Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 155 The strength surges

To be honest, when he just saw Spider-Man in this world being sucked to death, Bid was really angry.

He even had the urge to kill Damons directly.

But after the exchange just now, he quickly calmed down.

Damons is more powerful than Morlun, and to kill him, at least one of the disposable Infinity Stones must be used.

And even if you kill him, he can still be resurrected.

This doesn't make any sense.

So he decided to make a strategic retreat first.


With tears in her eyes, Maid Parker kept running with her brother Benjamin Parker in her arms.

The loud noise coming from behind, as well as the violent shaking and rolling of the earth, made her sad and shocked.

What kind of battle could cause such devastation like a natural disaster?

Who was the monster who killed her parents?

There is also her boyfriend Wes, whose life or death is still unknown.

But she didn't dare to look back, or even pause.

She knew that her most important task now was to survive with her brother!

Otherwise, her parents' sacrifice would be meaningless!

On the other side, Mary Jane was lagging far behind.

Thanks to her conscious exercise in the early years, her physical fitness is better than most people, but after all, she is over forty and still holding her husband's body in her arms.

When Bide found her, she only ran a few hundred meters away.

Moreover, if Bid hadn't arrived in time, she would have been pinned down by a falling house.

Bid disappeared in a flash, taking her and Peter's bodies away from the danger zone.

"Thank you monster?" Mary Jane was shocked.

Bid looked at the mummified Spider-Man and sighed: "I'm here to say goodbye to you. Although it's a pity, now that Peter is dead, you will be safe. That monster is here for Peter. "

Sadness flashed in Mary Jane's eyes, but after hearing what Bid said, she grabbed his hand: "No, that's not the case, that monster said that in addition to Peter, his targets also include my daughter Medei and son Benjamin! Can you save them?"

"Made Parker? Benjamin Parker?" Bid raised an eyebrow.

Because he was called here by Peter's message before his death, he thought there was only one Spider-Man in the world.

But now that he said it, he probably knew which world this was.

The timeline of this world is about fifteen years earlier than that of the main world (Universe 616). This means that most of the events and character events related to Universe 616 in this world are fifteen years earlier than that there. Years or so.

Mayday Parker, also known as Spider-Girl, is the first child of Spider-Man Peter Parker and Mary Jane Parker in the 982 universe. She was named this in memory of Aunt May.

After Maeda Parker was born, she was kidnapped by the Green Goblin.

With the help of Kane (Scarlet Spider), Spider-Man 982 rescued Maid Parker.

Afterwards, Spider-Man 982 went to seek revenge from the Green Goblin. He lost a leg in the conflict and could only rely on the bionic prosthetic leg given by Mr. Fantastic.

As a result, Spider-Man 982 retired and began to live an ordinary life.

But Maid Parker, who worshiped her father and gained the power of Spider-Man 982, embarked on the path of a superhero.

It is worth mentioning that Maeda Parker also has an "Uncle Ben", but it is not Ben Parker, but Ben Riley (another Scarlet Spider-Man and a clone of Spider-Man).

In order to save Spider-Man 982, Ben Reilly was pierced by the Green Goblin's skateboard and died, but his spirit influenced the next generation.

There is another very important point.

This child named "Benjamin Parker" is an important pawn in the major events of the Spider Universe.


"Okay, in that case, let's find them first, and I will take them away together." Bid put his hand on Mary Jane's shoulder and disappeared from the spot.

In the distance, a roaring sound soon came.

After his strong appetite was aroused by Bid, but he suddenly lost the trace of Bid, Damons was very angry at the moment.

However, he guessed that Bid might go to find Maid Parker and the others, so he followed his sense of their aura and followed them.

But he didn't know that Bid had just learned that there were other spider totems in this world.

All I can say is that it was a mistake.

However, Bidde is faster than Demons.

After all, he has the dual combination of quantum spider sense and mental power. He can easily find the location of Maid Parker and his brother and sister and teleport directly there.

When Damons ran all the way and found the last breath of the Maidai siblings, he found that they had already disappeared.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Damons punched several times hard, breaking the ground into pieces.

However, no matter how he vented his anger, Bide and the others could no longer be found.

"Master Weaver, find a world full of totems like the one I devoured before, and send me there. I want to vent my anger!" Damons roared angrily.

Immediately, a portal appeared in front of him.

And on the other side of the portal is a strange world!

In this world, animals drive cars and wear clothes just like people!


Swish, swish, swish!

