Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 18: Besieging Wei to Save Zhao

This battle came and went suddenly.

After the alarm bells rang one after another in the distant streets, Kingpin and his generals escaped one after another.

Spider-Man has no intention of saving them.

Because they don’t want to deal with the police unless necessary.

——Most police officers have a bad opinion of Spider-Man as a vigilante, as does most of the world.

Everyone then gathered at Aunt Mei's house again and then quickly left.

Aunt Mei's house was the starting point of the battle, and although this sudden battle was short-lived, it still affected the entire street.

Therefore, Aunt Mei is considered the main victim and witness and must stay for police questioning.

Although they were very sorry, in order to avoid meeting the police, Bide and others had no choice but to leave their dilapidated home and Aunt Mei and leave here temporarily.

After much thought, they decided to go to the abandoned warehouse they often visited recently for a gathering.

For the sake of concealment, everyone left separately.

Bid put on his own clothes outside the spider suit and hid in the crowd.

Although he has an oriental face, there are quite a few orientals in Eagle Country, so they are not too eye-catching.

Soon, everyone gathered in the abandoned warehouse again.

However, besides the Spider-men, there was one more person who came.


Seeing the Prowler appearing here, Gwen and others subconsciously assumed fighting postures.

They thought Kingpin was still unwilling to give up and was going to fight them again.

The little black spider jumped out quickly. He came here with his uncle, and Prowler talked to him a lot on the way.

The most important thing is that Prowler was persuaded by Bid and decided to change his past!

"Hey, everyone listen to me! This is my uncle, and he doesn't work for Kingpin anymore!"

"Everyone, calm down," said Bied, who walked on two legs and arrived a little later than them. When he saw this, he quickly stood up to stop them.

He walked between the two groups and said: "Miles's uncle decided to turn over the dark side and help us deal with Kingpin together, so I think we don't need to be hostile to him."

"Wow, how did you do that?" Middle-aged Peter asked in surprise. On the way here, he was still thinking about how to help Miles resolve the matter between him and his uncle. Unexpectedly, he was silenced by Bid. Resolved without a fuss.

And according to observations, the Prowler's combat effectiveness is extraordinary.

This move not only weakened the enemy's lineup, but also strengthened our own strength.

With this coming and going, the improvement is not just a little bit.

Naturally, Bid would not tell them that he made the bet based on the character of a prowler from another world. He just roughly said what he said to Aaron Davis.

When they heard that he chose to stand with them to protect his family, the Spider-Mans all breathed a sigh of relief.

If it is for other reasons, it may be false.

But since they are family members, their credibility is much higher.

As long as a person is not a beast that has lost his humanity, he will not turn a blind eye to the safety of his family.

There is a saying that goes well: Family is the weakest point, but also the strongest armor!

They don't believe that bad people will suddenly change their past, but they can believe that a person can even choose to go against the whole world in order to protect his family!

Prowler, who gained everyone's initial trust, lived up to expectations. He told Spider-Man all the relevant information he knew about Kingpin, the particle collider, and the base where the collider was located.

Kingpin himself doesn’t really need to say much.

What the Prowler could learn was actually not much different from what Bede knew.

Even less than Bid.

Because the Prowler is strictly just a thug and has not entered the center of power of Kingpin's underground group.

Therefore, his understanding of Kingpin mainly comes from his daily activities.

Kingpin was a very cunning and vigilant person, and would not spread force around the world unless necessary.

Although he is big and has top-notch fighting skills, he is actually a truly intelligent person.

As for the collider.

Because the collider is very long and large, if you dig such a large project yourself, it will not only cost a lot of money, but also involve a lot of relationships, which is time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive.

It just so happened that during Brooklyn's early urban planning, the subway was rerouted, and several subway tracks and a subway station were abandoned below.

So the Kingpin used his power to take it and build it beneath Brooklyn.

The accelerator part of the particle collider relies on several completely abandoned subway tunnels as carrier spaces.

And its main body, which is the impact location of the particles, was placed in the abandoned subway station together with the cooling device.

When Prowler said this, Little Black Spider also interjected.

He said that he once entered there by mistake, and then saw Spider-Man and the Green Goblin fighting fiercely, and also witnessed Spider-Man's death there.

The Prowler was silent on this.

Strictly speaking, Spider-Man's death also had his share of "credit".

"Wait, Green Goblin? Is the Green Goblin you're talking about Norman Osborn?" asked middle-aged Peter.

Prowler nodded: "It's him."

"Norman is also working for Kingpin?" middle-aged Peter asked doubtfully.

After thinking for a while, Prowler said: "They should be in a cooperative relationship. As far as I know, the Osborne Group also had a hand in Kingpin's particle collider."

"The problem now is that if the Green Goblin gets involved, the opponent's strength will increase a lot," middle-aged Peter said with a headache.

This is not exactly good news.

"I think I need to leave for a while," Prowler said in his farewell message.

Shadow Spider-Man warned: "No offense, but I want to know what are you going to do?"

Prowler looked at him calmly, his eyes were very calm, and there was no hint of lying: "Kingpin must have known about my betrayal by now. I want to go find my brother to ensure his safety."

When the little black spider heard this, he jumped up quickly: "Uncle Aaron, take me with you too, I want to save dad too!"

The Prowler looked at him and patted his head gently: "No, Miles, you will be safer if you stay here."

"But..." Little Black Spider was a little reluctant. Hearing that a bad guy like Kingpin might be harmful to his parents, how could he be willing to just stay here?

"Miles, listen!" Prowler's tone became a little stern.

Then, looking at the eyes of the little black spider, his heart softened unconsciously: "Listen, Miles, your father is a policeman. Although Kingpin is powerful, he does not dare to attack the police easily. "

Bid stood up, looked at the uncle and nephew, and said, "Maybe this is not necessary."

"What do you mean?" Prowler asked.

Bide said: "In our east, there is an idiom called 'surround Wei and save Zhao'."

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