Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 49 Doctor Octopus is mentally ill

"Do you want to fight me? Is this your own intention or theirs?" Bide did not show any panic at the strange movement of the mechanical tentacles.

This Doctor Octopus is a younger brother.

When he is in a hurry, he can use a little space power to activate [Quantum Dodge] to directly pass through the defense of the mechanical tentacles and kill him with one punch!

It's just that the power of space is a kind of power of time and space in his body. It is not easy to recover the power of time and space. Before finding a new source, he will not use it if he can.

Even if using the power of space only consumes less than 0.1% of the power of time and space at a time, it is still a useless consumption.

"Huh -" Doctor Octopus forced himself to calm down and shouted at the same time, "Quiet! You all should be quiet, we can't beat him! Quiet!"

The latter sentence was obviously meant for the artificial intelligence in the mechanical tentacles.

This made Bid a little strange.

It stands to reason that this artificial intelligence should only affect Doctor Octopus's mind and make him more extreme. How come they can still communicate with each other?

In this case, wouldn't its intelligence be comparable to Iron Man's Jarvis?

But this shouldn't be possible.

Not to mention that the two are completely different from the same era, and even professionally they are not the same!

This Doctor Octopus is a nuclear physicist. Could he also design AI?

Moreover, in this era of technological explosion, a difference of 10 years is enough to advance technology several times!

For example, more than ten years ago, our network was only 2G3G. It took several seconds to download a picture, and several hours or even half a day to download a large online game.

But now, with 4G5G network coverage, it only takes more than ten minutes to download a game with more than 100G!

In this era, there should be no supercomputers capable of supporting high computing power for artificial intelligence.

Therefore, the intelligence level of Doctor Octopus's mechanical tentacles should not be that high.

After eliminating possible options, then, the facts are.

Is this guy suffering from hysteria?

Bid probably understood.

Hysteria, also known as dissociative disorder, is a mental illness caused by obvious mental factors such as inner conflict, emotional agitation, autosuggestion, etc. The patient will suffer partial or complete loss of self-identity and past memory.

Due to the stimulation of the electric current, the chip in the back of his head that was used to suppress the influence of the mechanical tentacles on his brain was destroyed.

At the same time, the failed experiment led to his ruin and the death of his beloved wife.

Under the influence of these external stimulations, his brain will be strongly stimulated, allowing him to imagine the consciousness of mechanical tentacles and even communicate with them.

In fact, the mechanical tentacles were never designed with sound-producing devices from the beginning, so they could not speak from the beginning!

If Doctor Octopus wants to communicate, he can communicate in his brain through the neurons that he and they are linked to, without having to speak out.

He was just talking to himself, or convincing himself!

Doctor Octopus is a psychopath!

Bid frowned for a while.

He originally wanted to conquer this Doctor Octopus for his own use, because this one seemed much more reliable than the female version.

Just find a way to capture him and make him a new inhibitor chip.

But from this point of view, in fact, the fundamental problem is not in the chip, and the chip is just one of the causes at most!

Have a psychotic mad scientist as your henchman.

Bid felt a little resistant when he thought about it.

It seems that we have to wait until "No Return for Heroes" is released before starting.

When the time comes, we’ll first find a way to cure his problem and then we’ll see.

"Well, we don't want to fight with you," Doctor Octopus took a step back, raised his hands to show harmlessness, and retracted his mechanical tentacles, "But since you don't know how to solve it, you and What am I talking about?"

Bid frowned: "I've told you it will fail, are you still planning to restart the experiment?"

Doctor Octopus laughed loudly: "So what if it fails? How can any experiment be successful at the first time? The greatest inventions in the world are all made by summing up experience through repeated failures! Since I am walking on this great road On the road, I am already prepared to fail!”

"You are indeed a qualified scientist," Bid shook his head slightly, "but you are not a qualified person."

"Hmph!" Doctor Octopus was very dissatisfied with Bid saying that he was not a human being, but he did not dare to take action due to Bid's strength.

"I remember someone seemed to have said this to the younger generation: Wisdom is a gift of genius, not a privilege," Bid said slowly, "But now, you are trying to use your wisdom to build a machine that can destroy the entire city. It’s a waste of other people’s lives! Do you think your intelligence is a gift or a privilege?”

Doctor Octopus was stunned.

This sentence was the advice he gave Peter Parker when Peter Parker came to visit him not long ago.

Peter Parker is a student of his friend Dr. Connors.

Dr. Connors mentioned it when chatting with him, saying that Peter Parker was a very smart child, but he was also very lazy and did not put his mind into studying.

Every time he talked about it, he felt sad.

So as a good friend, Doctor Octopus told Peter Parker this sentence when he came to visit, hoping to get him back on the right path.

"Do you know Peter?" Doctor Octopus asked doubtfully.

"So be it," Bid shrugged.


At this moment, Toby Spider jumped down from the ceiling, landed next to Bid, and said urgently: "Dr. Otto, where did you catch Mary Jane?"

Bid looked at him and asked doubtfully: "You didn't find Mary Jane?"

Toby Spider shook his head, but kept looking at Doctor Octopus.

Doctor Octopus was not surprised by the arrival of Toby Spider, and casually said: "I have already taken her."

Originally, he wanted to leave her to Harry Osborn and ask the two Spider-Men not to disturb his experiments.

But it suddenly occurred to him that with Spider-Man's style, if he knew the hostages were safe, he would definitely stay and stop his experiment.

Instead of doing this, it is better to continue to take advantage of this information gap.

"What did you do to her?!" Toby Spider was anxious and angry.

"If you leave here now, I will send her back exactly as she is after I finish the experiment, otherwise" Doctor Octopus smiled evilly.

"No, this is not you, Dr. Otto!" Toby Spider looked at Doctor Octopus's face, thinking of the scene where they had a happy conversation, and felt strange.

"This is me!" Doctor Octopus shouted, "Now, get out of here! Or I'll kill her!"

"Damn it!" Toby Spider was in a dilemma.

With his favorite person on one side and New York as a whole on the other, it was really difficult for him to choose.

Bid sighed: "Since things have reached this point, then I can only"


At this time, the spider sense activated!

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