But what is this?

Husband and wife are of the same mind, heart to heart?

But they're not married yet

Bid subconsciously looked at his web of fate, and Gwen's position above was indeed special compared to others.

"Maybe that's why?"

He touched Gwen's smooth and pretty face and said, "It's okay, I've already killed the person. Look, the body has been brought back and is just waiting for a few doctors to dissect it."

Dr. Otto No. 1 rolled his eyes: "Please, please, we are in physics, not biology! Please figure it out!"

Bid laughed and said: "Oh, it's all for research anyway, that's pretty much it!"

"Okay, okay," Dr. Otto No. 1 said impatiently, "You are a very busy man. You came here this time not just to deliver this body, right?"

Bid smiled and said: "Nothing can be hidden from Dr. Otto. Because of my several actions in succession, the problems between us and the Successor family have intensified, so I am thinking that it is best to bring Gwen and the others to my base camp. ”

Previously, I was worried that Gwen was in danger there because of the lack of combat power there.

But now, not only are there several powerful Spider-Man gathered there, but his own strength has also been greatly improved.

In this way, his side is safer than the Ultimate Spider's side.

Of course he wanted to take Gwen back there.

However, after asking, he quickly learned that Little Black Spider was still in class, so how to take Little Black Spider away from this world was still a bit of a headache.

The Little Black Spider at this moment is not the person he will be in the future.

He has not experienced hundreds of battles, nor has he met the "Ultimate Spider-Woman" Jessica Drew (the female clone of Peter Parker in this world), nor did he kill his mother because of fighting.

He is still the kid in high school.

The good news is that Pedder had previously rescued his uncle Prowler.

If his uncle came forward to ask for a leave from school, maybe.

Thinking about it, Bid began to search for the location of the prowler.


at the same time.

In the clone company of earth-802.

A clone body of Damons suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes rolled twice and he realized that he was now resurrected.

Thinking of Bid who once blocked him from hunting "descendants" and directly killed him once, his face suddenly darkened.


The precious cloning chamber was opened by him, and Damons fell on the aisle beside him.

Warren (one of the three directors of this cloning laboratory) came forward, holding a piece of clothing that had been prepared: "Sir Damons, the energy supplement meal has been prepared for you, you need to eat something first. Something?"

Damons took the clothes and put them on his body, and said fiercely: "No! Where is Janix? Take me to find him!"

"Jenix-sama and Brax-sama returned to the 001 universe not long ago." Warren replied respectfully.

Damons was slightly startled: "Brex? Why did he come here? Is he too?"

Warren nodded and said: "Not long ago, Lord Brax was resurrected once. It seems that he encountered a problem."

He didn't feel too nervous, after all, the heirs had not been resurrected before.

Damons' face darkened: "I understand."

After that, he turned around, got into the portal behind him, and left the universe.

Warren was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Master Damons' fiery personality really can't be changed."

As he said that, he immediately called a few robot guards and asked them to clean up the cloning warehouse destroyed by Damons. While talking about Damons, he was really a prodigal son. These cloning warehouses and nutrient solutions were all valuable. .


Weaving the World—earth-001.

It is named after a master weaver who lives here.

After the Heir family took control of the Master Weaver, this place became the headquarters of the Heir family.

However, in reality, the heirs rarely stay here.

Because they are always busy hunting and devouring Spider-Man in various worlds.

Today, there are several successors gathered in the magnificent palace where it was built.

Janix, Brax, Bra, Verna and Morlun.

When Damons walked into the hall commonly used for family gatherings, he was shocked to find that except for himself and the exiled Kahn, all the other brothers and sisters had gathered here!

"Brother Damons, you are back too." Janix was the first to say hello.

Damons found a chair and sat down, his eyes swept over the faces of his younger siblings, and he asked doubtfully: "Is my father going to hold a dinner party? But I didn't receive a notice?"

He looked at the main seat, and there was no sign of their father, Solus.

An astonishing thought came to mind. Could it be that

Janix crossed his hands, placed them on the table, and asked: "Brother Damons, I heard that you died once just now. Who did you meet?"

Damons' face darkened: "You are really well-informed."

Janix smiled and said, "After all, it's my company. You haven't told me what happened."

