Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 100 Sleeping Uncomfortably, Turn Over

"So, you asked Phil Coulson to find me right after I came back. Is there something important?" S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, Romani sat helplessly in the office of Black Braised Egg. The next day, Phil Coulson went straight to the clinic and found him, and here he is.

Phil Coulson originally planned to send him here, but now Phil Coulson is a sacrificed agent in the eyes of most people, and he is performing a secret mission, so Romani opened a portal by himself.

Just kidding, I opened the door for a moment, still need you to send it?

Anyway, Black Braised Egg had already been mentally prepared. S.H.I.E.L.D's seemingly impenetrable defense measures were useless in front of him, a magician.

At the same time, Romani also knows that although the black corned egg is very suspicious and often does something that doesn't come out, if he doesn't encounter something that he himself can't solve, he won't bother him... umm ,the Avengers.

Nick Fury glanced at Romani, then tapped the remote control lightly, the entire office was sealed off, and the lights were also dimmed at this time.

But soon, a projection appeared in this room, which was the scenery in the ocean, but the ocean was not calm, it looked rough, and there was a huge amounts of black shadow in it.


The palpitating shouts came out, setting off a huge wave, and then the projection began to become extremely blurred, and the picture was also frozen at this moment.

Seeing this short ten-second video, Romani's complexion became much uglier. Although the black figure was blurred, but it was in the ocean, and it had such a huge body, there was no need to think about it. know its true identity.


Apart from her, there would be no other life, and just a shout made people feel chills down their backs.

Nick Fury observed people's facial expressions very carefully, and he obviously noticed the change in Romani: "It seems that this kind of occult-related incident, asking you is really the best choice. What kind of monster is this black shadow?" ?”

"Monster? Well, she is indeed a monster through and through." In fact, Romani felt that the word monster was far from enough to describe the horror of Tiamat, but he couldn't find a more appropriate word.

"Tiamat! She was born at the beginning of this world, created countless lives and even gods like Asgard, the mother of all things, the mother of monsters."

Nick Fury could tell from Romani's tone that Tiamat was indeed a very terrifying enemy, so terrifying that even King Solomon, who had stopped the Chitauri army, found it difficult.

"Mother of all things, life at the beginning of the world, for the first time, I feel that these two titles are a bit disgusting.

In normal times, these two titles would generally be a compliment to some great existence, but Nick Fury would not be so foolish as to think that Tiamat was a great existence.

Maybe she is indeed great, but for the life on this planet now, it is more of a disaster!

With the shout in the video, huge waves set off in the Devil's Triangle sea area. The Bermuda Islands, Miami in Country M, and San Juan in Puerto Rico were all attacked by this terrifying huge wave and suffered huge losses.

After a moment's pause, Nick Fury then asked: "So, what exactly does she want to do?"

"If you were abandoned by the person you love deeply, and then thrown into prison by her for a hundred years. Fortunately, you were not dead when you came out, and you still have strong strength, what would you choose to do?" Romani didn't answer the black corned egg directly, but threw the question to him.

But the analogy is, well, Nick Fury wouldn't care anyway.

But when such a thing falls on anyone, endless hatred will be brewed, and that hatred is enough to make anyone crazy and use whatever means!

"You mean, the mother of all things was abandoned by her husband?" Nick Fury shrugged, a slightly joking tone came out of his mouth.

Romani immediately gave the black marinated egg a supercilious look.

Brother, do you know, just say this to you, I guarantee that Tiamat will be the first to kill you after waking up!

God he was abandoned by her husband!

"It was abandoned by her children, and was also originally abandoned by this world. Tiamat is the original life of this world, but she is a part of the world after all, so she cannot take revenge on this world, then when she wakes up , The first person who will take revenge is to abandon his own child.

After a short pause, Romani stared at Nick Fury, and said in an extremely serious tone: "Fury, who do you think Tiamat, the mother of all things, abandoned her child?"

The mother of all things, judging from this title, then Tiamat has many children, and it can be said that all life is her child.

But when Romani asks this question, if Nick Fury doesn't know the answer, then he doesn't need to sit in the position of SHIELD Director.

Are you trying to say that human beings just abandoned her children..." Nick Fury took a deep breath, he felt that it was too difficult now, not only what he had to do as SHIELD Director, but also the world, It's all too difficult.

Just dealt with Chitauri's invasion, and it turned out that another mother of all things came out.....

"To be honest, for the first time, I hope from the bottom of my heart that Darwin's theory of evolution is absolutely correct, so that there will be no monsters like the mother of all things."

Nick Fury doesn't fully believe in science, nor does he fully believe in theology, but at this moment he really hopes that there is science in this damn world!

After taking a deep breath, Nick Fury continued to ask: "So, this tsunami is the mother of all things taking revenge on mankind?"

"You think her revenge is too simple, Tiamat has not woken up, she is still in a deep sleep. (Are you okay)" Romani shook his head, if a tsunami is Tiamat's revenge, then it is true It is very lucky, but it is impossible.

"As far as the tsunami you mentioned this time, it's just that Tiamat didn't sleep well and turned over."

With this description, Nick Fury clenched his fists subconsciously. The tsunami caused by turning over caused huge amounts of losses. God knows what will happen when the mother of all things really wakes up?

Is the world destroyed?

He now even feels that the Avengers have no way to compete with Tiamat. After all, the mother of all things is not a simple title.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Romani knew Tiamat best, so Nick Fury immediately asked Romani's opinion.

"There is a guy in Chaldea who fought against Tiamat, commanded the battle against Tiamat, and he won. If you can, you should ask him to kill him.

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