Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 71 Death of the Green Goblin

"Spider! Dirty reptile! Roar--" The Green Goblin approached again.

With Gwen in his arms, Andrew Spider didn't dare to fight at all, and could only flee and dodge.

Seeing that Peter had several more wounds on his body because of her, Gwen Stacy was anxious.

She quickly said: "Peter, throw me down!"

"This" Andrew Spider looked down, and then looked at Gwen Stacy's current state, hesitant.

"Hurry, I'll be fine!" Gwen Stacy said firmly, and then her tone became a little complicated, "I can sense my current state. I can protect myself now!"

Andrew Spider looked ashamed.

He had realized that Gwen already knew his current state.

Yes, how could she not know?

She was originally a student of Kurt Connors. Before Kurt Connors became Dr. Lizard, she had been helping him and participated in the research of cross-species genetic technology.

Otherwise, how could she know the preparation method of the potion serum?


After dodging again, Gwen Stacy got anxious.

Andrew Spider finally made up his mind and said, "Then I'll let you go first. I'll get rid of him as quickly as possible!"

As he said that, he threw Gwen down and shot several spider silks downwards at a high speed.

The spider silk cleverly formed a large web between the glass of the inner layer of the building and the grid of the outer wall, and Gwen Stacy fell on the web again.

She stepped on it carefully with both feet, looking at the two people entangled in the air, without saying a word.

After a while, she retracted her gaze and looked at the glass in front of her.

The dark glass vaguely reflected her current appearance.

A violent emotion kept rising in her heart, but she was forcibly suppressed.


Bide ran up along the glass from below and saw Gwen Stacy standing on the spider web from a distance.

He came to Gwen Stacy and looked at her current state: "What happened?"

"Huh!" Gwen Stacy turned her head and growled at him.

Peter's eyelids jumped and he almost punched her.

Fortunately, he found that she didn't seem to have the intention to attack before he made a move, so he stopped.

"Huh——" Gwen Stacy took a heavy breath and once again suppressed the violent emotions that kept rising, "Go, go help Peter"

"Okay! Be careful yourself, well, if it doesn't work, think about more happy things," Peter could only comfort her in this way.

"Well" Gwen Stacy closed her eyes.

After ending this short conversation, Peter set off again and quickly moved towards the Green Goblin and Andrew Spider who were fighting on the surface of the Osborn Building.

However, when he arrived, he found that the battle between the two was coming to an end.

Rather than saying that they were fighting, it was better to say that the Green Goblin was being beaten unilaterally.

The reason for this is that, on the one hand, Andrew Spider did not hold back. He was vaccinated by Bid early on. Although he did not make a choice at that time, in fact, this kind of thinking has been buried in his heart. All he needs is an opportunity.

And Gwen was affected by the lizard gene potion, which was this opportunity.

Worried about Gwen's safety, and thinking of the picture of Bid showing him in the "future" when he was holding Gwen's body on the subway.

Andrew Spider finally made up his mind.

How scary is a Spider-Man who is fully exerted?

Anyway, the Green Goblin in front of him is no match at all.

On the other hand, the Green Goblin's own state is also a bit strange.

Different from the swift and powerful at the beginning.

At this time, the Green Goblin's muscles trembled when he exerted force, and even spasmed and twitched from time to time, just like an epileptic seizure.

In such a high-intensity battle, hesitating for half a second may be found by the opponent.

After repeated stacking, the Green Goblin has completely fallen below.

Seeing this, Bid simply stopped directly.

From the current situation, he no longer needs to take action.

Sure enough, about a minute later, the Green Goblin was knocked down by Andrew Spider's punches and kicks.

He originally wanted to grab the wall next to him to slow down, but when he stretched out his hand, he spasmed again, causing himself to hit the wall. After bouncing, he was a little further away from the wall, and he could only do free fall in the air helplessly.

This is 30 to 40 meters high!

The bully Spider-Man has to cover his waist and say a famous saying when he falls from more than ten meters, and then double it.

The answer is that he will not die from the fall, but he will definitely be injured.

After thinking that he had solved the Green Goblin, Andrew Spider lay on the wall and breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did he realize that Bid was also watching him not far away.

He stretched out his hand and gave a thumbs up, with a big smile on his face.

Bid shook his head slightly and pointed in the direction of Gwen Stacy: "Take her to find the serum quickly, I'll go to collect the body of the Green Goblin."

"What's wrong?" Andrew Spider came to Bid and asked in confusion.

He didn't quite understand why Bid wanted to collect the body of the Green Goblin. Wouldn't there be police officers who would do such a thing?

Bid said: "He may be resurrected. Anyway, you should go see Gwen first. I feel she is not in good condition." "Yes!" Andrew Spider looked stern, and hurriedly said goodbye and ran towards Gwen. But Bid jumped and jumped directly from here. Soon, he found the Green Goblin who fell on the concrete floor.

Judging from his current state, he seems to be dead.

But considering the previous situation, it is difficult to guarantee whether he will survive again.

This was the first time he saw the whole Green Goblin in this world.

The previous fight was very short, and the Green Goblin was instantly killed by him, and the Green Goblin was not like this at that time.

To Bid's surprise, the appearance of this Green Goblin immediately reminded him of the highly mutated Green Goblin in the world of the Little Black Spider.

He has seen the movie and seen the Green Goblin in the world of Toby Spider. The Green Goblin in these two worlds are mainly based on technology, not mutation.

What he saw before him was mainly mutated, and his identity was not Harry Osborn!

"Is there really any relationship between them?" Bide looked a little solemn, and he suddenly remembered a question that he had ignored all this time.

Back in the world of Little Black Spider, those who fell into the particle flow with him were the corpses of Spider-Gwen and the Green Goblin.

Spider-Gwen is back in her world, that much Bede is sure of.

But the body of the Green Goblin

He originally thought that it was directly decomposed into quantum form by the high energy in the particle flow and disappeared completely, but now it seems that maybe the decomposed "Green Goblin Quantum" has a new destination?

The most intuitive thing is that the Green Goblin in this world also has the same ability to resurrect from the dead as the Green Goblin in that world!

He was somewhat unsure whether all the Green Goblins in the parallel universe had the ability to resurrect from the dead in the OZ factor, or whether it was only some worlds.

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