Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 165 Damons invades the Super Spider Universe


There was a loud noise, and a 100-meter-high building fell sideways.

The anti-gravity levitation vehicles that were originally traveling in the sky in an orderly manner all dodged around.

In the panic, the hovercars collided with each other one after another, causing a series of collisions.

How could the collapse of the 100-meter-high building be easily avoided?

As the buildings fell one after another, countless hovercars were smashed down and plummeted to the lower level.

Purgatory on earth!

This world is earth-751263, and the Spider-Man of this world is called Super Spider-Man.

This is a very special world.

The Super Spider also comes from the Earth, because it failed to prevent Venom and Carnage from entering the space shuttle piloted by John Jameson, the son of JJJ, the owner of the Daily Bugle, to the counter-Earth, and the melon-eating masses did not know the existence of Venom and Carnage.

So Super Spider took the blame.

People no longer wanted to see him.

In a fire, the first-generation suit was damaged. Then Super Spider "borrowed" nanomaterials from Mr. Fantastic (actually stolen them) and created a nanosuit with sonic devices, night vision, invisibility and other functions.

Later, the Super Spider learned that John Jameson was still alive, and decided to go to Counter-Earth to rescue him in order to get justice for himself.

So, he hijacked a space shuttle and flew to Counter-Earth.

After arriving on Counter-Earth, Super Spider learned what was happening on the planet.

Many years ago, there was a guy named Supreme Evolution who transformed the animals on this planet and turned them into creatures like humans.

But he hates humans who like to make wars, so he demotes humans to second-class citizens.

Afterwards, he built a new society here.

In this new society, residential locations were divided according to class.

Animals, as first-class citizens, live in the upper class with highly developed technology, while humans, as second-class citizens, live in the dilapidated lower world.

And John Jameson joined the anti-Earth rebellion and became the leader of the rebel army, leading those humans with the will to resist to fight against the anti-Earth dictator Supreme Evolution.

After trying to persuade him to no avail, Super Spider decided to stay and help the resistance.

Venom and Carnage are also on Counter-Earth, following the orders of the Counter-Earth Symbiote (which is the secret code Carnage and Venom often talk about in the anime), trying to turn the entire planet into a paradise for symbiotes.

The Supreme Evolution has the Wendager Knights headed by the Tiger King, including Ursula the Bear Girl, Mrs. Fermin the Rat Girl, and the Ram - the Super Spider generally calls him Croissant.

The Knights of Windager can use robots as law enforcement officers to suppress humans by force and keep them "safely" at the bottom of society.

However, today's counter-Earth is already in chaos.

As the 100-meter-tall building fell, Mr. Croissant in the tall building became furious.

He thought it was the human rebels who were coming out to act as monsters again, so he immediately announced his fate.

A dozen battle robots roared out and flew into the sky under the leadership of Croissant.

"Where are you disgusting humans? Get out!" Croissant roared angrily.

"Oh? A totem that smells of mutton? Although it's not very delicious, it's good to try something new!" A rough and malicious voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a pillar shot out from a short distance, knocking down the croissant, the man and the flying chariot!

"Protect your Excellency, protect your Excellency!"

"Enemy target found!"

The combat robots activated one after another and headed towards the direction of the attack.

In the high-rise building that was pushed to the ground and only half of it was left, a man casually threw the body of a fishman that he had sucked dry at his feet.

It's Damons!

Looking at the combat robots flying above, Damons said disdainfully: "I remember fighting these flying toys a long time ago. That world was quite similar to this one!"

He casually fished it out, grabbed a handful of gravel from the side, and threw it into the sky.




A series of explosions sounded.

More than a dozen combat robots were destroyed in an instant!

There was such a big fight here, and it immediately attracted the attention of the Super Spider who was Peter Parker in the human neighborhood below.

He quickly put on the nano-suit, and after first rescuing a few people from the falling rocks, he quickly rushed to the place where the battle took place.

"What happened? Could it be that Jameson and the others launched another attack?" Super Spider was thinking as he swayed, and quickly overturned his guess, "No, where did they get so many explosives? They could actually directly Blow up a tall building?"

The Tiger King, Bear Girl and Rat Girl located in other places also rushed over with their own robot armies.

Damons' body flexed slightly, the cannon shot up, and soon landed next to the ram.

The ram was wearing special armor. Even though he was hit a bit, it was not a big deal and he stood up unsteadily.

He soon saw Damons' figure and said angrily: "How dare a mere human being be so presumptuous!"

