Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 176 Gwen is in action

The power of the Infinity Stones is undoubtedly very powerful.

In a single universe, they can be said to be the most powerful among the artifacts.

After all, they each represent a certain rule.

After collecting the six Infinity Stones, the user can make a huge impact or change on the entire universe according to his or her own wishes.

Even an Infinity Stone with a one-time effect like Bid is still an Infinity Stone!

In the movie dimension, Thanos used six Infinity Stones to wipe out half of all life in the entire universe!

And now, Bied is using these six Infinity Stones to seal off the universe!

Using the power of the six Infinity Stones, he temporarily "removed" this universe from the multiverse and made it an independent existence.

In this way, it is equivalent to directly cutting off the connection between dimensions, so that the five successors headed by Damons can only be forced to be trapped in this dimension.

Of course, because of the limited power in his infinite gems, this effect cannot last long and can only last for a few hours.

But that's enough!

Because, in addition to the combat team led by Jiu Si Spider, on the other side, the "infiltration team" led by Gwen is also conducting secret activities! ——

earth-802 universe.

Spider-Gwen, Shadow Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man, Little Black Spider, Super Spider-Man, and Earth-31411 Cosmic Armor Spider-Man, who had just been sent by Bid, met in a metal building.

They are the infiltration team.

Compared with the original "Scarlet Spider Team" (Kane, Ben Reilly and Jessica Drew, all clone Spider-Man) who was sent to infiltrate this universe, the current infiltration team is obviously more powerful.

Among them, Spider-Gwen had a special connection with Bid, and after Bid's authorization, she obtained part of the Web of Destiny.

It was precisely because of her existence that they had the capital to hide from Janix's senses and enter this world quietly.

Shadow Spider-Man's original strength was average, but Bid genetically enhanced him and then replaced his equipment, which greatly increased his strength.

At the same time, because his job is "detective + photojournalist", he has a keener observation of many things than other Spider-Man, making him very suitable for this kind of infiltration work.

After all, no one knows what will happen in a clone company.

This is a matter of professional habits and cannot be compensated for by other things.

As for Ultimate Spider-Man, in addition to being an extremely experienced fighter, he also possesses a considerable level of technology.

The Heir family's cloning technology relies on high technology, which is the specialty of Ultimate Spider-Man.

Little Black Spider came here because of his innate ability.

His unique stealth ability can even evade infrared detectors. It is better than any technological stealth method and is also the most suitable for this kind of infiltration work.

Super Spider-Man also has invisibility, but his invisibility is weaker than Black Spider's natural invisibility.

Having him here is a supplement. After all, although the Little Black Spider can become invisible, he still has insufficient combat experience and is too young. He needs a mature Spider-Man to act with him.

As for Armored Spider-Man.

He has considerable attainments in mechanical and biological majors.

The cloning technology of the successors also corresponds to these two majors.

His only flaw is that Bid sent him here in a hurry and did not have time to perform genetic surgery on him.

Therefore, among all Spider-Man, his basic combat power is the weakest.

Fortunately, he has technological means to supplement it.

And his main role is his knowledge, not combat power.

Not bad at all.

The super spider looked at the surrounding environment, pinched his nose, and said in a loud voice: "I said, can't we wait in a more comfortable environment? Do we spiders only deserve to stay in this kind of environment full of chemicals? A place that smells like waste?”

Shadow Spider shrugged: "Come on, where are you? You've never seen the sewers in my hometown. They haven't been cleaned for I don't know how many years. Some places are blocked by all kinds of filth. But what can be done? ? Sometimes you still have to drill, this is how spiders survive, isn’t it?

The little black spider was greeting the armored spider: "Hey! Hello, buddy, which world are you from?"

The armored spider looked at several "compatriots" wearing various spider suits, and once again sighed at the wonder of the world.

"Hello everyone, my name is Alan Aikman. I don't know what to call my world, but I am from the earth. I think everyone is from the earth, right?"

The little black spider smiled and said: "Dear Mr. Aikman, my name is Miles, Miles Morales. You can also call me Spider Boy or Little Black Spider. We are indeed from the earth. And they are all from New York, but they are from different eras.”

"The eras we live in are different?" Armored Spider wondered, "Is it true that the time flow rate in each world in the multiverse is different?"

