Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 116 Ghost Rider Returns

Asmodeus stood proudly in mid-air, holding a long spear with a flag pointed down, and shouted from his throat: "Get out, Locke!"

Terrifying magic power erupted from his body, that long pitch-black hair danced without wind at this moment, and even the ground trembled under the terrifying power he radiated.

The originally bright sky became cloudy at this moment. Compared with Locke who was about to perform the ceremony, he was more like a demon king who ruled the world!

And at this moment, Asmodeus has not yet revealed his full power. After all, he has not even revealed his body, but just maintained his human appearance, and he has already exploded with such terrifying magic power, which has changed the color of the world!

"Go and stop him. When the ceremony is successful, even the seventy-two pillars Mephista can't stop me!" Locke looked up at Asmodeus in the sky, and his face instantly became ugly.

Fortunately, he used some low-handed means to enslave several Mephistas, otherwise he would probably have to wait to die now.

But he probably doesn't know yet, if it wasn't for him enslaving Mephista, Asmodeus wouldn't be so angry.

The next moment, a peacock exuding powerful magic power appeared in the air, and the surrounding air was driven by her power to form a violent storm. Every trace of storm is like a sharp blade. As long as it is slightly touched by this storm, Even gold and iron will be divided into two by 590.

"Damn it, Andre Anfu!" Seeing this peacock, Asmodeus' face became even more ugly, because this is also his compatriot!

The sixty-fifth Mephista among King Solomon's seventy-two pillars Mephista shows people the appearance of a peacock, and can be transformed into a peerless beauty at the request of the summoner. It can grant the summoner the secrets of algebra and geometry, can turn people into birds, and has the power to control the air and wind.

In legends, it is often regarded as the embodiment of beauty, symbolizing the beauty of death and the beauty of tranquility.

Immediately afterwards, another figure appeared in the sky. He was riding a black wolf, with a crazy smile on his lips.

Like Andre Anfu, it is one of the seventy-two Mephistas of King Solomon, but this guy is the sixty-third Mephista, whose image is an Angel with a night crow's head, riding a black wolf and holding a sharp sword. It specializes in eradicating discordant things, even if the summoner violates harmony, he will be annihilated by him.

At the same time, An Luoxian, with lion-faced golden armor, red skin and golden light, and riding a tall horse also appeared in the sky. The eyes of the three Mephistas all had a strange thin blood-red line.

And this thin line is the hand (cdfi) section that Locke uses to control the three Mephistas. Otherwise, as far as his own strength is at most equal to one of them, it is impossible to convince the three Mephistas!

Not to mention that the seventy-two pillars of Mephista are all loyal to King Solomon. Compared with the all-knowing and all-powerful king, Locke is simply a joker that makes people laugh!

For a while, Asmodeus fought with the other three Mephistas. As one of the four supreme pillars, his strength is definitely not something that the three Mephistas can compete with.

But he couldn't attack with all his strength, so he wouldn't destroy all his compatriots in order to deal with a Locke, right?

So now he can't even reveal his body, because once he recovers his body, he is afraid that if he accidentally kills a Mephista, that would be a blood loss!

But even if he didn't show his body, Asmodeus's strength is still extremely powerful. Every time he collides with other Mephistas, the surrounding mountains will shake and the ground will shake. At this moment, in the eyes of the country's high-level officials, it is probably considered an earthquake.

"Aren't we going to make a move, Solomon?" Sheba turned to look at Solomon beside him, and asked in a low voice.

When Sheba turned his head, Romani had already recovered his appearance as King Solomon. After all, he was wearing a white coat to participate in the battle, which was a bit inappropriate no matter how you think about it...

"Let's go, go meet that Locke, who dares to enslave the seventy-two pillars Mephista under my command, I really want to meet this man."

As soon as the words fell, Sheba took out his magic lamp and stroked it lightly with his hand, the cloud transformed by the magic power appeared on the rest of her and Romani, holding the two of them towards the place where the ceremony was held flew over.

As far as this scene is concerned, it is somewhat similar to the one depicted in the mythology of the Eastern Kingdom, the kind of flying through the clouds.

At this time, while Asmodeus was fighting Mephista, Johnny and the others who sneaked in had already been knocked down by Locke and his men. They were no opponents of this devil at all, even if he hadn't held the battle yet. Ritual, too, did not reclaim one's true power.

Locke seemed to be looking at a bug, looked at Johnny who fell on the ground, and taunted: "You lost your strength, hot Johnny. Now you are a bug, just like everyone else, destined to go to hell .”

When the voice fell, the guy who was influenced by Locke's power, the guy with the power to make everything decay, rushed over and grabbed Johnny's head. He wanted to see how corrupt this guy was. After all, if it wasn't for Johnny, He won't turn into such a ghost.

Although, he is quite satisfied with this ghostly appearance!

But at this time, everyone present suddenly discovered that the power given by Locke could not corrupt Johnny at all. In other words, as long as Johnny's body undergoes a slight decay, it will immediately return to its original state.

When everyone was stunned, the half-demon Danny stepped up to Johnny's side. For some reason, this kid exuded an inexplicable aura, and no one in a black cloak dared to stop him the way.

"Danny, this isn't you..." Seeing Danny's indifferent eyes, Johnny was filled with guilt. If it wasn't for his fault, the kid wouldn't have been caught here. "Never."

Danny stared at Johnny for a long time before he turned his head and set his eyes on Locke: "My strength is the same as yours, you said that, right? Father?"

"Like father, like son, right?"

Saying so, Danny will stare at Johnny again, and then rush out, spitting out the fire of hell, burning Johnny's head instantly, he is the child of the devil, and that magic circle is the incarnation of Mephisto of hell .

As such, he has the same power as Locke, which means he shares a portion of Mephisto's power!

And at this moment, he is borrowing this part of power to return the flames of hell and the power of Ghost Rider to Johnny!

"No!" Seeing this scene, Locke let out a heart-piercing roar. He never expected that Danny would do such a thing.

Ghost Rider, is not so easy to deal with...

And what's worse, because of the battle between Asmodeus and the three-pillared Mephista, the sun's brilliance has long been obscured, and in this dark sky [Ghost Rider can show his calendar to his heart's content.

Thinking of this, Locke hurriedly picked up Dandy who had fainted due to the use of force, turned around and wanted to leave.

However, Romani and Sheba will not let him do what he wants...

"Face your enemies, Locke, or I'll kill your soul myself!"

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