Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 160 The Shadow Spider Reappears


New York in 1939 was still in a rather dark era.

Although many years have passed since the Great Depression, the economy has still not recovered much due to the impact of the continuous war, and the people at the bottom are still being squeezed and living in misery.

Six years ago, a passionate young man named Peter Parker, who had been influenced by Aunt May's ideals and Uncle Ben's values ​​for many years, resolutely chose to join the journalism industry, using photos and truth as weapons to fight crime and protect the weak.

However, in such a severely corrupted city, the capabilities of a mere journalist are actually very limited.

Until one day later, while secretly filming a crime, Peter Parker was bitten by a venomous spider that emerged from an old statue!

Afterwards, he fell into a coma and dreamed of Annecy, the spider god!

When he woke up from his dream, he found that he had gained the mysterious spider power.

From then on, he got a new life and became the Shadow Spider-Man!

After that, he fought against gangs, dealt with capitalists who exploited labor, eradicated evil again and again, and became a great hero in the eyes of many ordinary people.

At the same time, it has also become a thorn in the eyes of many people.

Roxy Cinema.

"The video of this wonderful fight was captured three months ago. The location was on the streets of New York. This was also the place where the Shadow Spider last appeared on the street."

"We can see that in the video he stopped a drugstore robbery. This is very different from the things he was passionate about when he debuted, fighting gangsters."

“Today, when the turbulent days of mass warfare and lawlessness are behind us, when criminals like Al Capone, John Dillinger, the Green Goblin, and the Master of Crime are either facing justice or in prison, We have to think about this question.”

"That is, in today's Eagle Country, do we really need lawless vigilantes like Shadow Spider-Man to exist?"

In the auditorium below, this immediately sparked a discussion, and people expressed their opinions.

Among these people, there was a man who was dressed like a gentleman. He held a cane in his hand and stared at the big screen in front of him, chatting with the man and the female companion beside him. Said: "That's him! His movements, speed and sensitivity are superb! The blood of Annecy is flowing in his veins!"

The female companion asked: "So, how are we going to find him? Don't tell me you're going to rob a pharmacy or something to attract his attention."

The man paused and said: "I will find a way. Otherwise, for the rest of my life, wouldn't I have to live by performing for those ignorant lower-class people? I don't want to keep doing this!"

As they talked, the two stood up, left their seats, and walked out of the theater.

"Wow, dad, look, it's the magician Mysterio!" A child exclaimed innocently next to him, "He can make an elephant disappear out of thin air!"

Then, he asked his father with longing eyes: "Dad, can we go and see it? Let's go?"

The boy's father touched the boy's head: "I don't have money to spend on such second-rate charlatans. Magic and all that are just deception."

The boy was a little disappointed, but he immediately saw another poster and said happily: "Dad, why don't we go see "Jungle Land"! They have a thousand monkeys!"

The boy's father looked at the poster carefully and smiled slightly: "A thousand monkeys? This is interesting, let's go see this."

The man talking in the theater paused slightly and clenched his hand on the cane: "Would you rather see the monkeys than come to see me?"


at the same time.

New York World's Fair on the other side.

Shadow Spider-Man Peter Parker is the happiest man in the world right now.

On his right is his beloved Aunt May, and on his left is his favorite woman, MJ.

They talked and laughed all the way, making Shadow Spider feel happy throughout.

Shortly after he returned from an inadvertent journey to another world less than half a year ago, MJ, who left New York and went to the "Kingdom of Blood and Gold" in the West to participate in the civil war for three years, also returned from the army.

MJ and he fell in love six years ago. He originally planned to propose to MJ three years ago, but he didn't expect that it would be three years since she left.

Fortunately, she came back safely.

"So, ladies, what do you want to see?" Shadow Spider asked, "How about the 'Dream of the Goddess' over there? Everyone says Salvador Dali is a genius."

(PS: Salvador Dali is a Spanish Surrealist artist.)

Aunt Mei curled her lips disdainfully: "Only he himself can say that he is a genius, and he keeps talking."

Shadow Spider looked at Aunt May: "Don't you like surrealist works, Aunt May?"

Aunt May said: "Dali just put a lobster on a naked woman's head and fooled everyone into saying it was 'art', and also gave it some frivolous term like 'surrealism'. But for me It seems that he is a joker at best!"

Shadow Spider laughed.

