Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 191 Atomic Breath, Nuclear Explosive Fist

The contact with the good Spider Army was smoother than expected.

The main universe Spider-Man was not a person who liked to fight for power with others.

The reason why he became the leader of the good Spider Army was because others thought that he was the only one who had the experience of killing the successor, so they unanimously recommended him.

To put it bluntly, it was a duck on the shelf.

The main universe Spider-Man was the duck that was forced to the shelf.

Now, with a better choice, this group of Spider-Men, who are mostly kind-hearted, naturally have no objection.

Not to mention the strength of the breath they sensed from Bid and the people he brought, even Bid's record of killing three successors alone was enough to impress them.

In this way, Bid successfully incorporated two Spider Legions.

This made the weaving master who was secretly observing everything hate it.

He had tried his best to avoid Bid from contacting the main universe Spider-Man and others, but he didn't expect that he would still pick the peach.

But he could do nothing about it.

Because he found that any spider totem that had come into contact with Bid would completely disappear from the web of life and destiny that he controlled!

Even if he continued to find ways to summon other spider totems from other worlds, it would only add more power to Bid!

So, he had another plan -


On the web of life and destiny, the weaving master raised his hand, and a strange wave spread from his fingertips.

Immediately, Solus, who was sitting in the hall of the weaving temple and thinking, suddenly raised his head.

His eyes seemed to have the ability to penetrate space, staring at Bid and others.

"Spiders! A large group of spiders!"

Molun and Genix on the side also looked in that direction, with surprise and fear in their eyes.

"It's him, he's here!"

"Father, it's the guy with an oriental face, he killed Damons and the others!"

Saurus licked his lips with his scarlet tongue, and said, "I feel the ultimate deliciousness in him! This is a special totem that has developed the power of life to the extreme! But. Master Weaver, tell me why they sneaked into my world, and I know nothing about it!"

The Master Weaver was silent for a moment, and said, "The spider has a special ability to block my perception."

Saurus narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is that so? When Damons and the others died, I happened to fall into a deep sleep. It seems to be a coincidence?"

The Master Weaver fell into a long silence, obviously not knowing how to answer this question.

"Heh!" Solus sneered and suddenly appeared in front of the Master Weaver.

The huge palm pressed the Master Weaver's head, and the gloomy eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the mask on his head and directly pierce into the depths of the Master Weaver's soul, sucking out his soul and life together!

"No next time!"

"Yes, great Lord Solus." The weaving master said tremblingly.

Morun and Genix came to their senses and looked at the weaving master in shock.

From the brief conversation between their father and the weaving master, they seemed to have seen something unusual!

"Hmph!" Solus snorted coldly and loosened his palm.

He appeared at the door of the weaving temple again, and said without looking back: "Genix, you and your people stay here. If the weaving master dares to do anything again, kill him!"

"Yes!" Genix shuddered and agreed.

"Molun, come with me to kill those spiders!"

"Yes, father!" Morun's face also showed a fierce expression. He couldn't wait to take revenge!

As for not being able to beat them?

How is it possible!

This time he is with his father, the great Solus. How can he not beat a mere spider?

Besides, they haven't been waiting all this time.

Although the original Hound Corps, Vulture Corps and Namura Cyborg Corps were almost completely wiped out, Janix still had a Clone Guard Corps.

In addition, they have been operating in this world for a long time, and the so-called superheroes and super criminals in this world also follow their lead!

At this time, outside the Weaving Temple, there are Iron Man, Hulk and so on in this world, each of whom can fight Spider-Man!

Some of them can even defeat Spider-Man!

But that was in the past.

Bede will not be merciful to those who are destined to be enemies.

After subduing nearly fifty Spider-Men from the two Spider Corps participating in the war, Bede tore open the space and came to the sky above the Weaving Temple.

The minions of the heirs who were ready below also quickly discovered him, and each used their own means to fly towards him.

However, Bede just watched them quietly.

The next moment, he stretched out his hands, crossed them in front of him, and opened his mouth slightly.

[Secret Technique: Atomic Breath]!


The terrifying high-energy particle beam gushed out of his mouth crazily.

001 Universe Iron Man flew the fastest, but was also the first to be hit.

His surface steel armor quickly turned red, melted, and finally completely vaporized!

As for the people inside, they had already been evaporated!

