Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 151 The Circus Spider and the Demon Lun

The sudden change caused chaos on the scene.

The audience fled outside.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?" the circus Spider-Man said angrily as he hugged Mary Jane and avoided the ceiling falling from above.

The person who came was a haggard man with a slicked back hair. His body was slightly hunched, like a bad wolf. The red eyes stared fixedly at the circus Spider-Man, and the meaning emanating from them made him shudder.

"Me? My name is Morlun, and I'm here to find some 'delicious food.'" Morlun looked at the circus Spider-Man carefully, then grinned, showing his fangs.

"Delicious? If you're hungry, I'd be happy to treat you to a meal, or two. But before that, you need to apologize for what you did, man." The circus Spider-Man also tried Reason with this wolf-like man.

However, Mo Lun's face suddenly became terrifying.

He stared at the circus Spider-Man and said grimly: "Really? Do you really want to treat me to a meal?"

The circus Spider-Man was stunned.

He suddenly felt very uncomfortable and sick.

And this sense of oppression that directly hits the soul comes from the man in front of him!

"Marian Jane, go find Mr. Watson quickly and get out of here first." The circus Spider-Man whispered to his girlfriend.

"Peter!" Marianne Jane noticed something was wrong.

"Come on, please!" the circus Spider-Man shouted.

"Marian!" Marian Jane's father, Mr. Watson, pulled her and ran away.

They all know Peter's true ability, and all they have to do now is not to drag him down.

Morlun didn't care whether the others stayed or went.

He was still staring at Circus Spider-Man.

The next moment, his figure suddenly shot out.

Spider-Man is terrified at the circus.

He finally discovered that not only had his spider sense disappeared, but even the speed and strength he had always been proud of were not worth mentioning in front of this strange man named Mo Lun!


His right hand was pinched by Mo Lun.

A huge force came and crushed the bones in his right hand!


The circus Spider-Man screamed, endured the pain, flew up and kicked Morlun in the chest.

Mo Lun didn't seem to have any intention of killing him directly, so he let go of his hand.

The circus Spider-Man also took this opportunity to jump back and arrived a few meters away.

"Damn it, what's the background of this guy?" The circus Spider-Man pressed his left hand on the place where his right hand was crushed and looked at Morlun in horror.

But Molun opened his mouth slowly and took a deep breath.

Then, an expression of enjoyment appeared on his face, and he praised: "Ah~ This pure smell is so delicious! You are a generous person and are willing to entertain me with yourself. However, compared to eating it directly , I prefer to play with food!”

Only then did the circus Spider-Man understand what this man meant by "eating a meal".

What he wanted to eat turned out to be himself!

"What are you? An ogre?" the circus Spider-Man said angrily. As he spoke, he shot out a few strands of spider silk, trying to use this to interfere with the opponent.

Long-term circus performance allowed him to develop good silk-spinning skills.

With his superb silk spinning technique, Mo Lun's body was immediately tied up tightly.

"Ha-ha-I can finally breathe a sigh of relief." The circus Spider-Man breathed a sigh of relief and was about to call the police and let them deal with this guy.

After all, you can tell from this guy's tone that this guy is a super villain who enjoys cannibalism for fun. He must be put behind bars!

"Is this the only way?" Mo Lun was a little disappointed.

The next moment, under the horrified gaze of Spider-Man in the circus, he exerted a slight force, and the spider silk, which was comparable to a hemp rope, was torn off like a real delicate spider silk!

"How is that possible!" Circus Spider-Man's eyes widened.

Mo Lun walked towards him slowly: "Although your strength is pitifully weak, I believe that you will be a good delicacy~ However, I have to be careful and not eat you all at once. After all, you are So weak!"

"Damn it!" The circus Spider-Man now realized that he could not be this man's opponent. He had completely crushed him in every aspect!

After reacting, he turned around and ran away in the other direction.

Nor can he lead the danger in the direction in which Marianne Jane and her father escaped!

"Want to leave? My spider is delicious~" Mo Lun showed a sick smile on his face and followed step by step.




With his excellent physical fitness after mutation, the circus Spider-Man jumped on the low medieval houses.

But behind him, there were muffled sounds one after another.

In front of Mo Lun, houses and other things are not worth mentioning.

He lightly swung his fist and smashed the wall of the house directly, and followed him like this.

He looked like a cat that had caught a mouse.

Cats always like to play with mice before eating them.

