Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 120 Insight Plan

S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters.

Nick Fury kept his old black face, looked at the wrathful buttocks team walking towards him... Captain America, lied without changing his expression: "I I didn’t lie to you, the character of the Romanov agent is different from yours.”

"You don't feel obliged to share it with me?" Steve is very angry now. He performed a mission for S.H.I.E.L.D, but found that the mission was different from what he imagined, and because it was so damn different, it almost caused the mission to fail. Accident.

He is protecting the country, not necessarily working for S.H.I.E.L.D!

Therefore, whether Nick Fury cheated or repaid it, or concealed it, he felt that this was definitely not the way to treat his companions.

"I'm not obligated to do anything." Nick Fury half-lyed on his boss chair, without hesitation at all, and answered directly. He never felt that he did anything wrong, no matter what kind of decision he made, it was because he had full consideration.

Moreover, Steve came to question him, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Those hostages may die!" Steve saw the black corned egg like this, and really wanted to imprint his fist the size of a sandbag on his face the size of a washbasin.

Hearing this sentence, Nick Fury turned his chair, faced Steve, and gave a serious answer: "It is to prevent this that I sent the greatest soldier in the history of this country to carry out the mission."

In an instant, Steve expressed that he couldn't help it anymore. In his opinion, this sentence meant that it was his fault that the mission was not completed, and it was his fault that the hostages had problems. And he came here to question, and it became an arrangement for him not to believe this shameless black brine?

What is this called?

I am not the subordinate of the black corned egg. In Steve's opinion, he and the black corned egg should belong to a cooperative relationship, just like a partner in a company.

But in Nick Fury's eyes, Steve is his subordinate, an excellent soldier, fighter, and also a good image symbol. The name of Captain America is still very useful.

"Soldiers need to trust each other, only in this way can an excellent army be formed!"

This is the belief he developed when he was roaring commando. Comrades are his brothers. Whether they are at the same level or superiors, they need to trust each other. It is precisely because of this that they won the seemingly impossible battle. Victorious war!

"If you can't, it's just a bunch of ragtags who can shoot and run around!"

Seeing Steve vent his anger, Nick Fury immediately used his housekeeping skills to brew his anger.

Then, he stood up abruptly and stared at the guy in front of him with his only remaining eyes: "Last time, I believed someone else, and one eye was gone! Listen, I didn't want you to do what you think is more than Bottom line, Agent Romanov doesn't care about these, she is willing to do it."

The black stewed egg always talks about things with his own eyes, and he doesn't know what the Yuan Devourer will think when he hears it?

For example, it turned out that the black stewed egg believed me so much? Was it too much for me to blind him in one eye? I guess two are more appropriate, after all, symmetry is not...

But Steve didn't care about Nick Fury's eye problem, what he cared about was the team, the team he led: "If everyone brings their own tasks, then I can't lead the zone.

"This is called split management." Nick Fury had already prepared his rhetoric. After all, he had said this set countless times. "No one will leak the secrets, because no one knows all the secrets."

To put it nicely, in fact, Black Braised Egg doesn't trust anyone at all. To be more precise, he doesn't trust anyone completely. At least he hasn't learned what it means to use people without suspicion.

"Except for you." Steve looked at the black marinated egg in front of his eyes, and said slightly mockingly.

Black Braised Egg was stunned for a moment, he hadn't thought of such a set of rhetoric, and there would be such a loophole.

After all, the people who asked him before were all agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Those people didn’t have the guts to talk to him like that, but Steve was different. Although he also worked for S.H.I.E.L.D, he was still the hero called Captain America in essence.

After a long silence, Nick Fury retorted: "You misread me, I will share, I am a very nice person."

After saying this, he planned to take Steve to see the Insight Project, and told stories about his grandfather and the little gangster along the way, but he didn't know if this story would make his grandfather lift the coffin and come out to talk to him. talk heart to heart.

If someone finds Mephisto to make a deal, maybe this picture can be realized.

As soon as he entered the insight hangar, Steve was stunned for an instant. These big guys in front of him were not simple at all.

Seeing the change in Steve's face, Nick Fury smiled with satisfaction: "々Yes, I know, they look a little bigger than pistols."

God, that thing is bigger than a pistol, these three things look like three space carriers!

How many pistols do you have to stack together to compare the file size with an Helicarrier?

And there are many weapons and fighter jets on it. If this thing is fired at full strength, it is estimated that it can destroy a city in an instant.

"This is the Insight Plan." Nick Fury also started to explain to Steve at this moment, "Three new-generation space carriers, synchronized with the network of target positioning satellites, are launched using the Morley Substar. No need to land. Thanks to our new anti-gravity engine, they can continue their suborbital flight.”

"Stark's masterpiece?"

In Steve's impression, the only person who can make this kind of technological product beyond the times is Tony, but he doesn't believe it in his heart, so he asks.

Because after the war against Chitauri, Avengers's Renguan (Qian Nuo Zhao) department is quite good, and he also knows that Stark no longer makes weapons. Definitely, except for his steel battle suit.

"After he had a close look at the old turbine engine, he made some suggestions for improvement."

Nick Fury didn't dare to let Tony do these things. If Tony knew about the insight plan, then he would dig out all the core secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D. J.A.R.V.I.S is the most high-level artificial intelligence today.

"These are the new long-range precision guns that can kill a thousand enemies a minute, and satellites that can read a terrorist's DNA before he does something troublesome

In this way, we can address problem countries before threats arise. "

Nick Fury himself is very satisfied with this plan, especially after learning more and more external threats, he is more determined to implement the insight plan.

After all, from his point of view, one must first secure the internal affairs while fighting against the outside world, which probably means this. .

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