Bid was silent as he thought about the spider.

Lu Lin thought he didn't believe what he said.

So Lu Lin became a little anxious. He leaned next to Bi De and whispered in his ear: "Really, I have inside information."

"Oh?" Bid just came back to his senses.

Lu Linshen said mysteriously: "Let me tell you, the various soils brought back from Mars with the launch vehicle this time are just the most basic things."

"Is this happening?" Bide asked doubtfully.

According to this world's time, that day was actually yesterday.

According to Bide's understanding.

These things coming from Mars are not actually direct.

Instead, it is launched from the rover on Mars, and the first step is to arrive at the Yinghuo Space Station, a space station around Mars in orbit around Mars.

Then, the collected things will be launched from the Yinghuo Space Station to the direction of the Earth through the spacecraft.

Through precise calculations, the spacecraft was captured by the Tiangong-5 space station orbiting the Earth in low-Earth orbit.

The reason why Bide knew so clearly was because when he first came here half a year ago, he happened to catch up with the launch of this plan.

I heard that it was precisely because of the launch of this plan that a temporary decision was made to recruit a group of graduate students from major universities to supplement the program.

In the next six months and nearly 180 days, Bied spent most of the time behind his mentor, Dr. Liao Shi'an, always paying attention to the movements of the return rocket.

Things are making a short stop in Tiangong-5.

Then, they took the return capsule from the space station into the earth and arrived somewhere in the Gobi Desert where their base was located.

Afterwards, security personnel at the base drove to the landing site and pulled the return capsule back.

The base received something the night before yesterday.

Because after the thing arrives, it needs to sit for a period of time to eliminate possible space radiation on it before making close contact.

Not only that, taking things out of the return capsule is done by dedicated people wearing protective clothing.

By the time Bid and the others saw these things, they had already been simply classified.

And they could only see the return capsule sitting in a room through the thick protective glass.

Because of his excellent grades and good performance after entering the base, Bide was deeply loved by Dr. Liao, so he became Dr. Liao's closer assistant.

Yesterday afternoon, Dr. Liao was going to take them for the first soil observation and analysis activity, so he asked Bid to go to the storage cabinet to get a piece of Martian soil labeled "Valley Bottom".

According to the label, this is a soil sample excavated from the depths of the ground bit by bit through the device on the rover from a valley somewhere on Mars that may have been impacted by a meteorite or formed naturally.

The main purpose is to study whether there are water resources underground in the Martian soil and the various components in the water.

Bid carefully recalled what he knew and said doubtfully: "It is said that before we came, Dr. Liao and several senior researchers remotely controlled the excavation device on the rover to grind the soil bit by bit. It cost a lot of money." It took more than half a year to dig it out. It is extremely precious. How do you think it is not the most precious sample? "

Lu Lin shook his head: "Theoretically, it is indeed very precious, because in order to dig out this soil, several senior researchers took turns to dig it out twenty-four hours a day, and it is indeed useful for studying Mars." It’s of great significance.”

Bide had no doubts about Lu Lin's words.

Although Lu Lin is a bit out of place, his academic level is very high, otherwise he would not have been specially recruited here. ——Although Bide always felt that he had used some connections to get here, his own strength was also a key point.

Moreover, Lu Lin’s tutor is Professor Lin Yijiong, a well-known master of soil science in China!

This is the real authority on soil science in the country.

His soil science research has made great contributions to increasing grain production in Longxia, saving countless lives in disguise!

"But!" Lu Lin changed the subject, "Guess what?"

"." Bide really wanted to punch this guy, "If you fart, hurry up."

"Tch, it's boring," Lu Lin curled his lips and said, "But this time, there is also a stone tablet brought back from Mars with the return capsule! It is suspected to be a stone tablet that has been processed later!"

Bid:! ! !

"The next plot won't be something like 'Yinghuo guarding the heart, reviving the spiritual energy' or something like that?" Bide said in surprise.

Lu Lin:? ? ?

"Have you read too many online novels? Do you think this is a novel about cultivating immortals?" Lu Lin said speechlessly.

"You're still talking about me, how are you doing?" Bid counterattacked, "But is the stone tablet you said was processed the day after tomorrow true?"

"Well, it's true," Lu Lin nodded and said nonchalantly, "But it's just a guess. It might be the result of natural wind erosion. Who knows?"

Bide nodded slightly, seemingly acknowledging Lu Lin's words.

Let's not talk about how Lu Lin knew such top-secret news - anyway, this guy definitely has some secret, maybe he is the illegitimate son of some big shot?

If what Lu Lin said was true, such a stone tablet really existed.

So, all things like Martian soil have to be put on the sidelines.

Because, once it is confirmed that the stone tablet has been processed, it will prove that civilization once existed on Mars!

Or perhaps aliens visited in the distant past!

This alone is enough to shock the entire astronomical world!

Because both the former and the latter can confirm that humans are not the only life in the universe!

If it is the former, it at least proves that life existed on Mars in the distant past.

Even Earthlings may be descendants of Martians!

If it is the latter, it means that there may be a civilization secretly observing the earth in the deep space of the distant universe.

It's scary to think about it.

My scalp is numb!

However, in addition to these two arguments that everyone can think of, Bid has another idea.

Parallel universe!

Since he can travel to other parallel universes, why can't the existences of other parallel universes travel to his universe?

Maybe even the spider that bit him came from a parallel universe?

After all, he has the ability to travel through time and space, so maybe the spider has it too?

Bid's head hurt a little.

There is so little evidence that there is no way to rule out certain conclusions, so we can only brainstorm vigorously.

"Lin'er, do you have a way to get close to that stone slab?" Bide turned his head to Lu Lin, who was immersed in cooking again. His eyes were bright and seemed to be shining.

Lu Lin was startled by Bide's bold idea: "Are you crazy? This is top secret! Otherwise, the slate is now the top secret in the base, and at least one platoon of elite soldiers is guarding it around the clock. , it will definitely be out of reach for the time being.”

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