Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 184 Parker’s Travel

"Wow, is that Spider-Man?"

"Didn't he already come?"

"No matter what you do, don't you know what 'evacuation' means?"

When Zhang Parker passed through the complex parallel universe and fell into a new world, he heard the conversations of several people.

"Evacuate? Already here? What do you mean?" Zhang Parker patted his head. Traveling through time and space made him a little uncomfortable, but he quickly got used to it, and then he began to look at the surrounding environment.

Then he discovered some key elements.

In the distance, there is a body burning with blazing flames. In the center of the flames, the appearance of the man can be vaguely seen. That is the Human Torch from the Fantastic Four.

Then, on the other side, he found "The Stone Man" Ben Grimm who was shattered into stones, "Mr. Fantastic" Reed Richards whose neck and body were stretched out, and his abdomen was "Invisible Woman" Susan Stone has two large piercings.

"Reed Richards, the Human Torch, and the Thing. I knew Richards' arrogance would be their downfall. But more importantly, what could actually kill them. What was the cause?" Chapter Parker's eyes wandered back and forth over the corpses, filled with surprise and uncertainty.

"There are no signs of life," the smart assistant said. "I have detected an unusual energy, and the sign behind the pile of bricks is the most obvious."

Zhang Parker immediately followed the instructions and found a body lying on the ground.

He is the Spider-Man of this world!

"Interesting!" After being stunned for a moment, Zhang Parker uttered a word coldly.

He walked to the corpse, turned him over, looked at the "⑤" written on the opponent's spider suit, and quickly turned his head.

"Now I understand, this is not my world, but a parallel timeline. The Spider-Man of this world has joined the Fantastic Four."

The intelligent assistant said: "I agree. The vibration frequency during time travel is unstable, doctor. There is also a strange energy fluctuation here."

Zhang Parker was about to let it activate the flashback command and travel through time again. When he heard it, he stopped and asked: "How do you say it? What did you find?"

"It seems that there is another breath of time and space appearing here, which is slightly different from the vibration frequency of the surroundings, but it should stay for a short time and will disappear soon." The smart assistant said.

Zhang Parker pondered for a moment: "Another breath of time and space? Could it be that there are other people who have been here? No matter, go back first and activate the flashback command."



Zhang Parker flashed and disappeared into this universe, and then set off again from there.

Next, he traveled to a world where Spider-Man became a mutant and joined the X-Men.

There, he saw the destroyed New York City, with huge sentry robots falling on the ground - but they had been dismantled to pieces.

He got some information from other surviving mutants.

It is said that a man wearing a metal helmet to cover his face appeared in this world not long ago, fought with the X-Men, killed Spider-Man, Wolverine and many other X-Men before leaving.

Hearing the news, Zhang Parker's heart tightened.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man again!

This is already the second one!

Although the teams that are suffering in the two worlds are different, one is the Fantastic Five and the other is the X-Men, they look different.

But Parker is as smart as Zhang, and he immediately sees that what the two have in common is that they both have Spider-Man!

Moreover, judging from the information obtained from the survivors of the X-Men, the mysterious man came to find Spider-Man!

As for the other X-Men, they were all killed by that man to protect Spider-Man!

"Anna, let's go to the next world!" Zhang Parker felt a little heavy.

He vaguely realized that there seemed to be some kind of disaster that was happening quietly without his knowledge!

Then, he quickly came to the third world and found the Spider-Man of this world.

The world is in the midst of a civil war, and this Spider-Man is apparently the one to reconcile with the Registration Act.

Unfortunately, what appeared in front of Zhang Parker at this time was the completely destroyed Avengers Building, and the Iron Spider armor with two identical round holes.

Behind the body of the Spider-Man in the Iron Suit, there is a huge poster with the words "Registration Act is the law" written on it.

After that, the several worlds he rushed to were all like this!

"Damn it, we have to study the data recorded on this corpse!" In a certain world, Zhang Parker looked at the corpse of Spider-Man on the ground in this world, and finally fully understood the seriousness of the problem.

"Research shows that they all have the same two hole-shaped wounds on their bodies, and they are all surrounded by the same foreign energy! The origin of this energy does not belong to any universe we have visited." said the intelligent assistant Anna.

Zhang Parker said with a heavy tone: "Yes, I discovered it too. I have no interest in the battles taking place in other worlds, but I am obviously not the only one who has the ability to travel through time and space. The murderer seems to have a unique affection for Spider-Man in each universe. Zhong is ready to travel again. This time, if we encounter a dead Spider-Man, we will collect and understand the murderer's energy characteristics and his unique weapons in detail!


earth-8351 universe.

In this universe, tragedy still follows Peter Parker.

Although he left behind his old life, Mary Jane, Aunt May, and everything in order to fulfill the responsibilities that came with his ability, it wasn't until the day Gwen died that he understood a new truth :

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. But with it, the old enemies will become stronger and stronger!

For those enemies who have no chance of mercy, I can choose to watch my beloved perish in their hands, or I can choose to admit that I must fight and then devote myself to it!

After awakening, Spider-Man was no longer benevolent. He transformed into a spider assassin and received training from Wolverine.

Then, his methods became decisive and ruthless.

The corpses of villains who died in his hands piled up in piles, which forged his reputation.

But at this time, this majestic messenger of justice is doing his best to ensure that there are no more two corpses in this world.

On the ground, a fierce battle was taking place.

On one side is a man wearing a metal helmet and holding a double fork. His name is Kahn. He is an exile from the successor family and the future master of weaving!

On the other side are the spider assassins of this world, Wolverine, and the spider assassin's girlfriend Alex.

Although they were three against one, their situation was precarious!

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