Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 92 Found (Second update)

"The Green Goblin we saw on the bridge before might go there to look for her." Bid said calmly.

"What?!!" Dutch spider suddenly stopped on the wall of a building and looked at Bid in disbelief, "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

Bid said helplessly: "First of all, this is only a possibility. Secondly, if the Green Goblin can go to your aunt for help, it means that he has calmed down and is no longer the Green Goblin for the time being."

"What do you mean?" Dutch Spider asked confused.

Bid said: "The Green Goblin was originally a successful entrepreneur. He was the founder of the Osborne Group. Later, he injected something similar to a super soldier serum to transform himself into a super soldier. At the same time, a sick and destructive sub-personality emerged in my mind.”

"Wow! Isn't this the Hulk?" Ned suddenly interrupted.

Ned and MJ on the other side of the conversation could also hear the conversation.

Bid denied: "Unlike the Hulk, the Hulk had the temper of a child when he was first born, but as he merged with Dr. Banner, he gradually 'grew up' and became controllable, becoming a real superhero. ”

Dutch Brother Spider nodded after hearing this.

Although he has never fought side by side with the Hulk, he has long admired the superhero.

Moreover, his "adopted father" Iron Man also praised the Hulk highly and even specially developed the "Hulkbuster Armor".

"But the Green Goblin is different. He is a born criminal, with endless desires for destruction in his mind. You can't reason with him at all!" Bide said.

He wasn't alarmist.

In the original play, the Green Goblin was the first to rebel against the kindness shown by Spider-Man.

And he used words to seduce the most easily swayed Electro.

This caused the villains to lose control and run rampant again.

Not only that, Bide actually had an idea all along.

He felt that the birth of the "Green Goblin" and the "Second Generation Green Goblin" was not just as simple as a second personality.

It's more like the Osborns' own psychosis, fused with something in the Green Goblin's serum, amplifying this character flaw and making him a complete lunatic.

Therefore, rather than saying that the sudden appearance of Norman Osborn is the main body, it is better to say that he is the "sub-personality".

As for the Green Goblin, as early as when Norman Osborn drank the potion, he had already firmly occupied that body and became the main personality!

This kind of existence is no longer as simple as "being affected".

There is no cure for mental illness, and this anti-social type of mental illness!

Therefore, for other villains, even Dr. Lizard, Bid had the idea of ​​treating them and using them for his own use, but not the Green Goblin.

This thing is a time bomb, too dangerous.

The best way to deal with it is to shoot him directly, so as not to release him to harm others!

"What do you mean, the Green Goblin may temporarily return to normal and then go find my aunt?" Dutch Spider asked with a slight sigh of relief.

Bid nodded and confirmed: "Yes, if he will take the initiative to seek help, then he has obviously returned to normal, so your aunt will be fine for the time being. And if he does not return to normal, he will naturally not go to your aunt, and she will also Nothing will happen."

After hearing this, Dutch Brother Spider completely relaxed and said, "That's good, that's good."

The two hit the road again.

"What about the other two places? The Empire State Building, and the Chrysler Building? Doctor Lizard and Doctor Octopus have been captured. Electro and Sandman will probably be where you are going. The Green Goblin is missing, but he will probably appear at the rescue. Near the center. What else will appear in these two places?" MJ wondered.

While she was talking, Ned also successfully hacked into the cameras on the streets near the two buildings and began to quickly check the surveillance footage.

Unfortunately, there are very few cameras and not much can be seen. I can only say that it is better than nothing.

Bid chuckled and said, "That's where Spider-Man from the other two worlds likes to go!"


"How can this be!"

"Oh my God, there are two Spider-Mans?"

Dutchman, MJ and Ned all screamed.

Dutch brother Zhu said seriously: "Then why don't we find them first and then arrest them together?"

Bid said helplessly: "I also want to relax, but it's a pity that Doctor Strange walked too fast and forgot to let him pass the person over first."

"Okay." Dutch Brother Spider couldn't do anything after hearing this.

The two had no choice but to continue on their way obediently.

However, knowing that there were two Spider-Mans actually increased Ned and MJ's work enthusiasm.

Especially Ned.

In fact, he has a lot to ask, but he is too busy now and is embarrassed to ask.

He was going to wait until he gathered four Spider-Men and ask them all at once.

The southern suburbs were not too far away. Bidde and Dutch Spider were traveling in a straight line in the air. Without the need for traffic jams, they were traveling very quickly.

But along the way, they have discovered some clues.

For example, the closer you get to this side, the more facilities will have power outages.

This also supports the position of Electro, because it does fit very well with the scene when Electro is absorbing electricity.

Soon, they were out of the city, leaving the high-rise buildings behind.

In the wilderness, power towers appeared in front of the two people.

Bid looked at this familiar scene with a smile on his lips.

This is it!

He jumped to the top of a tree and stared into the distance.

Soon, a blue humanoid figure was found among the many power towers.

He was suspended between two power towers, shooting out several bolts of lightning on each side, connected to the power towers on both sides. It seemed that he was absorbing the power of those power towers.

"Look there," Bid pointed at the Electro.

"Oh - my God! I saw it" Dutch spider looked at the figure suspended between the power towers in amazement.

"Is this Electro?" Ned and MJ also stopped looking for other Spider-Man and concentrated on watching the battle - mainly through a mobile phone tied to the chest of Dutch Spider-Man. Well, it was very funny.

"Yes, this guy's weakness is water, and he needs to be recharged to last." Bid was ready for battle.

To be honest, he was a little nervous.

The Ultimate Green Goblin, Kingpin, Doctor Octopus, and Doctor Lizard that we had dealt with before were all physical attack types, but Electro, he was a proper "natural-type thunder fruit capable user"!

He didn't eat the rubber fruit, and he didn't have armed domineering power.

To deal with this disembodied opponent, you have to find a way to start from his weaknesses.

"Water?" Dutchman said with a sad face. He looked around. There was nothing but forests and loess. Where could the water come from?

"If it doesn't work, just cut off the wires. Cutting off the power is the most direct way," Bide said.

Dutch Brother Spider nodded.

Although cutting the wires will cause a large-scale power outage, in order to subdue this monster, it is best to stop the loss in time.

"Okay, you'll attract the firepower in a moment, and I'll try to find his other weaknesses first. Let's go!"

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