Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 75 The Strongest Spider-Man

After more than half a month of traveling, he was no longer in the northwest, but had arrived in his hometown.

However, although it is said to be his hometown, he rarely stays here.

Because there is no one in his home.

His parents were also researchers in a secret unit. When he was very young, they both died in an accident. It was his grandfather who raised him.

Unfortunately, the old man also passed away due to the recurrence of old injuries when he was in high school.

Following his will, the old man was sent to the Martyrs Cemetery to stay with his old comrades.

The place where Bide traveled was near the Martyrs Cemetery.

After leaving the jungle, he came to the cemetery again and found his grandfather. After sitting for a while, he got up and left.

"Is that the boy from Brother Bi's family?" Behind him, two energetic old men stood in front of the hut guarding the cemetery, looking at Bi De who was walking away, and talking.

"Yes, this kid was also a poor man back then."

"Okay," the other said, putting an end to the subject.

What they didn't know was that Bide's five senses were very developed at this time. Although he was more than twenty meters away, he still heard their discussion.

He frowned slightly: "Is there another hidden reason behind the death of my parents?"

To be honest, his impression of his parents is very shallow.

When he was very young, his parents were often away from home, and when he was in elementary school, they were nowhere to be seen all year round.

Later, I got the news that they had died for some reason.

Funny to say, he didn't even feel much sadness at that time.

However, if there is really something hidden, he would like to investigate it carefully.

After all, they are his biological parents no matter what.

Come down from the cemetery and return home.

At this time, the discomfort caused by the empty energy in his body became more and more obvious. Bid simply fell on the bed and had a good sleep first.

Fortunately, he had cleaned it a little before, and the house was still livable.

In this way, Bide slept for most of the day.

When he woke up, it was completely dark.

However, although he wasted most of the day, Bide felt that his condition was much better after waking up.

There are still a little more than two days until the end of the holiday.

One day was spent rushing back to the base, and for the remaining day, Bid decided to find as many Spider-Man related works as possible to watch outside.

After hastily solving the dinner problem, Bid turned on the computer and started searching for things related to Spider-Man.

Movies, anime, comics, games, and even fan fiction at a certain point are all within his reading range.

And through this large amount of reading, he also gained a deeper understanding of Spider-Man.

Especially the most powerful among the many Spider-Men.

The most powerful one is Spider-Man, the transcendent who only exists in imagination.

The Transcendent is a very special setting in Marvel. It is said that it comes from a dimension called the "Transcendence Realm" and is a being that transcends everything in the multiverse.

The setting of Spider-Man Beyond is a Spider-Man who has gained the ability to transcend.

However, this is obviously the brainchild of some people and cannot be taken seriously.

Ranked second is the evil Spider-Man.

In the parallel universe numbered "Earth-11638", Uncle Ben, who was sacrificed in most of the universe, did not die, but survived.

He then vowed to train Peter Parker to shoulder the responsibility of fighting evil in this evil-ridden world.

Later, Spider-Man in this world really became the most famous and powerful hero in the world.

However, secretly, the two of them were doing something extremely evil.


They enhance their own powers by trapping Spider-Men from other parallel universes, killing them, and draining their energy.

Spider-Man's second super power - "With great power comes great responsibility", when the mind is blinded by "power", it becomes unscrupulous justice.

The greater the responsibility, the greater the ability?

Even if it means doing whatever it takes, don't hesitate?

Later, under the persuasion of the main universe Spider-Man who was also captured and was about to become a victim, the conscience of the 11638-universe Spider-Man was awakened.

The Spider-Man of the 11638 universe felt the sorrow of those Spider-Verses who were innocently killed, so he let the Spider-Man of the Main Universe go.

However, while the two were relaxing, Uncle Ben aimed the ability absorber at Spider-Man in the main universe, trying to carry out his "unscrupulous justice."

At the critical moment, 11638 Universe Spider-Man blocked the blow for him, but because of this, his power went wild and he fell into hell.

Later, 11638 Universe Spider-Man signed a contract with Mephisto in Hell, and when he woke up, he became the Evil Spider-Man!

His power is the sum of Spider-Man from multiple parallel universes, plus all the abilities of Ghost Rider. It is said that he can defeat Galactus just under normal conditions.

If it enters the evil spirit state, it will become even stronger.

But this guy is too dangerous. He has killed so many Spider-Man. If you encounter him in the future, emmm, it’s better not to encounter him.

I hope the others are gone, Ami Tofu~

The third ranked one should be Aunt Four Hundred. This Spider-Man’s style of painting is very “fantastic”.

Unlike other Spider-Man who only wears armor, this one directly fights in a mecha.

He possesses the most powerful robot, the Destruction Sword that can kill everything instantly, and can also use bracelets to enhance his strength. He can summon Gallia's spaceship with a top speed of Mach 15, a flying speed of Mach 4 in the air, and a top speed of 300km/h on land. There are GP-7s with small missiles and machine guns, etc.

His paper data is not even as good as the ordinary Spider-Man, but his mecha abilities are directly related to the rules. Therefore, among the known Spider-Man in these many works, his strength is only lower than that of the Evil Spider-Man.

The fourth is Captain Universe Spider-Man.

Captain Universe is one of Marvel's four abstract entities - the guardian of eternity, who is chosen by the mysterious force - Uni-Power.

It can amplify various attributes of the host, such as endurance, agility, etc. In addition, it can also give the host special abilities such as energy bombs, object manipulation, molecular manipulation, and flight.

So in this state, Spider-Man's strength can probably reach the level of a single universe.

Spider-Man further down, his strength should be about the same.

Basically at the surface level.

While understanding Spider-Man, Bide also consulted the real (hu) true (luan) analysis (nao) analysis (bu) of netizens who are almost omnipotent like Xiao Hei, and probably have a better understanding of the various levels of power in the Marvel system. A clearer understanding.

(PS: The following ratings only represent the opinions of this book and myself, mainly to have a clearer understanding of the protagonist’s strength at different times. In addition, these ratings are all without special status bonuses, such as picking up The special status of Iron Man in the Infinity Gauntlet is not included.)

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