On Liberty Island, the heads of state will hold a summit this evening.

The patrols and radars on the periphery could not stop the powerful Magneto, he easily took his subordinates into the Statue of Liberty to prepare, and the instrument was installed on the Statue of Liberty torch by his ability, and when the time was ripe, he would use the ability of the little naughty Mary to operate the instrument instead of himself.

As Magneto’s only two subordinates, Sabertooth and Toad guard the bottom of the Statue of Liberty to prevent the X-Policemen and police from breaking in.

Due to being brainwashed many times, the saber-toothed tiger’s brain is now extremely chaotic, and it cannot recall the past, and the saber-toothed tiger can only obediently obey Magneto’s orders and become a mad dog under him, but the saber-toothed tiger still retains the most basic way of thinking, not completely irrational beast.

At this time, the saber-toothed tiger suddenly found that there was a very small line of English not far away, still written in a highlighter, which was particularly conspicuous in this darker environment, and under curiosity, the saber-toothed tiger walked over to check, and saw that the wall said: “High-energy reaction ahead!” About a hundred meters away! ”

And below this line of English, an arrow is drawn pointing into the distance, and the saber-toothed tiger almost didn’t think much, so he followed the direction pointed by the arrow, but before he walked out of ten meters, the saber-toothed tiger saw several cylindrical things fall to the ground…

In the next second, the dazzling strong light instantly illuminated the entire space, and the saber-toothed tiger’s black pupils were completely covered with eyeballs, and he was almost blind!

“Roar!!” The stinging pain in his eyes made the saber-toothed tiger roar in pain.

And at this moment, Tang Zeliang, wearing real glasses, struck from the darkness, and the watermelon knife in his hand exuded an oozing cold light, slashing at the position of the saber-toothed tiger from top to bottom, and it was like splitting the saber-toothed tiger into two segments!

Although the eyes are temporarily invisible, the saber-toothed tiger has a beast-like intuition and an extremely powerful perception of danger, and he ignored the sting of his eyes, quickly rolled to the right with his intuition, and escaped Tang Zeliang’s sneak attack.

“It’s a bit of an open gut feeling.” Tang Zeliang muttered softly.

The red and swollen eyes of the saber-toothed tiger were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and seeing Tang Zeliang, who was covered in darkness, the anger in his heart instantly burned!

The claws of both hands suddenly grew, accompanied by a sharp sound of breaking wind, and the claws of the saber-toothed tiger directly pierced Tang Zeliang’s abdomen!

However, although the sensation from the claws seemed to be scratching through the flesh, there was no feeling of piercing.

The chaotic head of the saber-toothed tiger was thinking about complex problems at all, and seeing that Tang Zeliang was not injured, he continued to rush up and reach out to grab Tang Zeliang’s neck, and then forcefully hit the ground!

The iron-tong-like hands pinched Tang Zeliang’s neck, as if he wanted to strangle Tang Zeliang alive!

In the face of the fierce attack of the saber-toothed tiger, Tang Zeliang did not fluctuate in his heart, and even wanted to sing.

“Sleep, sleep, the system your parents don’t want you…”

[The host uses abusive words to the system, and is now given an electric shock punishment, and the degree of abuse is automatically determined: two levels]

The furious electricity flowed down Tang Zeliang’s neck and frantically flowed into the body of the saber-toothed tiger, and this unbearable pain directly electrocuted the saber-toothed tiger to let go of its hand, opening its mouth to roar.

Seeing this, Tang Zeliang quickly covered the saber-toothed tiger’s mouth and opened it with a sonic paralysis device next to his ear, temporarily paralyzing the saber-toothed tiger.

Saber-toothed tiger: “…”

His pain now is several times stronger than that of Obadiastani, more painful, and he wants to die more!

However, the saber-toothed tiger met Tang Zeliang and forced him to hold this pain.

However, Tang Zeliang knows that this device has little effect on the saber-toothed tiger, this guy’s ability is very similar to Wolverine, the same healing ability, whether it is injured or paralyzed, the saber-toothed tiger can recover in a short time…

Tang Zeliang wanted to sneak attack this time, how could he let the brainless guy of the saber-toothed tiger destroy, so Tang Zeliang pulled the saber-toothed tiger directly into a dark corner, and slashed the back of the saber-toothed tiger’s neck with a hand knife!

As a result, the saber-toothed tiger still stared and did not faint!

Tang Zeliang didn’t care, another hand knife slashed at the back of the saber-toothed tiger’s neck, and the back of the saber-toothed tiger’s neck was swollen, but he still insisted on not fainting…

Hey, willpower is quite tenacious! Tang Zeliang was immediately unhappy, this is his first sneak attack, if he fails, how can he continue to mix in the mercenary world in the future.

He could already imagine that there would be a joke in the mercenary world, that Mr. Black’s mission was timed out, and the reason was that he wasted all his time stunning the enemy…

Isn’t this kidding me?

Of course, Tang Zeliang did not allow this to happen, he immediately raised his hand, and a hand knife slashed madly at the back of the saber-toothed tiger’s neck, and the back of the saber-toothed tiger’s neck was swollen and recovered, and at first glance, he thought that Tang Zeliang was helping the saber-toothed tiger do a neck massage.

The torture inside and outside almost drove the saber-toothed tiger crazy, but his paralyzed state did not completely disappear, and he couldn’t vent this pain by roaring.

I don’t know what the principle is, under the massage of Tang Zeliang’s neck, the chaotic head of the saber-toothed tiger actually recovered a trace of clarity, and the memories stored in the depths of the brain slowly emerged…


I couldn’t bear it yesterday, I fainted from sleep, and I made up for it today_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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