Marvel's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Chapter 94 Max (fourth update)

Bid held the Lightning Man's neck with one hand and dropped it to the ground.

At this time, the electric man has returned to his human appearance, but because the electricity absorbed in his body has not been completely released, a trace of electric light is faintly flashing in his body.

After placing the electro-optical man on the ground, Bide also breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why he briefly controlled the air just now was not because he had the ability to fly, it was just the result of quantizing himself.

In this state, as long as he does not activate the power of time and space, he will naturally not be able to travel through time and space.

But it still takes a lot of energy to keep oneself completely quantized.

So despite the fact that he just said a few words to Yu Kong and Electro, the whole process took less than a minute, but the physical energy he actually consumed was enough to support him fighting several super villains for dozens of minutes!

And this kind of huge physical exertion in a short period of time is even more tiring than that.

Fortunately, his efforts were not in vain.

Judging from the current state of the Electric Man, the probability of conquering him is still quite high.

In fact, Dianguang Man is also a poor person.

Different from the comic version of the selfish, greedy and destructive Electro, the movie version is actually just a small screw in Osborn's company.

He was unattractive, even a little ugly. Although he designed a very beautiful electrical diagram, it was stolen by his boss. Because of his identity, he dared not speak out.

This is the tragedy of small employees in the workplace.

Because he is a little transparent, has no friends, and no one even remembers his name, he is very eager to be recognized by others.

Harry Osborn was able to coax him into becoming his thug with just a few words, taking advantage of this weakness in Electro's character.

At this time, Bide actually took advantage of this.

But unlike Harry Osborn, who only wanted to use the Electro for his own benefit, Bid truly sympathized with the Electro and at the same time felt that the Electro could help him.

He gave the Electro what he needed, and the Electro gave him what he needed.

mutually beneficial.

This is the beginning of friendship.

Maybe the starting point is not pure enough, but there are very few pure friendships in the world that are not related to interests, and they can only be seen when everyone is still a child.

"What's wrong with him?" Dutch spider started fluttering at some point, walked to Bide's side, and asked quietly.

Bid shrugged and said, "I'm not sure. Let him be quiet for a while."

"By the way, I just met a person over there? He seems to be from another world. He should be the Sandman you mentioned, right?" Dutch Spider pointed to the other side.

Bid raised his eyebrows. He was originally a little surprised why the sand people didn't show up, and he was also a little worried that they resolved the battle too quickly, causing the sand people to lose the opportunity to take action, so they couldn't come over.

Unexpectedly, he still showed up.

"Where are the others? Why don't they come over?" Bide asked doubtfully.

Dutch Brother Spider shrugged and said, "I don't know for sure. Maybe the scene where you inserted your hands into the body of the Electron just scared him? So, he was scared away."

"Uh" Bide looked back at Electro.

If you think about it carefully, he just suddenly appeared behind the Electro-Optic Man, inserted his hands into his body, and then brought the Electro-Optical Man to the ground. The Electro-Optical Man sat motionless on the ground.

Taken together, these scenes look a bit like Electro-optical Man being killed directly by him.

No wonder the Sand People are scared.

But this is embarrassing!

Originally, Bid thought that "Sandman" Flint Mark was one of the few "normal people" among these villains and was the best to communicate with.

Anyone who has watched the movie knows that the reason why Sandman robbed the money was actually to treat his daughter.

Uncle Ben, who killed the Toby Spider, also failed because he was too nervous.

Even the Toby Spider forgave him his sin.

Therefore, Bide had no reason to pursue the case.

Moreover, Sandman has good abilities and is also one of his recruitment targets.

So he didn't pay special attention to him at first, thinking that as long as he said something nice and said "you can take him to meet him and pay for his daughter's medical treatment", Sharen would be able to be used by him.

Who would have thought that by some mistake, the Sandman would be scared away because he was too decisive?

"This" Bide was speechless.

Sand people are hard to find.

If you are in a city, just look to see if there is any sand flying in the sky.

But New York is surrounded by the sea on three sides. The coastline is quite long and there are many beaches. In addition, some areas specially set aside as forest land for special purposes can accommodate too many places for sand people to hide.

Unless he shows up, it's hard to find him.

But the matter has come to this, even if I am speechless, there is nothing I can do.

Fortunately, there is also a lightning man to "guarantee".

Bid chatted with Dutch Spider for a few words, exchanged information, and then walked back to the Electro.

At this time, the electro-optical man had recovered from his previous dazed state.

The reason why he was in that state just now, apart from being moved by Bide's words, was actually mostly because Bide suddenly cut off the energy veins in his body, causing the current to be disordered and the brain to be somewhat "short-circuited".

Hearing Bide's footsteps, the electric man raised his head and looked at Bide.

Bide took off his nano-metal suit, revealing his young face.

With a sunny smile on his face, he stretched out his hand to the electro-optical man: "My name is Bid, Max. Are you feeling better? Can you stand up?"

The lights of the power tower shone behind.

From the perspective of the lightning man, it is as if he is seeing the messenger of God.

Sacred and warm. It illuminated his heart that had been shrouded in darkness for a long time.

"Ah -" Max subconsciously raised his hand, then immediately retracted it, "My hands are too dirty, no."

But Bid bent down, stretched out his hand like lightning, took hold of Max's retracted hand, gently pulled it up from the ground: "We are friends, friends don't have to worry about this."

"Friends." Max murmured and repeated the unfamiliar word, then showed a big smile, "Yes, we are friends. Thank you, Bid, my friend!"

"You're naked now. There are a few clothes over there, so let's make do with them first," Bide pointed to a box under the power tower nearby.

There are several pieces of clothing specially designed for electricians in the box, which are probably used by the electric workers here when they repair circuits.

He and Dutch Brother Spider had solved such a big trouble for them and prevented all their power from being stolen. "Borrowing" a piece of clothing wasn't too much, right?

As he said that, he took one directly from the spider silk and handed it to Max.

Max took the electrician's uniform and quickly put it on.

After putting it on, he walked up to Bid and showed it: "How about it, friend."

"Not bad, it fits pretty well."

Max's dark face showed a hint of pink, and he scratched his head: "Hey."

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