Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 10 Nick Fury's Visit (Asking For Flowers And Recommendations, Thank You)

The next day's press conference was held as usual, and Tony also said that classic sentence on it.

"I am Iron Man!"

Although there are many special people in this world, and there are other superheroes, Tony is the first one who stands directly on the bright side. After finishing the press conference and a series of troublesome things, Tony did not go home, but came directly to the Romani clinic, but the moment he entered, he found three people in the clinic, and Andumari, as usual, had a flat face Standing in the clinic, playing with the little snake in his hand.

And on the sofa in the clinic sat Romani and a guy with dark skin, black bald head, black eye patch, and black trench coat.

"Hey buddy, don't tell me he's a patient in your clinic. Did he ask you to treat his eyes?" Tony shrugged, and found a bottle of Romani Conti in the clinic, opened it and poured himself a glass. The wine was originally given to Romani by him.

"I am Iron Man, do you think you are the only superhero in this world?" The man in the black trench coat sat on the sofa, looked at Tony with his one eye, and said slightly ironically.

Tony shrugged, as if he didn't understand the tone of the other party at all, then raised the wine glass in his hand and pointed at Romani: "definitely no, there is another one beside me, the magician Romani...well, I still I think it would be better to call you Dr. Romani."

He could tell that the black guy was by no means an ordinary person, but would appear here and say what he said just now, which meant that he knew about his affairs, so Romani's affairs were naturally no secret.

"Correct your attitude, Mr. Stark, you have become a part of a larger universe, you just don't know it yet." The man in the black windbreaker frowned slightly, and became serious in an instant, but his original expression was also the same A dead serious look.

"Who are you?" Tony asked.

"Black marinated eggs." Before the guy in the black windbreaker could answer, Romani blurted out.

Nick Fury, who had a serious face, turned dark instantly, but no matter how dark it is, it will not make any difference, but the two twitches at the corners of his mouth can still be seen: "Nick Fury, SHIELD Director, let me talk to you Avengers. And you, Doctor Romani, I've been keeping an eye on you for a long time, Phil Coulson is my subordinate."

"Um, that's the security bureau?" When mentioning Phil Coulson, Romani also thought of that stinky and long name.

"It's been renamed, and it's now called S.H.I.E.L.D." Nick Fury corrected a sentence, and then continued, "I specially spared a lot of time to come here today, so things will be resolved one by one, so first of all, you, Doctor Romani, or a magician. I don't care whether your power is a supernatural power or the magic you mentioned. After all, no matter what it is, it belongs to extraordinary power. As long as it is so, it is under the jurisdiction of S.H.I.E.L.D scope."

"Especially when you took the ring from Obadai's finger, you used the word 'retrieve'. I don't think you need to go to the dictionary for the meaning of the word, we all understand the meaning of the word, which means that The ring originally belonged to you, or to someone related to you. S.H.I.E.L.D has investigated all your information over the past 20 years. From the above, you are a very good doctor, but what I want to ask now is , who the hell are you?" Nick Fury stared at Romani, he couldn't believe that Romani just casually said words like "retrieve".

Tony handed a glass of wine to Romani at this moment, and then turned to look at Nick Fury: "Didn't Romani answer it long ago? He is a magician, it's as simple as that."

Romani was his friend, and that black braised egg didn't look like a good person, so he naturally didn't have a good face.

But Romani didn't care much at the moment, he knew a little about Nick Fury from the movies in his previous life, although this guy was unscrupulous in many places, and he did a lot of things that he didn't see well and asked for trouble. But he is indeed the Asgardian of this world, and he is indeed working hard to protect this world. From this point of view, Romani can understand his tone.

"It is indeed retrieved. As you said, this ring originally belonged to me, but it was lost a long time ago. I don't know where it was thrown. It can be retrieved from Obadai. I was also very surprised. As for my identity, as Tony said, I am a magician, definitely, I am also a good doctor." Romani has no intention of revealing his identity as King Solomon now, because that would bring To a lot of trouble.

While Nick Fury can be trusted, S.H.I.E.L.D can't, after all, it's Snake and Shield now.

Nick Fury already had guesses about Romani's answer, so he didn't continue to dwell on this question: "Then the second question, before Tony called you, you were already driving to Stark Industries, and it was obvious that you were not Conspiring with Obaday, then can you explain why you rushed to Stark Industries in advance?"

"I can see everything, Nick Fury. The past and the future are in my eyes, are you satisfied with this explanation?" This time Romani directly chose to tell the truth, he can indeed see everything, everywhere past and future.

Not only because he had watched movies in his previous life and knew some plots, but also because his eyes were originally EX-level excellent acute eyes. As long as his ability is fully restored, he can truly see the past and the future.

The reason why he said it directly is because Romani knows that with Nick Fury's character, he will never believe his answer, definitely, and he will not completely deny it either. He will doubt, he will investigate, and this is what he will do.

Nick Fury stared at Romani for a long time, and for some reason, he felt that the guy in front of him was not lying: "Well, I think time will tell me the specific answers to these two questions. Then let's Let's talk about something more important, for the two of you, and even for the world."

"What Avengers were you talking about?" Tony was taken aback for a moment, then started to speak in his own joking tone.

"As I said, you have become part of a larger universe, you just don't know it yet!" Then, Nick Fury started talking about his Avengers plan to Tony and Romani...

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