Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 83 Dutch Spider (Additional update!)

Of course, Dutch Brother Spider didn't know about this at this time.

After "defeating" Doctor Strange with his verbal magic, Dutch Spider was scolded by the "angry" Doctor Strange and kicked out.

However, Doctor Strange's angry words before leaving gave him an instruction:

Maybe there is no need for him to come here first and ask Doctor Strange to use magic to complete all this. He can go directly to the person in charge of the admissions office at MIT!

After all, his first goal now is to allow MJ and Ned to go to school in Boston as they wish, instead of losing the opportunity inexplicably because of his influence like now.

Of course, it would be great if he could come along too.

So, Spider-Man Dutch came out of the Supreme Sanctuary and learned about MIT's admissions from Flash at the cost of "sending him to school for two weeks" and "telling everyone that Flash is a good friend of Spider-Man". The person in charge of the office is on his way to the airport.

The Dutch boy hurriedly hurried all the way, causing a traffic jam, and finally found the person in charge of the admissions office on the viaduct.

"Hello, I'm Peter Parker." Dutch Spider introduced himself.

The lady in charge looked at him calmly and asked, "Do you know that you are on the road now?"

Dutch Brother's tone was indescribably nervous, and he danced: "I know, I'm sorry, but I really need to have a good talk with you."

"Yes." The lady in charge nodded, her tone neither salty nor light.

Holland said: "I know you are going to the airport now. MJ Watson and Ned Leeds are two of the smartest people I have ever met in my life, and I am a big fool because... I let them Help me, because if I don't let them help me, millions of people will die, so please. Don't let MIT become as stupid as me."

Because of the attitude of the lady in charge, Brother Holland became more and more nervous, causing him to become a little incoherent.

At this time, his intelligence was gone and he was just a teenager who was very worried about the future of his best friend.

The lady in charge asked with an unkind look on her face: "Is MIT a fool?"

The Dutch boy looked embarrassed and quickly explained: "No, no, no, that's not what I meant. Of course MIT is not a fool."

He looked up, trying to formulate the words in his mind.

But the more nervous you are, the more your mind goes blank.

Damn it, why is this harder than fighting Mysterio's army of drones?

"I mean the one who didn't let them help. I'm a fool for that one." An embarrassing smile appeared on Dutch Spider's face, and even he felt that his wording was messed up.

The lady in charge looked at the embarrassed Dutchman with some humor and said, "Have you not rehearsed this rhetoric in advance, Peter?"

"Uh" Brother Holland lowered his head, but he did not give up and wanted to make a last effort, "Anyway, what I want to say is"


Just then, the spider sense activated!

He was startled, and the embarrassment on his face disappeared instantly, and he completed the transformation from a shy little boy to a mature warrior in the blink of an eye.

Dutch Spider jumped lightly onto the roof of the car, and soon saw the commotion coming from the front.

I saw that the road surface of the viaduct in front of me suddenly broke apart section after section!

Men screamed, women screamed, and children cried. Panic quickly spread on this viaduct.

Having already experienced several battles, participated in the civil war, the interstellar war with Thanos, and independently defeated the Vulture and Mysterio, the Dutch Spider is no longer the little kid he was before.

He immediately realized that the danger was coming!

The Iron Spider suit instantly possessed him.

Dutchman leaned over and knocked on the roof of the car: "Oh my God! Madam, you better get out of the car quickly."

Then he stood up and shouted: "Everyone, get off the bridge!"

The lady in charge also reacted and slapped the car door in horror: "The door is locked, door! Open the door quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the driver in the car opened the door and ran away.

Really professional ethics.


A long mechanical tentacle penetrated the concrete wall of the viaduct, threw a taxi out, and propped it on the ground.

Then, a few more mechanical tentacles emerged from the billowing smoke.

A figure wearing a black jacket appeared on the viaduct.

He looked at the Dutchman standing on the roof of the car from a distance and said hello: "Hello, Peter."

Dutch Brother Spider waved with some confusion: "How about you? Do we, do I know you?"

Doctor Octopus glared at Dutchman and asked: "What did you do to my machine?!!"

"Machine? What machine?" Dutch Spider became more and more confused. "I have no idea what you are talking about. What machine?"

"The power of the sun is in the palm of my hand! It's gone now!"

"Wait!" Dutch Spider, although still full of doubts, wanted to find a way to stabilize his opponent first and said, "Listen, sir, can you please stop smashing the car first? We can cooperate and retrieve your machine, how about it?" "

"Are you trying to trick me?" Doctor Octopus roared.

The two mechanical tentacles used force to grab the two cars next to them, one on the left and the other on the right, and threw them out of the viaduct.

"Go pick it up, little Spider-Man!" Doctor Octopus knew Spider-Man's character well and used this tried and tested trick.

The Dutchman is very anxious. There are people in one of the two cars!

He heard the screams!

He immediately pounced on it.

Then boom!

Because of his misjudgment, Dutchman hit the car hard.

"What happened?" Dutch Spider lay with his whole body on the roof of the car and found that he was actually in mid-air.

The car that was supposed to be thrown off the viaduct did not fly out at this time, but flew back upside down.

"Hey man, have you come to your senses?"

A voice sounded from behind.

Dutch Spider quickly turned his head and looked around, only to see a Spider-Man wearing a metal suit similar to his, but with different color matching, standing on the bridge not far away.

His left and right hands shot out a thread of spider silk, which happened to stick to the two thrown cars.

"Are you?" Dutch Spider's eyes widened in disbelief.

Bid said angrily: "When you come back to your senses, catch the car under your feet. Don't increase my burden, okay?"

"Oh, okay," although Bid's words were very rude, Dutch Spider could feel the kindness in them.

He jumped off the roof of the car very obediently, stopped the car the moment it was about to land, and placed it lightly in the open space aside.

Inside was a frightened family of three.

Dutch Brother Spider waved to them: "Come out quickly and get out of here."

"Thank you, thank you," the man hugged his daughter, thanked her repeatedly and fled quickly.

Then, Brother Dutch Spider turned his head and looked to the other side.

The new Spider-Man also left the other empty car aside and was walking towards this side.

Thanks to book friend 20230217180421810 for the 30,000 starting coin reward! Thanks to Sunny God for the 500 starting coin reward!

PS: Because both the previous chapter and this chapter used a lot of movie plot, I added an extra chapter.

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