Marvel's strongest godfather

Chapter 056 Worship The Mountain! (3 More Please Add To Favorites)

Looking at Jin Bin who was sighing, James hesitated for a moment and then continued: "Master Richard also said that he wanted to use the remnants of the [Shou Hehui] to re-form a force to practice his skills, Boss, you see ?”

"Form your own force?"

Kingpin was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and laughed, "Hahahaha, this boy doesn't want to inherit his father's family business. He wants to build a world with his own hands... brat!"

"Boss, you don't mind?" James asked cautiously.

Kingpin: "Why should I mind? Isn't it natural for a man to want to make a name for himself?"

"When I was young, I didn't have a father who could leave me such a large family fortune like mine. Didn't I get to where I am today through hard work..."

"His starting point is higher than mine, and his strength is much stronger than before. What do I have to worry about?" Having said this, Kingpin patted his chest, full of pride, "Even if he really fails, Now, I, the father, have to shoulder the burden for him!"

What Kingpin said was not bragging. James had heard a little bit about his past.

"Boss is wise!" James quickly flattered him.

Jin Bin raised his eyelids slightly at this time, looked at James with a half-smile and said: "These words are probably not just because you are curious about my attitude on this matter... but because the boy asked you to test me, right? ?”

Being asked by Kingpin so suddenly, James's face immediately became uncomfortable.

It can only be said that Jiang is still old and spicy. How can he hide his little bit of Jiujiu from Jin Bin, an old man in the world?

He panicked and wanted to explain: "I'm sorry, Boss, I..."

Jin Bin suddenly raised his hand to stop him from continuing, shook his head and smiled: "Don't think too much, I don't mean to blame you. You have been with me for so many years, and everything big and small has to go through your hands. Could it be that Would I still doubt your loyalty?"

"Definitely, I also understand your difficulty. After all, that brat is my only son. You won't dare not agree to whatever he asks you to do. Otherwise, if he inherits my family business one day, you will too. You can’t live with yourself, right?”

"Boss is wise!" James finally breathed a sigh of relief when Kingpin said this.

"Don't worry, you have been with me for so many years, and you have worked hard without any credit. I will not make it difficult for you." Jin Bing smiled and reassured: "I also want to see how far that boy can go. ...In the next period of time, you should go and help him."


Hearing Kingpin say this, James's face turned pale again, and he suddenly thought that Kingpin was still a little dissatisfied with him.

Although he was indeed tempted by the proposal that Richard had mentioned that could turn him into a supernatural being, his loyalty to Kingpin, the boss who had been so kind to him, was not an act.

If Kingpin was annoyed by this, he would rather not be an extraordinary person.

"Look at you... I already told you that I'm not angry with you. What are you still worried about?" James's panic reaction made Kingpin laugh. "Others don't know the relationship between our father and son, so why don't you still worry about it?" is that clear?"

"If that kid wants to inherit the family business now, I can retire tomorrow. If I hadn't always wanted him to stay away from these right and wrongs, he should have been in charge of many things in the gang by now."

"And, to be honest, although this assassination made me very angry, so angry that I wanted to kill someone, and kill him until his blood flowed..."

"However, I have to admit that it was precisely because of this incident that I figured out a lot of problems. At least my original unrealistic and naive fantasy was a bit ridiculous."

"That brat is right. He is my Jin Bin's son. He is destined to never have an ordinary life like an ordinary person... My unnecessary protection will only harm him in the end." Jin Bin sighed.

Jin Bing's words came to this point, and James finally confirmed that his boss was not just talking nice things.

After all, he had been with Kingpin for more than ten years, and he still had the ability to observe people's emotions.

"With your more than ten years of experience in helping me take care of things in the gang, you should be able to save him a lot of trouble. This can be regarded as an independent gift from me as a father to him..." Jin Bing smiled slightly A smile.


James stopped being pretentious this time and simply agreed.

This result is actually what he is most happy to see.


On the fifth day after 'Five Fingers' was killed by Richard, Bullseye had completely completed the integration of [Hand Club].

After getting the 'surprise' promised by Richard, he worked even harder on things.

In fact, although the [Houhehui] is a world-class killer group with a heritage that has continued for hundreds of years, the main forces today are basically in North America, and there are only some small branches in other places.

After Bullseye has integrated the branches of the Hand and the Society in North America, it is only a matter of time before other locations are originally established.

On this day, all the spokespersons of the North American branches of [Hand for Peace] received a notice, which can also be called an invitation letter, inviting them to attend the reorganization of [Hand for Peace] somewhere in Queens, New York the next evening. of the first meeting.

Everyone knows that this should be the first time to worship the mountain after changing the boss!

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