Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 105 Solomon's Treasure

Without Randolph, an old guy making trouble, Phil Coulson and his group's treasure hunt would have been much more difficult.

Shouldn't it be a lot easier if no one is making trouble?

Well, it should have been quite easy, but when the second part of the Berserker's cane was found, the instigators of this incident, Nesteron and Larson, suddenly appeared and directly knocked Ward unconscious.

A professional-level field agent has no ability to resist at all when facing a couple of men and women.

According to what Ward described after waking up, and the pictures recorded by the miniature camera he was carrying, that woman, that is, Petra Larson possessed extremely powerful strength, almost equivalent to more than 20 elite human soldiers. look.

This alone is not something that Ward can contend with, but Nestron, who should not be so powerful, has shown an even more amazing scene.

His speed is as fast as lightning, and Ward can only see the afterimage he left behind, and there is no way to capture his movements. Even the pictures recorded by the camera can only be seen clearly after being slowed down by a hundred times Nestrone's actions.

Let's put it this way, after slowing down a hundred times, Nystrom moves like a world sprint champion. If this guy goes to participate in the competition, it is estimated that he can win most of the gold medals in track and field events and become the greatest in the world. athlete.

Moreover, it is the kind that has never been seen before, and who will never come after!

But this is a very strange place. According to the information I learned from Romani before, the berserker cane can only give people great strength and anger. But it will not make a person's speed so fast. According to calculations, it only takes 0.087 seconds for Nestron to run 100 meters.

This is much more terrifying than the power given by the Berserker's cane. With such a speed, even some Avengers can hardly defeat Nestron!

"You guys have watched this video twenty-seven times, have you found anything different?" Melinda couldn't help but ask as she looked at the people who had been sitting in front of the big screen.

Anyway, she didn't notice any difference, except that Nesteron was holding a berserker's cane in his hand, he was no different from an ordinary person.

"Maybe this guy is a strengthening human being? It's like the centipede incident we encountered before, but he is strengthening in terms of speed?" Simmons thought for a long time, and finally he could only come to such a conclusion.

But Phil Coulson, who came over, directly denied this: "I don't think it is possible. If this is the case, then who has mastered such a technology? If they really have such a technology, then they don't need it at all." Wouldn't it be good to find the berserker's cane and directly create a speeder army?"

"Phil Coulson is right. This terrifying speed is much stronger than the power given by the Berserker's cane. If there is such a legion, then they can even threaten the entire world." Melinda also nodded , agree with Phil Coulson's judgment.

After all, with the speed shown by Nestron, the bullets can't catch up with him at all, and those weapons of mass destruction, unless they are unexpected, once he notices, he can directly escape the killing range of the weapons.

"Then it's not clear what's going on. Unless King Solomon's understanding of the berserker's staff is wrong, otherwise..."

"It can't be wrong, I believe that."

Phil Coulson immediately retorted, "Romani will not make such mistakes. Although he looks very unreliable, he is still very reliable in business. It can only be said that this Nestro There is something special about him that we haven't discovered, maybe..."

Phil Coulson just looked up at this moment, and saw in the video, after Nestro reached out and snatched the Berserker's cane, he took off the glove of one of his hands.

"Go back to that point just now, when he took off his gloves!" Phil Coulson shouted suddenly, his expression became extremely serious at this moment, and even the long-term good-natured smile on his face disappeared at this moment.

Even Melinda didn't know why Phil Coulson's expression suddenly changed, especially in his eyes, which still had a look of disbelief.

After rewinding the video and pressing pause, Skye looked at it carefully, and then asked strangely: "Is there any problem? Well, his hands are quite white. Could it be that he is a white hand in an online game? What was the raptor's slashing technique that knocked Ward down before?"

"I'm not in the mood for a joke, Skye."

Phil Coulson's eyes were fixed on Nestrone's hand at the moment. If it wasn't because his expression was really serious, Skye probably felt that he had something special about Nestrone.

It seems that since I joined this action group, I haven't heard much about Phil Coulson's girlfriend......

Skye feels like he has discovered a new land!

At this moment, Phil Coulson spoke again: "々Come closer, and at the same time make it clearer, aim at this guy's hand!"

Skye completed this simple operation with a few simple operations, and at this moment, all eyes were on Nystrom's left index finger.

They hadn't noticed it after watching it more than twenty times before, or rather, they didn't notice it and Phil Coulson only noticed it at that moment just now.

It was a quaint ring, and there were very special lines on the ring.

Most people don't care about it at all, even if it is an antique, it is just a slightly more valuable ring.

But Phil Coulson is different, because he has seen something similar to the ring on Nestrone's hand. It was seen on Obadai Hand (Zhao Li's) when he was performing tasks related to Tony Stark. Similar rings.

Because of this ring, Obadai at that time obtained the same ability as the Regenerative Healing Factor. If Romani hadn't made the move, I am afraid that there would be no Iron Man in this world.

"This time things will be troublesome..."

Phil Coulson turned his head and said to Melinda: "Melinda, you report the video and the ring on Nestron's hand to the director immediately."

"I remember that you have the right to decide the missions performed by this group." Melinda was stunned for a moment, then asked.

"But this matter must be reported, and Nystrom is not an enemy we can deal with. He has surpassed the scope of ordinary people."

As if he felt that his description was a bit inappropriate, Phil Coulson added: "I mean it is stronger than the power given by the berserk scepter, because this guy knows"

"Treasure of King Solomon!".

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