Shadow Spider took over the words: "Yes. For example, my era was 1939, not long after the Great Depression. Everyone was having a very difficult time. There was still war outside, and there were people who were unkind to the rich inside. So my responsibility is Tell them that they are still human beings, not blood-sucking bugs lying on people’s bodies.”

Super Spider said: "My world is 2045. Before coming here, I was fighting orcs on another Earth. Uh, Anti-Earth should also be considered Earth, right?"

Little Black Spider and others had had a brief exchange with him before, so they knew his background story, and it was not surprising to hear it again.

Armored Spider was quite interested in the information revealed in his words: "Anti-Earth? Orcs? There really are orcs?"

Super Spider nodded: "It is said that a crazy scientist named Supreme Evolution used technology to make animals evolve into humanoids and become new intelligent creatures - orcs. However, they were also targeted by these monsters for this reason, and suffered heavy casualties."

When talking about this, Super Spider was a little depressed.

Although he and the Windagger Knights did not get along, compassion is the nature of most Spider-Men.

He expressed great sympathy for the tragic deaths of Mrs. Fermin and Sir Ram, as well as the heavy damage suffered by Tiger King.

This also deepened his determination to eliminate the Heir Family.

Aside, Ultimate Spider and Spider Gwen were debugging several equipment.

This is a sample of the portable nuclear radiation weapon developed by the Ultimate Spider in his laboratory.

Originally, the development of portable nuclear radiation weapons was not so fast.

But there were some technological breakthroughs during the period, and the body of Damons sent by Bid also played a significant role.

In this way, the first generation of portable nuclear radiation weapons was actually created in this first round of offensive!

——Although it has only undergone several weapon tests and has not been put into actual combat, he is not sure about the specific effect.

Originally, he thought there was no chance to test the weapon this time.

Because Bid's original plan was to trap all the other six heirs except Solus in a certain universe with him.

Thus creating an opportunity for them to enter the clone company of the heir family of the earth-802 universe to destroy their cloning devices.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and it was unexpected that there were also brains among the heirs.

Jennix did not go there, but stayed alone in the clone company to guard.

So he planned to try the effectiveness of these weapons in this battle.

Of course, he would not go to Jennix specifically in pursuit of testing weapons.

If all the cloning devices can be destroyed without fighting with Genix, it would obviously be the best result.

Spider Gwen came to the side of the Ultimate Spider and took a nuclear radiation weapon from him.

This is something similar to a pistol, but the front of the gun is a few metal washers, and the head is a small ball.

The Ultimate Spider introduced: "I call it the Nuclear Radiation Pistol Type ①, referred to as NRG-1. It is fully sealed. After opening the safety here, the micro-nuclear reactor inside will be activated. After about five seconds, pull the trigger and you can launch a nuclear radiation attack."

He pointed to the ball at the head of the gun and said: "This is a guidance device. There is a laser guide on the top of it. When the trigger is pulled, a laser with no damage effect will be emitted synchronously to locate the target. But remember, the radiation continues to spread outward in the form of waves, so although the laser beam is the center, in fact, the nearby range will be affected by a certain degree of nuclear radiation effect!"

"So, you must not have a team in front. Use it when your friends are around! It's best to use it with our spider silk to fix the target first! "Spider Gwen nodded: "How many times can it be used?" The Ultimate Spider smiled bitterly and stretched out a finger: "Only once. Considering safety issues, the elements loaded in it are only a few micrograms. Judging from the body of Damons, if you want to successfully achieve the weakening effect, you must release it all at once. " "In addition, because the gun uses laser heating and ignition to catalyze nuclear reactions, once the safety is turned on, it must be fired within 20 seconds, otherwise the RNG-1 will explode!" The Ultimate Spider warned seriously. Spider Gwen and others nodded. "So, the service life of this gun is actually within 5 to 20 seconds after the safety is turned on, is that what you mean?" Shadow Spider touched his holster and said. In addition to a pistol as a conventional weapon, he now also carries an RNG-1 nuclear radiation pistol. The Ultimate Spider nodded. Because the action was hasty, there are only three such pistols at present. One is with Shadow Spider, one is with him, and one is with Spider Gwen.

This also means that they only have three chances to weaken Genix!

Spider Gwen asked again: "So, if it hits, how long can it weaken him?"

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