"No, this is too sudden! I haven't. Not yet." The eyes of the circus Spider-Man gradually showed despair, "I have witnessed the new world and found the love of life. I have experienced many winds and rains. Now it is withered and broken like petals."

The circus Spider-Man is a literary young man who loves Shakespeare's works. Unfortunately, everyone loves his acrobatic performances more than his plays.

But that's nothing.

He felt he had found a way to combine drama and acrobatics and incorporated it into his performances, making the legendary circus famous.

He should have risen through the ranks and become a rising star in the entertainment industry.

How could he fall down in this place?

He is not willing to give in!

He is afraid!

He is afraid!

Who can help me?

call out!

A scream filled the air.

After playing for a while, Morun finally lost the patience to continue playing.

He casually picked up a stone bench as high as one person from the roadside and sharpened one end of it with a knife, like a thick and short spear?

And this short spear, which didn't look like a weapon at all, was thrown into the hands of Morlun with the power of a cannon!


Circus Spider-Man barely changed his body shape and dodged the blow.

The short spear fell into a nearby house, directly destroying half of the wall of the house.

Although he didn't hit the target this time, his already serious injuries were aggravated again after all this trouble.

In fact, he was very confused. His recovery ability was obviously amazing, but why did his broken right hand show no signs of recovery this time before the mutation?


A fist struck the circus Spider-Man, knocking his body still in mid-air into another house.

"Cough cough cough -" Circus Spider-Man felt that his whole body had been beaten to pieces, and his body was lying softly in the ruins, without even the slightest strength to move.

Click, click——

Mo Lun walked in step by step from the broken wall and walked straight towards the "food" lying in the ruins, the corners of his mouth gradually curled up.

He seemed to have already felt the delicious taste he was about to taste.

And the circus Spider-Man, whose prayer failed, can only close his eyes in despair and welcome his death.


A figure suddenly appeared between the two.

Bid tilted his head slightly and frowned: "Are you late?"

He caught Spider-Man's emotions at the circus when he was emitting strong emotional fluctuations, and then followed this.

Unexpectedly, it was still a step too late.

But fortunately it's not too late.

At least the Spider-Man of this world hasn't been killed yet.

"Who are you?" Morlun paused and looked at Bid.

Bide frowned slightly, looked at the man in front of him, and quickly recognized his identity: "Are you Mo Lun?"

Mo Lun was surprised and said: "You know me?"

We know each other, how could we not know each other?

Morlun should be the earliest member of the Heir family to appear.

He is actually an incorporeal existence similar to the Electric Man, and what Bide and the others see now is just his appearance after being integrated into a body.

In earth-616, which is usually considered the world of the main universe, a man named Ezekiel told Spider-Man 616 about the origin of his identity.

Spider-Man's powers were no accident. The spider that bit him voluntarily transferred its powers to Peter and died.

This is a "totem", a bridge that connects humans and animals, giving it the characteristics of both.

And in the multiverse, there are some people who are trying to destroy the totem!

One of them is Mo Lun.

Then, Morlun appeared in that world and continued to defeat Spider-Man 616.

In the end, it was Spider-Man 616 who found his weakness through the blood samples obtained during the fight. Later, he injected himself with a certain amount of nuclear radiation, and in this method of mutual destruction, Mo Lun was poisoned by the radiation, and then Mo Lun was killed.

And the one in front of him is obviously Mo Lun, who died once in Universe 616 and was resurrected using family cloning technology!

"The look in your eyes makes me feel disgusting!" Morlun suddenly said when Bid looked at Morlun, trying to find some possible weaknesses in him.

Then, he rushed forward quickly.

"Watch out!" yelled the circus Spider-Man.

Although he didn't know who the person who suddenly appeared was, he, like most Peters, didn't want to see anyone get hurt.

"It's so fast," Bid narrowed his eyes and swung his body slightly to the side. At the same time, he raised his foot and gave him a hard knee.


There was a muffled sound, and the scene that appeared shocked the circus Spider-Man.

The man who chased him all the way to the sky and into the ground was actually knocked into the air by the man who just appeared!

Morlun flew far away, hit a house, and fell directly into it.

Bid rubbed his knees: "This guy's body is as hard as a steel plate!"

However, the brief confrontation also made his heart relax a little.

The strength of the members of the successor family is not as strong as imagined.

At least that's the case with Morlun.

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