Three figures and five people appeared in Bid's universe.

"Hey! Boss, are you back? Uh, them? Marianne Jane?" The Circus Spider hurried over and looked at them curiously.

"Peter?" Mary Jane looked at him with wide eyes.

"Dad?" Maid Parker also saw him and exclaimed.

"He's the Spider-Man of another world, Peter Puck," Bid explains. "You might as well call him the Circus Spider, because before that he was a circus performer, and he and his Marianne Jane were in the circus. Performing for a living.”

"Hello, Puck. Sorry, I'm a little bit right now." Mary Jane's voice was choked and she couldn't speak.

The Circus Spider also discovered the mummy in her arms. Although all the essence of flesh and blood had been sucked out, some outlines of the appearance could be vaguely seen. Coupled with the emotions of Mary Jane and Bid at this time, he probably also The identity of the corpse was guessed.

So he immediately shut up.

At the same time, I felt a little happy.

If Bide hadn't arrived in time, he would probably be like this, right?

"Mary Jane, put him in here first," said Pedder softly.

Immediately, he activated his creation ability and made a sarcophagus in front of them, and helped her put 982 Spider-Man's body into the sarcophagus and closed the lid.

Bid said: "When this war is over and we defeat the Successor family, we can send him back to your own world."

Mary Jane and Madea Parker were both depressed, and Bid understood their feelings.

Here, he imitated the appearance of Aunt Mei's home that he had seen in the Ultimate Spider World, built some houses, and asked them to find one to live in.

"There is currently no concept of time in this world. There is no sun or moon. Let's take the clock in the room as the standard."

"The food is all in the refrigerator. I have set the unlimited access mode, and it will be replenished automatically after taking it. The milk powder for little Parker is also prepared and placed in the cabinet. If there is anything else that needs to be replenished, please contact me."

"If you want to train, forget it. You should take a good rest first."

After Bid told the mother and daughter some things, he left.


In a laboratory built out of thin air.

Bid stretched out his left hand and completely restrained the Circus Spider in the air.

"Pakoff, are you ready?"

The Circus Spider nodded solemnly: "Boss, I'm ready, come on!"

Because he had released the spider totem's aura in front of Damons, he had successfully attracted Damons' attention.

The master weaver who is now imprisoned by the successor family is a being who far surpasses him on the path of "destiny".

He was not sure whether the other party would follow the traces and find him.

It would be better if he was here then.

In this universe, he is not afraid of anyone, even if Solus comes in person, he dares to touch him.

But if he happens to go out to save someone.

Just in case, he planned to improve the Circus Spider's strength first.

That's right, it's the "spider gene surgery" performed on the Nine-Four Spider!

Find the parts of spider genes and human genes in the mutated genes, and use quantum energy to fine-tune them to turn them into "golden spider genes."

After undergoing this surgery, the Nine-Four Spider's strength was at least dozens of times higher than before!

But he had a low starting point, and his original strength was less than one ton.

The starting point of the Circus Spider is slightly higher than that of the Nine-Four Spider, but it is not as strong as the Ultimate Spiders that Bide has seen, so there must be room for improvement.

When performing surgery in this universe, there are not so many worries.

With the energy of the entire universe as a backing, Bid can always remain at his peak in this universe.

Just like the fight he had with Damons just now, the energy consumed and the slightly tingling bones were all restored to the same state the moment he returned to this world.

In just a few minutes, the circus spider's genetic modification surgery was a success.

Circus Spider and Nine-Four Spider were both very happy about the improvement of their strength.

"It's amazing! Thank you, boss. Please take me with you next time. I feel like I can have a good fight with that bastard now!" The circus spider jumped on the spot and took the initiative to challenge.

His normal strength at this time is about seventy or eighty tons. Although it is not as exaggerated as the Nine-Four Spider, it is still six or seven times higher than the previous ten tons, which is not bad.

This is just a normal force.

As we all know, Spider-Man's power has some spiritual effects.

For example, the Toby spider, which normally weighs about 15 tons, can stop a train when it is angry.

The Dutch spider, which may normally weigh less than 15 tons, can prevent the ship from splitting in half under full force.

If it were the Circus Spider at this time, even if it couldn't defeat Morlun, it should be able to give it a try.

At least he wouldn't be knocked down like before.

In him, Bid saw his former self.

He struck decisively: "With your current strength, you are still far from being able to defeat them! Don't move, you still have some strength, give me a good guard on our home."

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