Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 182 The Last 24 Hours

A strong-looking man appeared at the palace door.

It was a burly figure three meters tall, with pale sideburns all over his face. In front of him, Damons was only as big as a bald Qiang and a Xiong Da.

He is the most powerful totem hunter and the patriarch of the successor family - Sorus!

"Father!" Morlun and Janix hurriedly greeted Sorus.

The sudden change made them panic.

Their father, Solus, has always been their spiritual support.

Seeing his figure made them relax a little.

"Lord Saulus," the weaver master also greeted.

In fact, Master Weaver knew a little about the actions of Bide and others.

The reason why Solus fell asleep at this time, and that Kahn never collided with Bied, was that the master of weaving performed some operations behind the scenes.

All he did was to help Bid so that he could lead the Spider Totems to win the war at a smaller cost.

It would not be like the "future" he had experienced, with so many totems dying. That was what the weaver master did not want to see.

But he didn't expect that the spider he threw out would actually find a "killer star"!

He actually did not leave these heirs alive as the weaver master expected, but decisively killed them all!

If Master Weaver hadn't discovered it in time, even Morlun would have died in the earth-31411 universe.

But the thing had been released and he couldn't take it back.

I just hope that after everything is over, he can have a good communication with his successor and try to get him back on track.

At the same time, Sorus on the other side had already listened to what happened to Janix and Morlun.

When he heard that the cloning company was destroyed and Damons and several other people were killed, Solus' eyes suddenly turned red.

He punched the stone pillar next to him hard, smashing the stone pillar into pieces.

The terrifying aura began to spread outwards from the temple, covering the entire planet and even the entire galaxy in one breath!

All living creatures on earth-001 are lying on the ground and shivering.

"Master Weaver, find the mastermind, I'm going to kill him!"

"Yes, Lord Solus," Master Weaver responded calmly, "The other party's ability is very special. He is not on the great spider web. It may take some time to find him."

"I don't care! I only give you one day. If you can't find him, I will kill you first, and then travel to every universe and destroy all the universes I pass through!" Solus stared with cold eyes. A master of weaving.

The master weaver couldn't help but tremble.

He has no doubt that if he dares to say one more word of rejection or refusal, Solus will kill him without hesitation and then destroy all the multiverses!

That's the kind of guy he is!

"Fortunately, there is still one day left." The weaving master sighed silently in his heart. The situation has become like this, and he doesn't know whether it is good or bad.

He now regrets his original actions, but thinking about the "thread of fate" he saw on the great spider web and the looming dark future, the master weaver's heart gradually became firmer.

"I understand, Lord Saurus," he replied, then said nothing more, and began to work on the great spider web with concentration, as if he had really begun to seriously search for traces of Bid and others. Same.

Although Solus was very angry and wanted to kill someone, he also knew that he still needed the weaver master to find someone for him, so he didn't worry too much here.

He left with Morlun and Genix.


In the 616 universe, perhaps because of his evil deeds over the years, "Doctor Octopus" Otto Octavius ​​suffered retribution - his body was gradually declining.

He first collected a large amount of key data through constant battles with Spider-Man in the main universe, and thus invented a golden octopus-a consciousness exchange device.

Then, the unsuspecting Spider-Man of the main universe was indeed trapped, and his body was usurped by Doctor Octopus, and he came to the body that was on the verge of death.

Spider-Man in the main universe didn't want to sit still and wait for death. With the help of a plan in Doctor Octopus's memory, he contacted several super criminals and escaped from the prison together to catch "Spider-Man" (actually Doctor Octopus, hereafter renamed Zhang Parker).

But Zhang Parker had already made preparations. He used a carbon-coated fiber layer to isolate the effect of the consciousness exchange device, and defeated the main universe Spider-Man who came dragging his body.

When he was dying, the main universe Spider-Man let Zhang Parker experience his life and let him understand what "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

So, after the real Peter Parker of the main universe died as Doctor Octopus, Doctor Octopus replaced him and became the ultimate Spider-Man who "does better"!

He defeats the new Sinister Six, breaks up with Mary Jane, blinds Vulture, seriously injures Boomerang, shoots Demon Slayer, and more.

He also built a mechanical spider that could monitor the entire process so that he could better "fulfill his responsibilities."

Although it is nonsense, under the careful management of Zhang Parker, the messy life of the original Spider-Man Peter actually began to get better.

But recently, a time-space dislocation accident suddenly occurred.

In the time and space of 2099, because the life of Tyler Stone, the president of Alchemy Company, was threatened, Spider-Man 2099 traveled through time and space and returned to this era, hoping to do something to save Tiberius before Horizon Laboratory became Alchemy Company. ·Stone’s life.

Chapter Parker and Spider-Man 2099 had a big fight.

Later, Horizon Laboratory was blown up due to an internal explosion, and Ultimate Spider-Man Chapter Parker disappeared.

"Hold on, Otto, use your brain!"

In a messy and bizarre tunnel, Zhang Parker kept encouraging himself.

But in fact, he couldn't even move his body, and could only watch his body floating around from the perspective of a bystander.

"That's definitely the case. I've fallen into some kind of backward time! These things that keep passing before my eyes are weird scenes from other worlds. These are the evidence!"

"But these worlds are different and some even run counter to each other. It's as if the timeline has been divided into countless scattered fragments. This means that I may end up anywhere!"


A strange sound sounded, and Zhang Parker felt as if he had been "vomited" out of the strange time tunnel, as if he had been swallowed by a whale with sea water in his belly.

But no matter what, he does feel that he is much more comfortable now.

At least, he has regained control of his body.

"Ah, I should have thought of it earlier! Nature has no room for gaps. 2099 lost its Spider-Man, so the universe asked me to take his place."

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