As he spoke, he paused his sheep's hooves, lowered his head, and used his pair of huge argali horns to push towards Damons.

Damons snorted and remained motionless: "Interesting."


The Rams hit Damons with all their strength, but failed to accomplish anything.

Damons' figure didn't even sway.

"How, how is that possible!" Gongyang was stunned.

However, before he could step back, Damons stretched out his big hand, grabbed one of his horns, forcibly turned his head around, and sucked in sharply.

"The smell of sheep is too fishy compared to spiders," Damons commented after throwing the mummified ram aside, smacking his lips.

Then, he narrowed his eyes slightly: "Where are the spiders in this world?"

But then he looked at the bird-men, fish-men, cow-men, and monkey-men running around, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised high.

"I almost forgot, there are countless delicacies in this world. It's not a bad idea to have some 'dessert' first and then enjoy the main meal!"

With that said, he kicked off his feet again and rushed into the fleeing animal men.

Grabbing them casually with both hands, there were at least two animal men.

Then take one bite and it feels like eating melon seeds, extremely relaxing.

At Damons' speed, none of these ordinary animal men could escape his grasp.

In just a few minutes, there were hundreds of animal-man corpses on the ground!

"That bastard, over there!"

"Battle formation, launch an attack directly!"

The other Wendager knights finally arrived. They saw Damons' actions from a distance, and immediately let the battle robots focus their fire to attack.

Da da da--

Boom boom——

The bullets converged into a metal storm.

The roar of the shells was deafening.

The place where Damons stood was completely covered in an instant, and the sky was filled with smoke and dust.

"Stop!" After a minute of fire coverage, King Tiger raised his hand, and all the combat robots in the sky stopped firing.

King Tiger turned on the infrared detector on his mask and looked into the smoke.

However, the results of the feedback surprised him.

I saw a very powerful heat source appearing on the detector!

"How could it be! Fire again!" Tiger King roared.

"Ah - little bugs, I have felt your enthusiasm! Now, let you feel my enthusiasm too!" Damons' evil voice sounded again.

He jumped up and suddenly appeared in front of Mrs. Fermin, the rat girl who was nearest to him.

Mrs. Fermin's face turned pale, and she immediately controlled the laser cannon on the flying chariot to blast him.

A powerful laser cannon capable of vaporizing a human body, but Damons was unscathed.

Even his black dress was not affected at all!

He was bathed in the laser light, and went upstream, knocking Mrs. Fermin's flying chariot away with his body, and at the same time pinched her head with a big hand.


Damons crashed to the ground, causing the nearby ground to fall apart.

Tiger King shouted: "Human, let Mrs. Fermin go. We can forget everything you have done!"

"Haha! Why should I care about your stupid pursuit?" Damons laughed loudly and bit off Mrs. Fermin's head in one bite.

The life energy representing the "rat totem" and Mrs. Fermin's head were chewed to pieces by Damons.

And her headless body was thrown on the ground aside like garbage.

"Now, come and hold me accountable! Hahahaha!"

Damons vented to his heart's content. He wanted to vent his frustration of not eating that delicious spider and the other two young spiders in the previous world!

"Damn it, is he really a human?" King Tiger roared, and punched the dashboard of the flying chariot.

Ursula, the bear girl on the side, quietly came to the Tiger King and whispered: "Guns and cannons are completely ineffective against him, and lasers have no effect. How about we retreat first and report to the Supreme Evolution Master?"

King Tiger looked at Damons, who was laughing wildly below, and then at the corpses of Mrs. Fermin, Mr. Ram, and many innocent animal people. Anger and hatred emerged in the tiger's eyes.

"No, Ursula, you go and report to the Supreme Evolution Master, I want to stay here."

"But Tiger King." Bear Girl Ursula wanted to persuade her again.

The Tiger King stopped her directly: "Ursula, I am the Tiger King, and it is my duty to protect them! If, if I die, I hope you can inherit my will and let the orcs and humans coexist peacefully in the same sky. Please breathe freely, Ursula!"

Ursula the bear girl solemnly performed a knight's salute.

Tiger King is a rare exception among animal people. He occupies a high position, but he has a heart of compassion and love.

He believed that humans and orcs should be equal.

But because of the supreme evolution, he has never dared to reveal this idea.

But now, he felt that he was in danger, so he spoke out his last wish.


The Tiger King drew his knight's sword from his back, raised it high, and roared: "Knights of Wendager, I am the Tiger King, charge with me!"


What responded to him was the sound of battle robot engines filling the sky.

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