Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 143 Gene Surgery Upgraded

Now he sees it.

He saw Gila's heart that was kinder than many humans, hidden beneath the lizard-man appearance.

"Mr. Beeder, I think, I have already thought about it. I hope you send Gila away. Gila is my daughter, my only daughter." Dr. Connors said.

Jira was shocked, and her eyes gradually became misty: "Father, is what you said true?"

Dr. Connors nodded solemnly.

Dr. Connors looked into Gila's eyes, as if he saw an ignorant girl in her eyes.

She is so kind and simple.

His tone became gentler unconsciously, and he said: "Gira, you are different from other lizard people. Although you were also born unexpectedly, this is like a gift to you, a gift that allows you to see the difference." The gift of the world. Now let me ask you, do you want to be the same again and live in confusion, or do you want to accept this gift and continue to live with a new identity? "

Gila murmured and repeated his words: "Gift. Live with a new identity."

Monit's eyes widened and he struggled to stand up, but then Gwen kicked him again: "Be honest."

Monit fell to the ground and yelled: "What do you want to do? What do you want to do?!!"

Then he looked at the high platform where Dr. Connors was standing and said in horror: "Father, father, you can't do this, we are your children!"

Dr. Connors ignored the two of them and still looked at Geela.

Geela was also looking at him blankly.

At this time, Monit noticed something was wrong and shouted: "Father, father! I am Monit, I am your first child!"

Munoz on the side also shouted: "Father, father, look how cheerful and lively I am!"

As he spoke, he grinned, revealing a scarlet forked tongue.

Bid, Gwen:

You call this cheerful and lively?

Finally, Gila nodded: "Father, I listen to you and I will go with you."

Dr. Connors nodded with relief and turned to look at Bede: "Mr. Bede, please."

Bid raised his hand and teleported Gila to the New Gene Research Institute.

After Gila disappeared, Dr. Connors looked down, his eyes gradually becoming firmer.

"This accident started because of me, and it should be ended by me. I'm sorry, lizard people."

As he spoke, he pressed the gene bomb switch in his hand and threw it away.


The genetic bomb exploded instantly.

But there was no fire and no real damage.

But the next moment, a shocking scene appeared.

First, the lizard people who gathered under the high platform to pay homage to Dr. Connors began to shrink in size.

Then there were the two lizard princes, Monit and Munoz, who were subdued by Gwen. Their changes were slightly slower, but their bodies were trembling all the time.

Finally, there are the lizard men who are constantly rushing towards the Nine-Four Spider.

As the torrent of neutrons from the genetic bomb swept across, the lizardmen fell to the ground and roared.

For a moment, this place seemed to have become a hell, filled with the roars of monsters one after another.

Monit's eyes were full of hatred and madness, and he stared at Dr. Connors: "Father, father, I hate you, I hate you! Ahhh——"

Muñoz burst into tears: "Father, why is this?"

Then, like the other lizardmen, they all turned into lizards and fled in all directions.

The sight of thousands of lizards crawling around is still a bit breathtaking.

But it's better than having thousands of human-sized lizardmen surrounding you.

Looking at the scene below, Dr. Connors could not speak for a long time.

But he knew he was doing the right thing.

The lizard man was born accidentally due to his fault. To be precise, it was a semi-finished product that evolved against the laws of nature.

That would be fine if there were no humans on the earth.

But since humans already exist, there is no room for a second intelligent species to squeeze their living space.

If you just sit back and watch the lizard people grow, it will only cause a racial war in the end.

But now, restoring everything to the original before they have fully evolved is the best result.

People's joys and sorrows cannot be shared.

When Dr. Connors was dejected, the Nine-Four Spider jumped to Bid and Gwen: "Huh - is it finally over? My hands are going to cramp. I bet this is me The most intense battle I’ve ever experienced.”

"Isn't it cool to torture vegetables?" Bide said, looking at the expression on the Nine-Four Spider.

"Uh," the Nine-Four Spider scratched his head and said sheepishly, "Okay, it's indeed quite refreshing. I've never felt so comfortable. I'm just a little afraid of beating them to death, so I always have to carefully control my strength. Damn it, I didn't do that before. So troubled."

"Oh, damn Versailles!" cried Bid.

"Versailles? Is it the Palace of Versailles in France? What happened to it?" Jiu Si Spider asked in confusion.

"Nothing, this is a common term we use, and it can probably be used in the context you just mentioned." Bide explained.

