Chapter 4 Spider-Man. Five?

After briefly reminiscing about old times, Bede and Shadow Spider-Man were invited into the house by Aunt May.

As soon as they entered the room, a feeling was triggered in their heads.

"This feeling." After wandering around the room for a while, Bide's eyes quickly stopped at the three "people" in the room.

To be precise, a little girl in a plaid skirt, a red robot with four legs, and a pig?

"Hi~ Hello, my name is Penny Parker," the little girl waved hello, and the red robot sitting on the floor behind her also waved.

The pig suddenly stood up, trotted up to the two of them, raised its nose, stretched out its hand and said, "Hello, my name is Peter Pork."

Bid stared at the three of them: "Wait! You can't do the same?"


"Okay, no need to say more," Bid waved his hand.

Piggy Sense coughed, it was the Spider Sense that moved. Obviously, these guys with names similar to Peter Parker in front of them are all Spider-Man.

And, definitely a Spider-Man from a different universe.

"Ward God! What happened in this universe? How come there are so many Spider-Man?" Bid slumped on the sofa, looking helpless.

According to his logical analysis after watching many Spider-Man and other superhero works, if one Spider-Man corresponds to one point of danger, then two Spider-Man equals three points, three Spider-Man equals nine points, and four Spider-Man corresponds to an exponential increase.

Based on this, when a nest of Spider-Man gets together, it should trigger a major disaster that sweeps across the multiverse!

Shadow Spider-Man and Bede have become quite familiar with each other along the way.

Seeing this, he walked over to sit down next to Bid and patted his shoulder: "Hey, relax buddy, we are Spider-Man."

"You are Spider-Man, I am just an ordinary person who was just bitten by a spider," Bid complained.

"Eh? Have you just been bitten by a spider?" The little girl Penny came to Bide's side and looked at him curiously.

"Well, yes~" Bid nodded.

"Children, what do you want to drink?" Aunt Mei looked at the room full of little spiders with a gentle smile on her face.

Although these little spiders are not her Peter, they are all like Peter, injecting a powerful tranquilizer into her painful soul.

"Please give me a cup of honey milk!" Shadow Spider-Man raised his hand.

"I don't want a drink, can I just have a hot dog?" Spider-Pig Peter Polk raised his hand.

"I want a glass of milk. Drink it and you will grow taller!" the little girl Penny said with a smile.

Bid saw that everyone was so rude, so he also said: "Then I also want a glass of milk."


"You want to grow taller too?" Penny looked at Bid in confusion.

Bid flicked his long legs and said, "Damn it, I just want to drink milk!"

"Hahaha~" The room was suddenly filled with laughter.

Aunt Mei did not find it troublesome, but looked at the laughing little spiders with a smile on her face, turned around and walked into the kitchen to start preparing.

In the living room, Bide also started chatting with a few people.

Penny Parker is a 14-year-old little girl, and her companion "SP//dr", the red spider robot next to her, is her spider mecha.

She's not like other Spider-Men.

She did not become a superhero due to the mutated virus infection, but because of the interaction with the spider mecha.

As for Spider-Pigman on the side, his body is a humanoid spider, and his Aunt May - May Pocket - is an anthropomorphic pig and a scientist.

While experimenting with a hair dryer powered by atomic energy, May Pock became violent due to the side effects and bit Peter.

As a result, under the influence of radiation, Peter changed from a "humanoid spider" to a "pig-nosed humanoid spider", and he still has his own spider abilities.

Shadow Spider-Man comes from the Great Depression era. He was originally a young man full of idealism but lacking experience and strength. His Uncle Ben and Aunt May often gave speeches on the streets to spread left-wing ideas, but one day, Uncle Ben was brutally murdered.

Peter took over Uncle Ben's job and continued speaking on the streets.

Later, while investigating a smuggling case, Peter was accidentally bitten by a spider that escaped from the cargo, thus gaining super powers.

He transformed Uncle Ben's World War I pilot uniform into his own Spider-Man costume and began to crack down on the illegal and criminal activities of monopoly capitalists.

As for Bidde's experience, it was even simpler.

In the past twenty years, he was just an ordinary good student. He was admitted to a key university, but chose the relatively unpopular astronomy major. After graduating from university, he chose to go to graduate school, and was then taken by his tutor to study Mars. Base became an intern researcher.

Then he was bitten by a spider that appeared out of nowhere, and was transported to this world inexplicably.

There are no Spider-Man abilities, and there are no legendary experiences of any Spider-Man.

Even Penny, a 14-year-old girl, has much more experience than he does.

Spider Pigman raised his nose and patted Bid's thigh with his short hand: "Don't worry, this is how everyone comes here."

Penny didn't know where she got the candy from. She peeled off the outer candy wrapper and handed it to Peter's mouth: "Here, it's delicious~"

"Thank you," Peter opened his mouth and sucked the candy into his mouth, smiling and thanking him.

What a united and friendly spider family.

Shadow Spider-Man said: "If you want, maybe we can train you."

"Train me?" Peter was surprised.

"Yes, your present is our past. Each of us has experienced your stage, so we also know what you need. Let us make a training plan for you, maybe it will work." Shadow Spider-Man is indeed very stable, and what he said is also very logical and organized.

In his world, he has been fighting alone for many years.

Although he and Peter are brothers, he is actually at least one generation older than Peter.

"Okay, let's eat something first." Aunt May came out of the kitchen with a plate. There were not only food but also drinks on the plate.

Penny thanked him sweetly, but her hand took out candy from her pocket again.

Spider-Man stood up and tapped her lightly: "Eat less sugar, be careful of tooth decay."

"Um——" Penny hugged her little head and put away the candy obediently.

Peter also stood up and helped to clean up the things on the table.

Spider-Man jumped into the kitchen.

Soon, with the concerted efforts of everyone, a simple but warm dinner was set.

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