Actually, there are many things I want to write about, such as the Venom pit I laid in the front, which points to the Venom Universe, and the Super Sentai that the four hundred aunts used as a springboard to enter, the Kamen Rider series, and Penny Parker's EVA, and even the preset Super Seminary (the Super Seminary said in the early days that there was a haters' league in the west), and Ultraman (Ultraman did have rumors of joining Marvel, and the protagonist's astronomy major setting and quantization setting were to prepare for himself to become Ultraman)

Spider-Verse can only be regarded as the protagonist truly becoming a "Marvel Spider-Man", just the beginning of everything.

Well, but everything, everything, failed in reality.

The results of Avalanche gave me a big slap in the face. It turns out that I took it for granted. It was probably because of the relationship between the audience of comics and movies that the later period was basically in a stand-alone state.

Maybe it would not be so miserable if I only wrote about the movie universe.

Fortunately, the pits I dug so far have basically been filled, so it can be regarded as a beginning and an end.

Finally, thank you all for your support and company during this period, warm sun 100 worship.

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