When he traveled to the world of the little black spider, it was around nine o'clock in the morning.

When he traveled back in time, it was night over there, so he didn't find it strange.

Because the Eagle Kingdom on the other side of the ocean and the Longxia Kingdom where he was located happened to be on opposite sides of the same latitude, and the time difference was almost 12 hours.

That's why he immediately thought that he had just arrived on the other side of the ocean, not another world.

Later, he meets Shadow Spider-Man and goes to Aunt May's house.

The next day, training.

The next night, Gwen, the little black spider and the middle-aged Peter spider came to the door.

On the third day, Little Black Spider's traces were exposed and he was chased by Jin Bin and his four generals.

On the third night, in accordance with the traditional virtue of reciprocity, they transformed into counterattack fighters and counterattacked, knocking out Jin Bin's forces in one wave, and then Gwen and others returned in turn.

Then Bid stayed for one more day, staying at Little Black Spider's house until one or two o'clock in the afternoon before returning.

In other words, he stayed in that world for almost four days.

He was already prepared to be questioned, and even made up a lot of reasons to explain why he didn't leave the room for four days.

Just say that I spent the past four days in my room, thinking hard, reflecting on myself, etc., and I should be able to get over it.

The worst-case scenario is to rush to work and write a 10,000-word self-reflection letter or something.

As for food

Fortunately, he has hamster attributes and usually keeps snacks in the room.

After coming back, he worked hard and ate all the snacks, making people think that he was relying on these to survive.

Who would have thought that all this seems unnecessary?

Bid quickly lay down in front of the desk.

There is still my laptop on the desk, but the picture it plays is clear and smooth at the moment, without any lag.

And what was playing above was the movie I planned to watch before traveling through time!

"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse"!

The movie, which is nearly two hours long, has just reached the subtitle stage after the movie is finished, and it is not even completely over yet!

One hour and fifty minutes!

After Bide looked at the progress bar below, he was surprised and delighted.

After traveling through time, he experienced nearly four days in that world, but only one hour and fifty minutes passed here.

It's now 10:43 a.m.!

It’s not even eleven o’clock!

The flow speed between the two worlds is actually so different!

However, why does it happen to be the time when this movie ends?

Is it a coincidence, or is there some special connection?

Bid frowned slightly.

"Bide, Del!" At this time, the people outside the door did not hear Bide's reaction. Instead, they shouted, and at the same time they banged the door, "Der, isn't it just that you were locked up?" Is it true that you won’t go out to eat? De’er?”

Bid casually pressed the space bar on the computer, and the movie stopped playing immediately.

He then closed the laptop and looked at his hands again.

He was also wearing a nano-metal suit and spider silk launchers on his wrists.

Then, he pressed on his chest.

This is the controller that comes with the Nanoparticle.

After pressing it, the nanometal flowed back from the limbs like water, and finally all was stored in the controller on the chest.


Two objects fell from the sky.

This is the spider silk loaded in the spider silk launcher. This thing is a consumable and cannot be nanosized.

However, these things were only the size of coins. After Bid took them off, he put them in his pockets, so he couldn't see them clearly.

Put on a shirt and then a coat, and it’s almost impossible to tell what’s underneath.

"Okay, okay, stop screaming, howl in mourning!"

After doing all this quickly, Bide cursed and walked towards the door.

When he opened the door, standing at the door was a rather handsome young man, about the same age as Bide.

His name is Lu Lin, and he is Bide's best friend.

The two met in the same high school and then entered the same university.

However, Lu Lin's major is actually different from Bide's.

Bi De chose the astrophysics major in astronomy, while Lu Lin chose the soil science major, specializing in soil chemistry.

I thought they would go their separate ways after graduation and would only get together during the holidays.

I just don’t know why, but Lu Lin ended up entering this research institute with Bide and became an intern researcher.

I don’t know how I got in.

According to Lu Lin, it was because the most abundant thing on Mars was soil, so of course he, a top student in soil science, was needed.

But Bide would not believe this rhetoric.

But Lu Lin didn't say anything, and of course he didn't need to go into details. He didn't have many friends, so it was good to have a good friend by his side.

"Hey, you're out?" Lu Lin hugged Bide's shoulders with a smile, but put his head in front of Bide, looking left and right, "It's strange, you feel like you have grown stronger after being locked up for a day?"

"Is there any?" Bide's eyelids twitched, secretly thinking that this guy's observation ability is too keen.

The effect of the spider gene has indeed made his body stronger.

In the past, although he could also jump rope and so on, his physical fitness could only be said to be average.

But after the spider gene was strengthened, all the muscles in his body were highlighted, and his body became very strong, and he even had eight-pack abs!

"I know, you are a pig. You get fat after being locked up in the room for a day. What kind of feed do you eat? Let me try it too?" Lu Lin was still smiling.

"Go to hell," Bi De, who was a little guilty, realized that he was fooled by this kid. "You eat pig feed too? Then I'll take you to the cafeteria to eat."

"Okay, you actually said that the canteen sells pig feed. I'm going to find Lao Liao to report you!"

Bi De closed the door, and the two walked towards the cafeteria while talking.

To go to the living area where the cafeteria is located, you must first leave the accommodation area.

After leaving the accommodation area, the two immediately lost the desire to tease.

Although I can see the scene in front of me every day for half a year, every time I see it, I will feel an inexplicable feeling in my heart.

This Mars research base is located in a deserted desert in the northwest of Longxia. It has a unique Yadan landform, which is very similar to the landform on Mars. This is one of the reasons why the research base was built here.

It covers an area of ​​nearly 200 acres, and its interior is mainly divided into three parts: research institute, accommodation area and living area.

The accommodation area has a total of 100 sleeping cabins, but there are only more than 30 researchers, more than 20 logistics support personnel, and the rest are security personnel.

Researchers spend most of their time in the research institute on the other side of the base, while security personnel are basically doing security work outside the base.

As for logistics support personnel, they are mainly in their fixed positions in the living area.

So, during the day, it is actually quite deserted here.

This base is typical of being tight on the outside and loose on the inside. In addition to a series of procedures required when entering and leaving the base, there is basically no one inside the base to restrict your actions.

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