Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 53 Doctor Octopus’s Request

No one who is interested in quantum physics would not be interested in the existence of parallel universes.

No one can resist the temptation to travel through parallel universes in person!

Especially scientists like Doctor Octopus who like to climb the technological tree.

This is Bide's bargaining chip!

Doctor Octopus is cautious, though.

He didn't just believe what Bid said because of what he said.

"Do you have any evidence?" Doctor Octopus looked at Bid and asked.

Bide spread his hands: "I have no evidence, but you might as well make a bet on whether to believe me or continue your research with a failure rate of 99%."

Doctor Octopus fell silent.

Bid's words touched his weak point.

When Doctor Octopus is in a state of madness, if you tell him any truth, he will only give you two big ears.

But now that he directly stated the problem in his research, he had no way to refute it.

Can't even get angry.

Because whether it is him originally or the one who went crazy under the influence of the mechanical tentacles, he is essentially a mad scientist for the sake of research.

While Doctor Octopus was thinking silently, Toby Spider walked in from outside.

Bide looked behind him, but did not see the second generation Green Goblin.

Toby Spider explained: "Harry has gone back first."

Bid nodded. He didn't care about Harry Osborn's whereabouts.

All he did was to allow Toby Spider to resolve this wrong grudge with his good brother in a more peaceful way.

After all, Toby Spider is his childhood!

He looked at Doctor Octopus: "Dr. Otto, what are you thinking about?"

Doctor Octopus also looked at him: "What do you want from me? Also, what can I get?"

Bide's body trembled, this was what he was waiting for!

"Then let's talk about what you can get first."

"Okay." Doctor Octopus said simply.

"I can travel through different parallel universes. What do you think I can bring to you? In other words, what do you want most?" Bid turned the question back to Doctor Octopus.

Doctor Octopus fell silent again.

What does he want?

If there is a parallel universe, what he wants most is

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Finally, he said, "I want Rose."

Rose was his wife's name.

In the first experiment, Doctor Octopus did not take into account the huge gravitational force generated during inertial restraint. As a result, a huge gravitational field was generated during the experiment, which attracted the glass where the experiment was located, killing his beloved wife Roland. Silk.

Rose's death dealt a heavy blow to Doctor Octopus, and was one of the main reasons why he changed from a "doctor" to a "criminal".

Bid nodded slightly.

Doctor Octopus can think about his late wife first, instead of caring about technology or other things in other worlds, which is enough to say a lot.

"This wish can come true," Bied said, with a strange tone, feeling as if he had become a dragon summoned by the Dragon Balls.

He paused and continued: "Among the many parallel universes, there is a world where Otto has lost Rose, and there is a world where Rose has lost Otto. If there is a chance in the future, you will be able to meet him again. to her."

This scenario is not impossible.

According to the theory of quantum universe and countless worlds, parallel universes are born due to the irregular activities of quantum.

Just like crossing the road.

In the normal world, one would walk directly from one side of the road to the other.

But at this time, an overpass appeared on the road, allowing people to walk over there.

The overpass is the parallel universe of "road".

In the same way, if an underground passage is dug under the road.

That "underground passage" can be regarded as parallel universe two.

The same pedestrian, Quantum, had three different directions when standing at this end of the road.

If the road is extended indefinitely, the plot of the parallel universe will bifurcate here and become a different world.

But some will return to the right path for various reasons.

Perhaps in some parallel universe, it was not Rose who died in the first experiment, but Doctor Octopus.

Doctor Octopus would have died in the second experiment, so the only difference between the two parallel universes may be that between the two experiments of Doctor Octopus, everything else is exactly the same.

For such highly similar twin parallel universes, how can the Rose of that universe not be the Rose of this universe?

Of course, if possible, he has an easier way.

That is to travel to an earlier timeline than this time and save Rose before she dies.

But if we do this, a time paradox will occur, or a new parallel universe may be born as a result.

And manipulating the timeline and creating new branches on the timeline is the [eternal] authority.

That kind of great god will definitely not pay attention to the multiverse at ordinary times, but if too many new parallel universes pop up in the multiverse at once, it is uncertain whether others will pay attention to it.

Adhering to the principle of caution, Bide felt that it was better not to jump too much before his strength was insufficient.

Doctor Octopus also knew that this matter was not urgent, so he just nodded silently.

Bid saw his reaction in his eyes, and the last bit of nervousness in his heart finally disappeared.

This is the first time he has seriously developed his power in the parallel universe.

Everything is difficult at the beginning.

He didn't expect that such a blank check would allow a brilliant scientist like Doctor Octopus to work for him.

At most, this can be regarded as giving him a head start.

Only when people have desires can they be motivated and less likely to have second thoughts.

Bide said: "In addition, I will also find for you some mature theoretical knowledge from other worlds, more advanced research materials, etc."

When Doctor Octopus heard this, he was immediately moved.

Advanced knowledge of parallel universes!

This will save him a lot of detours!

"What can I do for you?" Doctor Octopus' tone was much more sincere.

Bide said: "Be my scientific advisor. Well, first of all, let's start by helping me improve the nano-metal suit."

Doctor Octopus was intrigued by the new term in Bid's mouth.

Nanometals are another new topic!

Afterwards, Bied put away his suit, took off the pendant control switch on his chest, and handed it to Doctor Octopus.

Doctor Octopus gladly accepted the job.

He regarded this as Bid's entrance test for him.

Regardless of whether what Bide said is true or not, studying this nano-metal suit is not a loss at all.

After all, he himself is also very interested in nanometals.

The most intuitive thing is that if he can master this technology, he won't have to carry the four mechanical tentacles behind him wherever he goes!

Science geeks are science geeks.

Doctor Octopus quickly got to work.

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