The heir minions with flying abilities following behind him were also evaporated in an instant by the high-energy particle flow.

Then, the high-energy particle flow bombarded the sky above the Weaving Temple, destroying the temple in an instant and making a big hole.

Genix, who was standing there, had just accepted Solus' order, and before he could do anything, he was instantly broken down into elementary particles!

"What!" Saulus stared at the place where Janix disappeared for a moment.

He actually lost another son!

"You bastard!" Solus raised his head and looked at the sky, like a cannonball, flying upwards.

"Waiting for you!" Bid snorted and canceled his atomic breath.

Of course, this is not his ultimate move, it is just some simple operations of enlarging the quantization and then accelerating it.

This kind of continuous damage is very effective against weak chickens, but it is not very useful against truly strong enemies like Sorus.

[Nuclear Explosive Punch]!

A fist emitting white light detached from Bid's hand and shot straight towards Solus.

Solus frowned, feeling something uncomfortable from this fist.

But he didn't think much about it.

Being invincible for centuries has allowed him to develop an "invincible spirit". He is confident that with his own strength, he can crush everything!

Therefore, he chose to challenge head-on!


When Solus' fist and the nuclear blast fist collided in the air, a dazzling white light passed by.

The world seemed to fall into silence.

The terrifying nuclear explosion spread in the air, destroying the Weaving Temple in one go.

Such a huge city will turn into wasteland in an instant.

Bide stood stunned in the air, his face full of shock.

He used this skill just to let Sorus dodge, and then take the opportunity to open the portal and send him to outer space. He would give him a hard blow in outer space!

In the end, this guy didn't know what the cause was, and he actually resisted?

Where is your brain?

"Ahem." Two coughs came from the ruins below.

One is the embarrassed Sorus, and the other is the even more embarrassed Weaving Master.

As for Morlun, he had long been wiped out in the nuclear explosion.

You know, Bid's nuclear explosion extracted nearly half of his quantum energy, and the power of the detonation was almost equivalent to 500 million tons of TNT!

In fact, not only this city, but also several nearby cities have been affected.

The continental plate beneath our feet has shifted!

Afterwards, earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis were caused. The aftermath of the nuclear blast is spreading on the planet.

The master weaver had divine power, and when the nuclear explosion spread, he used his divine power to block part of the radiation wave, and thus survived.

Solus looked up at Bid, his expression extremely ugly.

He never expected that the opponent would be so ungrateful in martial arts. How could he use his ultimate move as a flat A and just use it as soon as the fight started?

Will there be a fight?

Even when the heirs hunt totems, they always play with each other for a while, and then grab and suck the opponent dry when they are almost done!

Bid didn't pay much attention to it.

After discovering that his attack was unexpectedly effective, he was just stunned for a moment, and then quickly opened a wormhole in the void.

The wormhole portal swallowed Sorus directly.

The heavy injuries made him completely unable to resist this force.

The next moment, the two figures had arrived near the sun.

If it was just the high temperature on the surface, it would certainly not have any impact on Sorus, but unfortunately, Sorus' natural enemy is radiation!

If you want to say what emits the most radiation in the solar system, it is of course the sun!

Nuclear fusion is occurring in the sun all the time, and solar radiation is constantly being released.

The solar radiation that the earth receives every day is only one-billionth of the total amount of radiation!

Such a "trace" amount of solar radiation is continuously refracted by the atmosphere. Even ordinary people, let alone the successors, will not be greatly affected.

But what if you face the sun directly?

Sorus at this time is the best example.

"Ahhhhh-" Solus's whole body became weak. His already old face began to deteriorate, and his upright posture also became rickety.

His voice was extremely shrill, as if he was undergoing the cruelest torture in the world - perhaps the feeling could be removed.

As for Bid, he was relaxed and at ease.

After his body enters quantization, it will be between dimensions. Not to mention the energy released by the sun, even black holes, white dwarfs, red giants, etc. cannot affect him at all in front of him.

"Let him go!" A voice sounded from behind Bide.

Bid was slightly startled and turned around.

It's Kahn!

"Are you Kahn, or are you a master of weaving?" After a slight silence, Bide asked.

Of course, sound cannot be transmitted in space, so he used the spider sense to simulate sound transmission.

With the blessing of the Web of Destiny, his Spider Sense can be used to communicate across worlds. It is trivial to send a voice in space.

Kahn apparently also used this method.

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