Damons looked sullen and said nothing.

He soon saw that Blakes, who was sitting opposite him, also looked gloomy, as if everyone else owed him money.

I couldn't help but feel a move in my heart.


Blakes turned to look at Damons and forced a smile, but his face was still dark.

Bra on the side laughed and said: "Brex was actually killed by a bug that appeared out of nowhere. It's really embarrassing, hahahaha."

Although she and Brax are twins and often act together, they have always been sarcastic about each other and never miss an opportunity to ridicule each other.

This is the nature of the heirs.

When Damons heard this, his expression became even more sinister.

He had an intuition that the person who killed Blakes was probably the same person who killed him!

Mo Lun stretched out his finger, knocked on the table, and said: "Not long ago, I also met a very powerful guy in a certain universe. He can even cover up the aura of a totem!"

Damons was startled and asked, "Is that a guy wearing metallic clothes?"

"Metallic texture?" Mo Lun thought about it carefully and shook his head, "No, he was wearing very ordinary casual clothes."

"Brother, you also met him?" Janix was a little surprised.

Looking at Damons' reaction, he seemed to have guessed something.

Damons looked gloomy and nodded: "Yes, and I met him in both worlds! First in the world numbered 982, he stopped me from taking away the 'descendants', and then in the world numbered 751263, He.Killed me!"


"How can this be!"

Janix and others exclaimed.

Damons is the most powerful among them, and he will be killed!

Verna wondered: "He set a trap?"

Damons shook his head.

Bra asked: "He brought many people with him?"

Damons held up a finger: "Only one."

Morlun took a breath: "You actually lost the duel!"

Damons gave him a stern look.

Being killed already made him feel very bad, and now having his scars mercilessly revealed made him feel even more unhappy.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the entire living room became gloomy.

After Jennys pondered for a moment, he said, "Why don't you wake up father and let him deal with that guy."

Damons said angrily: "Looking for your father? Janix, are you a baby still drinking milk? If someone beats you, you should look for your father and call me sir?"

Janix's face turned cold: "Then, my dear brother, what do you think we should do?"

Mo Lun said: "Father is resting, there is no need to disturb him. However, we cannot let a guy like this go around and sabotage our actions. In my opinion, it is better to bring our respective 'hounds' and go find them to have some fun. !”

Verna's eyes lit up and she laughed: "Hehehe~ Brother Molun's suggestion is good, just right. I found some new hounds from several worlds and took them out to see the training results. Oh, and my vulture Legion, they are capturing a little spider for me in universe number 94."

A smile also appeared on Molun's lips: "My Namula Army has also expanded to more than 500 people, and it is quite useful."

Jasquez shrugged: "In this case, I can transfer some of my clone guards to you."

Damons glanced at them.

If it were him in the past, he would definitely ridicule these guys for being bored.

He has always believed that great power belongs to himself, so he does not engage in those things that are there or not.

What Verna calls "hounds" are actually superheroes or super criminals from those worlds that she captured when she went to different worlds to hunt spider totems.

Of course, there are mainly super criminals.

Because superheroes generally have firm beliefs and are not easily "tamed".

Super criminals are much easier to tame.

Therefore, she has a "hound army" of about fifty people composed of rhinoceros hounds, Kraven hounds, green devil hounds, etc., and a "hound army" composed of about twenty vultures from different worlds. Vulture Legion".

Verna put these originally lawless guys in chains and braces, then brainwashed and domesticated them, turning them into ferocious hounds.

Whenever she wants to go hunting, she will select a few of these hounds to accompany them, shouting in front of them and crowding behind them, making a great scene.

Morlun's Namula Legion is a mechanical biological army, composed of people who have been modified and equipped with mechanical exoskeletons.

However, he has not yet fully completed this legion. It is currently hunting for him in earth-31411, the Spider-Man of that world - "Armored Spider-Man" Alan Aikman.

As for Janix's clone guards, they were used by him to guard his cloning company in Earth-802. They were all modified humans.

Although their individual strength is not outstanding, they have many modern equipment and their combat power is also very good.

But now

A smile appeared at the corner of Damons' lips: "Then, brothers and sisters, go gather your respective armies and let's have a big fight!"

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