Marvel's strongest godfather

Chapter 008 The Storm Is Coming To New York! (Second Update)

After Kingpin showed signs of Rage, the conference room became silent except for the sound of Kingpin's phone call.

No one wants to get into trouble with Jin Bin at this time.

It wasn't until Kingpin hung up the phone that the man with glasses sitting in the first seat to his left asked cautiously.

"What happened, Boss?"

The man with glasses was James Wesley, who was Kingpin's personal secretary. He had long assisted Kingpin in managing his "underworld empire" and was one of Kingpin's most trusted subordinates.

Seeing Jin Bing's reaction, he immediately felt something was wrong.

No one knows better than him how terrifying his boss will be once he gets angry!

"Someone knew Richard's whereabouts in advance, ambush him on the train back to New York, and assassinated him..." Kingpin said expressionlessly.

"What?!" James was shocked.

The conference room instantly became an uproar, and everyone's expressions changed dramatically!

How dare someone dare to assassinate Jin Bin's son, his only son who he also regarded as Ni Lin?

Isn’t this living impatiently?

If the people present were given two must-choice questions, one was to assassinate the president of North America, and the other was to assassinate Kingpin's son, absolutely everyone would choose the former rather than the latter.

Because no matter whether the former is successful or not, even if he is caught, the worst he can do is go to jail, and even if some evil tricks are played in the middle, the most he can do is die.

But the latter is different. The price you have to pay is probably ten times and a hundred times more miserable than death!

Don't look at it, Kingpin really looks like a serious businessman now, smiling at everyone, and he will inspect his properties from time to time to motivate his employees.

But if anyone really thinks that this sluggish tiger is Hello Kitty, then he really doesn’t know how to write the word “death”...

It is foreseeable that no matter whether this assassination is successful or not, there will be a bloody storm in New York City and even in North America!

"Is Master Richard okay?" James asked with a pale face.

"The situation has turned around, and we are on our way back now." Jin Bing remained expressionless and just calmly explained, "There was a small accident on the train. Please arrange for someone to solve it. Don't let the police find Richard... ...In addition, please inform Carl, Mary and Lester that no matter where they are now or what they are doing, they must appear in front of me before tonight."

"Yes!" James responded quickly without daring to say any nonsense.

In just one minute, his back was completely soaked with sweat!

Because he knew very well that when Kingpin became expressionless, it meant that his anger had reached its extreme!

At this time, Jin Bin must not hear the word "no" in his ears, otherwise, no matter how much he likes his subordinates, he will tear them into pieces without hesitation!

"Fortunately, fortunately Richard is fine..." James was thankful in his heart.

He couldn't imagine what would happen to the Kingpin if something happened to Richard.

Didn't look at what happened now, is Kingpin already about to go crazy?

The few people Kingpin named just now are all his favorite generals. Their names seem to be quite ordinary, just like passers-by A, B, and C. However, the code names of these people are all notorious in the dark world!

Carl - codenamed 'Executioner', was once the ace agent of the CIA in North America. Later, he left the CIA for some special reasons and became a professional killer. He repeatedly clashed with superheroes such as 'The Punisher' and 'Daredevil'. Each has his own victory or defeat.

Not only that, but his hobby is also very strange, that is, hunting Mutants!

The number of Mutants who died in his hands was at least double digits. Although none were too well-known, it was enough to prove his strength.

Mary - codenamed 'Typhoid Mary', or 'Bloody Mary', the specific name depends on which personality controls her body... Yes, she is a schizophrenic with several different personalities. Personality.

The main personality is 'Typhoid Mary', who likes to pursue excitement and is very bohemian. She doesn't care about the world's eyes at all. She once had a relationship with 'Daredevil', but in the end they turned against each other because their ideals were too different.

In addition, she is also a Mutant, with a variety of different powers. Each personality has a different power. It can basically be regarded as a simplified version of the "Swarm".

Lester - codenamed "Bullseye", is a well-known assassin in the dark world. He has the ability to hit 100%, so no matter what weapon he uses, he has extraordinary lethality. Even spitting out a toothpick can kill someone!

'Daredevil', 'The Punisher', 'Spider-man'... there are too many superheroes who have suffered at the hands of 'Bullseye'. Although he does not have superpowers like 'Typhoid Mary', he Its performance was far superior to that of Typhoid Mary, and it was deeply loved by Kingpin.

Just by joining forces, these three people can already make the underground world of New York run wild. Even if they try to assassinate the President of North America, they may not be unable to succeed.

Besides, it's not just the three of them.

It should be noted that Jinpin does not only have three cards in his hand...

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