Marvel's strongest godfather

Chapter 071 Intelligence System (3 Updates Please Subscribe Automatically)

"Stronger than us? Really or not. Typhoid Mary obviously didn't believe it.

"Okay, that's not entirely accurate...if you count your sub-personalities, she may not be as good as you, but if you only count yourself, both you and the executioner are indeed stronger. Not as good as her." Richard pondered.

"Are all the little girls today so powerful? There is no way for the old aunt to survive." Typhoid Mary couldn't help but clicked her tongue.

Although she had seen Jessica kill the purple man with one punch before, but just like this, both she and the executioner could also do it. At most, there was a slight gap in strength.

But simply having more strength will actually have very limited effects in combat.

So neither of them thought there was anything remarkable about Jessica. Instead, they were surprised why Richard would bother so much for such a little girl.

It wasn't until Richard said this that they finally understood.

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After taking care of Jessica, half of Richard's side mission is completed.

Next, all you need to do is take little Spider-Man under your wing, and you're done.

However, compared to Jessica, it is not the least bit more difficult to conquer little Spider-Man.

Jessica is not originally the kind of person who has a strong sense of justice. Part of the reason why she became a superhero is because of her idol effect. She thinks superheroes are very handsome, and partly because she wants to fight against the villain Zi Ren.

But now the purple people have been directly KOed, and Richard appears in front of her at the most critical moment as a savior, which has had an indelible impact on her outlook on life.

Only then did she willingly decide to join Richard's command and successfully conquered him.

Little Spider-Man is different. He will become a superhero because he wants to pursue justice from the bottom of his heart.

Because as early as when he was a child, he has always regarded Iron Man as his idol, and he also had an intersection with Iron Man, which gave rise to the dream of becoming a superhero in the future.

You can imagine how difficult it is to get a guy who has been determined to be a superhero since he was a child and has a strong sense of justice to join a gang.

This is also the reason why Richard will leave little Spider-Man behind to deal with it, easy things first and then hard things.

After returning home, Richard first called James and asked him to arrange for someone to go to the previous apartment to dispose of the purple man's body to avoid any complications.

Then he began to investigate the information about little Spider-Man's family through the [Black Mamba] intelligence system.

The predecessor of "Black Mamba" is the "Hand Peace Club", a huge killer group. In terms of intelligence alone, "even compared to the [Kingpin Gang], the largest gang in North America, it is even worse."

After all, the profession of killer requires very high intelligence.

Therefore, it didn't take long for a piece of information about little Spider-Man's family to be sent to Richard:

" Name: Peter·Pa〃||gram"

"Sex: Male"

"Age: 16 years old"

"Occupation: Studied at 'Midtown High School' in New York"

"Characteristics: Introverted, excellent grades, proficient in mechanical subjects"

"Relatives: Both parents were [North American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)] agents. They died in a plane crash and were identified as spies for other countries (there are doubts, suspected of being framed); now they are with the uncle's family (uncle Benjamin Parker, aunt May Parker)

Looking at the information about little Spider-Man sent by his subordinates, even Richard couldn't help but be amazed by "Black Mamba's intelligence system.

Not much else, most of it is public information.

Even the fact that little Spider-Man's parents were agents of the CIA is not a big secret. As long as there are insiders in the government, it can be easily found out.

However, there is a piece of information that is not even in government records - that is, after little Spider-Man's parents died in a plane crash, they were framed by the government as spies!

It's not strange that Richard knows, it's strange that he doesn't know.

However, [Black Mamba]'s intelligence network can even find out such an inconspicuous thing that happened a long time ago, and mark it as suspicious. This kind of intelligence ability is quite terrifying!

"It seems that my decision not to completely destroy the [Hand Peace Society] was correct..." Richard couldn't help but sigh.

After sighing, he began to carefully study the information about little Spider-Man.

Soon, he noticed a piece of information that might be useful.

"Benjamin Parker is still alive?" Richard was slightly surprised.

Uncle Ben is a very well-known figure in the Marvel world. Although his appearance time is very short, he is basically a minor character.

But the words he said before his death, "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility," are often spoken by countless die-hard fans.

If Richard remembers correctly, Uncle Ben was killed due to robbery shortly after little Spider-Man obtained his ability. It was this incident that strengthened little Spider-Man's belief in becoming a superhero.

"Since this hasn't happened yet, things will be much simpler..." Richard thought to himself.

He actually already has a rough plan in mind, just waiting for a suitable opportunity to take down little Spider-Man in one fell swoop!

Dong dong dong——

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Master, my wife has asked you to go down for dinner." The old housekeeper's voice came from outside the door.

"Got it, I'll come right away." Richard closed the information about little Spider-Man and replied to the door.


When Richard's mind was temporarily focused on 'Midtown High School', the Black Mamba also faced its first crisis since its establishment!

On this day, a man dressed casually came to the outside of the 'Black Rose Villa' carrying a guitar case. This was the first time Richard appeared as a 'Black Mamba' in other places. Places in people's eyes.

This is also the North American headquarters of the original Hand He Hui.

When the man carrying a guitar case approached the gate of the villa, the guard at the gate immediately warned: "This is a private area, please leave immediately!"

"I repeat, this is a private area, please leave immediately!"

The man with the guitar box stopped and asked, "Is this the Black Rose Villa?"

The guard's expression softened a little: "Yes, what's the matter?"

The man with the guitar case nodded, then calmly took the guitar case in front of him, took out a silver-white long sword, pointed it at the guard, and replied: "My name is 'Swordsman'

They are here to kill——"

The guard's expression changed when he heard this!

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