Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 108 Love Solomon

The top floor of the Chaldea Life Science and Technology Building has long been completely different from the previous ordinary office floors. The surroundings are decorated with splendor and splendor, and even the walls are covered with a full layer of gold.

Because after Gilgamesh came here, the top floor was requisitioned by him as his own exclusive area. According to him, the king must have a palace worthy of his status!

"Tch, you would do such a simple thing yourself, Solomon, don't you have the slightest sense of being a king?"

Gilgamesh looked contemptuously at Romani who came over for a drink. Although he said that he got the ring and the Holy Grail, he looked down on Romani's behavior.

If it were him, he would just let one of his subordinates go out to solve this matter. In this world, Romani's subordinates have several Mephistas who can drive them, and "June 17" has the supreme four-pillar Asmodeus.

With so many subordinates, Romani would actually solve this matter himself. Gilgamesh felt that this guy must be a fake king. Not only does he not have any majesty, but he is also weak, which is ridiculous!

"Well, I have a different opinion from Jin Xingxing on this matter. The king's own affairs can also show his demeanor. It is precisely because of the great achievements of the king that countless subjects admire him!"

Iskandar is also sitting on the top floor at the moment, holding the best wine glass in Gilgamesh's treasury, drinking the best wine in the world: "Wow, it really shines, your wine is the best. Delicious!"

"Tch, this king is not the same as the incompetent king Solomon. Whether it is fine wine or treasures, the ones in this king's treasury are the most perfect!"

Hearing the praise of the King of Conquerors, although the praise was for wine, for Gilgamesh, this was no different from praising himself, so he also smiled very proudly, but his tone seemed indifferent.

"Well, in fact, no matter what the evaluation is, I don't care much. I am different from you two. I am not a person who wants to be a king, but because everyone wants me to be a king, and at the same time thinks that I am a king." It's just a fact of the king."

Romani didn't care much about the evaluation of his status as a king. His life as a king was completely different from that of a hero king and a conqueror king. That period of time was a life he didn't like.

To be precise, his generation as a king is not so much a king who rules the country, but a god overlooking the world.

It is precisely because of this that he wants to become a human being. In the previous world, he would rather give up his Acute eyes and magic circuits, and realize his dream of living as a human being!

"That's why you make most of the Heroic Spirits hate you, Solomon!"

Gilgamesh sighed, shook his head and said, "You are very similar to that little girl who dreamed of being a knight, but in the eyes of this king, you are no match for her. At least she has the self-consciousness of being a king. No matter what path she is on, she also survives as the King of Knights."

Da Vinci who was also savoring at the side also spoke slowly at this moment: "Roman is a person who pursues relaxation and romance, and at the same time is a realist and a pessimist, so it is definitely a matter of course that he is not suitable for the status of a king." .”

Leonardo Da Vinci knew Romani very well, and what she knew was Romani, a living human being, not the King Solomon who existed in a mythical historical story.

"Cut, he's just a coward who doesn't dare to see sad things, otherwise, why would he do so many meaningless things?" Gilgamesh drank a glass of wine, and then expressed his love for Romani mercilessly. disdain.

"Speaking of which, Gilgamesh, how much wine do you have in your treasury? Could it be that you can't drink it all?" Romani changed the subject very rationally. If he continued to entangle himself, it is estimated that Jin Sparkle would mock him for a few days night.

Gilgamesh didn't bother to continue chatting with Romani on the topic just now: "The king's treasury reserves have far exceeded my own cognition, although I don't know how much there is." But you guys must have no way to drink it up! "

Shaking his head with a helpless expression, Romani slowly stood up after drinking all the wine in the glass, and with a wave of one hand, the Space gem appeared directly in his hand. At the same time, Da Vinci also put the Holy Grail, which was placed aside, in the center of the magic circle, and then stepped aside.

The reason why Romani came here was to summon heroic spirits to this world again. Now the power of Chaldea has grown stronger, plus what Iskandar showed when he dealt with Ivan the Terrible before. Her heroic appearance also made Chaldea come into the eyes of more people...

Especially since a certain member of Phil Coulson's team posted a video of Iskandar performing the king's army on the Internet before he surrendered to S.H.I.E.L.D, which caused an uproar.

Many people even put Chaldea on the same level as the Avengers who saved NY.

Romani took a deep breath, and then the magic power surged, allowing the power of the Space gem to pour into the magic circle.

"Declaration! Your body is entrusted to my command; my destiny is attached to your sword. Answer the call of the Holy Grail, follow this will and reason, answer me! I swear here! I am the one who accomplishes all good deeds in the world. I am the one who conveys All malicious people in the world. Come from the wheel of restraint, the seven heavens wrapped around the three spirits of words, Asgardian of Libra!"

The light flickered, and a sexy and charming figure slowly appeared in the eyes of everyone. The healthy complexion, as well as the smooth and furry ears and tail, all showed that this person was different.

Immediately afterwards, a sweet and melodious voice reached the ears of everyone present: "Hi, I'm call me first—Midrash's... "

Before he finished speaking, the soft and plump body suddenly threw himself into Romani's arms, and the slender hands hugged Romani tightly. The blue, jewel-like 0.7 eyes were shining with little crystals at the moment, and at the same time, he was staring at Romani. Looking at Romani's face, it seems that you won't get tired of watching it like this.

At the same time, there was something soft against Romani's chest, and a voice of surprise and excitement came out of her mouth like this: "I finally waited for you, and finally saw you again, spanning countless years, endless It’s great to meet here, I love you the most, Solomon!”

As soon as the words fell, before Romani could open her mouth, her warm and soft lips were on Romani's lips, and her face was filled with happiness from the heart!

However, not far behind Romani, there was a person whose face was a little stiff. Although he still kept a smile, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, especially the slightly narrowed eyes flashing a dangerous light... .

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