"What context?"

"You know you're very good, but you deliberately belittle yourself to arouse admiration from others," Bide continued.

Ninety-Four Spider:

Afterwards, Bide opened the portal, and everyone stepped through the portal one after another and returned to the New Gene Research Institute.

After they left, this abandoned space returned to deathly silence again.

Everything the lizard people left here will eventually fade away over time. In the end, no one may remember that such a group ever appeared in this world.

Back in the New Gene Research Institute, Gila is standing here.

After being teleported, she panicked for a brief moment.

But soon, she smelled the "father's breath" filling the air, which made her quickly quiet down.

Gila was temporarily placed in the New Gene Research Institute by Dr. Connors. He would personally teach her human writing, language, knowledge, etc.

The New Gene Research Institute looks very big, but in fact there are only a few researchers inside.

Except for Dr. Connors himself, it was the girl named Debra.

This is probably because he knows the dangers of this new genetic technology, so he doesn't want to let others join in easily.

So there's nothing wrong with hiding Kira here temporarily.

As for Gila's future, Dr. Connors hasn't thought about it yet. He wants to teach her first and then let her choose what kind of person she will be in the future.

After settling in Gila, Dr. Connors also took the opportunity to make a request to discuss new genetics with Bid.

Bid happened to have the same idea.

The two hit it off immediately.

So in the next period of time, Bid's life became busy and fulfilling.

He stayed with Dr. Connors every day. With the help of Bid's quantum vision, the two conducted a very detailed analysis of gene chains and biofilms.

And after one and a half months of study, many breakthrough results were obtained.

First, Dr. Connors’ broken arm was actually healed!

Moreover, it is a brand new arm with no side effects at all, just like the one before it was broken!

This alone moved Dr. Connors and his wife, Lady Margaret.

The relationship between Dr. Connors and Pedder suddenly became much closer.

Then, there is the mutated lizard gene in Dr. Connors' body.

Bid also removed the defective part of the mutant gene for him, which not only prevented Dr. Connors from losing his mind even if he entered the lizard-man state, but also made him stronger.

The last and greatest achievement.

Under the advice of Dr. Connors, they developed a special ability at the genetic level.

They named it: controllable genetic variation.

This is an ability directly related to the cranial nerves and spinal nerves.

Mainly I found inspiration in Dr. Connors himself.

When he was studying the genes of the Nine-Four Spider before, Bid heard a genetic term from Dr. Maria: genetic mutation.

Gene mutations come in two forms.

In a narrow sense, it is called a point mutation.

In a broad sense, it is called chromosomal aberration.

Among them, point mutations generally do not cause changes in appearance, while chromosomal aberrations are more serious, but their combat effectiveness is also stronger, and they are completely liberated.

Controllable genetic mutations do just that.

Using this ability, all those mutant genes can be hidden and move closer to the point mutation state.

In this way, there will be no change in appearance, and you can live like a normal person.

And when it's time to fight, you can enter a state of distortion and release your own combat power.

The reason why it is connected to the nerves is because the reaction speed of the nerves is fast enough, and it can transform independently when it senses danger from the outside world.

This is mainly because the world is full of dangers. For example, Kingpin is always secretly plotting various conspiracies, many of which involve Dr. Connors.

This gives him the ability to protect himself.

While Bide was studying in the research institute, the Nine-Four Spider was not idle either.

It can be said that it was calm during this period, and most of the villains did not come out to cause trouble. The Punisher and Blade seemed to have given up on continuing to cause trouble for him after being defeated neatly by the Nine-Four Spider.

So Jiu Si Spider resumed his original identity and met Mary Jane with peace of mind.

The relationship between the two warmed up rapidly. In the past few days, they were already thinking about getting married.

Of course, their relationship could develop so quickly without the help of Bid and Gwen.

With their persuasion, the Nine-Four Spider dropped its concerns about hiding its identity and revealed it to Mary Jane.

This version of Mary Jane is not the Toby Spider. She has a tough character and loves the Nine-Four Spider very much.

After knowing his identity, she became Jiu Si Spider's best helper.

For example, when encountering some emergencies, she would help Jiu Si Spider change his clothes, help him lie to cover up his dual identity, and enjoy it.

I heard that she even signed up to learn fighting skills recently, just so that she would not become a drag on the Nine-Four Spider when her identity was exposed one day in the future.

Who doesn’t love a girl like this?

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