid thought to himself, "I just don't know if the Nine-Four Spider has seen Connors. He should be interested in my methods. Bar?"

After dinner, Gwen suggested walking outside, so Bid temporarily gave up the idea of ​​going back and continuing to read.

However, there doesn't seem to be much to see in New York at night.

The streets are also deserted.

Maybe it's because there are too many villains in the world and the streets are unsafe, so most people don't like to go out at night.

However, when the two were walking through a street, the spider sense reminded them that there was something in the sewer?

And, there seems to be a lot more!

I've been having a headache for the past two days. Typing is like squeezing out toothpaste. I can't hold it in for a long time. Everyone should pay attention to their health~

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