As expected of Aunt Mei, who has been doing street propaganda for many years, even though she is older, she is still so sharp-tongued.

But when he looked at the "surrealist art" that was being watched by many people, he felt it was really boring.

Then, he looked to the other side: "Ha! Look, that's the 'Great Mysterio'! What do you think, MJ? Lobster art or magic show?"

MJ looked at Mysterio: "Oh, then it's magic, and magic is a little more interesting."

So, the three of them bought tickets and entered the "Great Mysterio's Magic Show Venue".

However, for some reason, from the moment he entered here, the Shadow Spider's spider sense began to vibrate constantly, as if reminding him that danger was coming.

However, he looked around and couldn't find the source of danger.

At this time, the magic show on the stage also began.

In full view of the crowd, the man called Mysterio tied all his hands and feet, and was hung upside down by ropes and put into a large spherical water tank.

"What you are about to witness is the most dangerous escape show in history."

"Death Ball!"

"Don't worry that the great Mysterio will die underwater before escaping, because he can hold his breath underwater for up to six minutes!"

"And in three minutes, this generator will input 50,000 volts of current into the fish tank, and all living things in the water will die in an instant."

"Five seconds left, four, three, two, one. Then, the show begins!"


The terrifying current rushed into the fish tank in an instant, making the fish tank glow.

When the light faded, only the fish that were originally swimming in the water were seen to be electrocuted and floating, while the Mysterio, who was completely bound, disappeared without a trace!

After a while, the Mysterio walked out from the side.

The woman in charge of the introduction said loudly: "Ladies and gentlemen, please give applause to the great Mysterio!"

Pa Pa Pa Pa--

Seeing this wonderful performance, the audience no longer hesitated to applaud.

Aunt May reluctantly clapped twice and then put down her hands, sighing, "These fish are so pitiful."

MJ asked curiously, "How do you think he did it?"

Aunt May shook her head, "I don't know. I don't know anything about television, Dr. Einstein's cosmic rays, etc. But I know that Peter must have seen it clearly."

So MJ looked at Shadow Spider, "What do you think, genius? Smoke and mirrors?"

Smoke and mirrors refer to the meaning of being mysterious, which is a local saying in Eagle Country.

Shadow Spider hesitated and analyzed, "The 'smoke' he released should be dry ice. They compress high-concentration carbon dioxide into particles, which will harden when put into water, and a thick layer of smoke rises from the bottom."

Although he said this, he actually had other ideas in his heart, because it didn't smell like dry ice.

"When he reappeared, he didn't even get wet." Shadow Spider continued.

So he didn't even go into the water, otherwise it would be impossible for his body to become completely dry in such a short time.

He just used some kind of sleight of hand to make us think he went in, that's all.

Combined with his spider sense.

Shadow Spider felt that there must be something wrong, and frowned slightly.

MJ smiled and hugged Shadow Spider's arm, and put his face on his shoulder: "So you didn't understand it at all, right?"

The softness and warmth transmitted from the arm made Shadow Spider come back to his senses, and he smiled: "Yes."

However, seeing your smile is the best thing.

The three of them left here talking and laughing.

And in a place unknown to Shadow Spider, a conspiracy was unfolding around him.

Backstage of the performance.

Mysterio and his female companion returned here after dealing with the fanatical fans.

Mysterio held a ball with an unknown gas in his hand, covered the air on the surface of the ball, and then dispersed the smoke.

Then he took off the mask.

It turned out that under the mask of him and his female companion, they were wearing a gas mask.

The female companion said: "We hibernated in the Amazon jungle for three years, lived with reptiles and poisonous snakes, and were eaten alive by mosquitoes, and only then did we learn to make this 'magic smoke'. Now we have to waste it on pleasing these country bumpkins."

Mysterio said nothing, put the magic smoke ball aside, and then took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet.

The female companion continued to instigate: "Take it to fool Wilson Fisk, we can get rich in a minute!"

Mysterio paused, then picked up two wine glasses and placed them, pouring the wine while saying: "Yes, yes, yes. Then he will figure it out after a while and send a killer wearing a gas mask. The two of us will become two sad and beautiful corpses in a minute. No, now I still want to maintain a cooperative relationship with Fisk."

"And this is only for now."

"As long as we find the Shadow Spider-Man and let his blood flow into my body, Fisk will immediately understand what real power is!"

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