Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter Thirteen The Idea Of ​​Forming Chaldea (Ask For Flowers And Comments)

After finally fooling Tony back, Romani also sat on the sofa and thought about it, relying on his own strength to deal with the dangers in this world, no matter how you think about it, it is an unreliable thing. Especially when his ten rings have not been retrieved, and his own strength has not been fully recovered, that is really unreliable.

And Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D, both have their own problems in the future.

S.H.I.E.L.D is the Snake and Shield Bureau. When everything breaks out, it will be pressed to death by the popsicle captain. Although Nick Fury will still leave a lot of backup players, there is no way to compare with S.H.I.E.L.D in its heyday. And besides that kind of thing, you expect the governments of the world and the World Security Council to believe in you as always?

Unless they're all idiots!

As for the Avengers, once the Civil War broke out, the entire league basically fell apart.

However, Romani will try his best to change this matter. If the civil war really breaks out in the end, then he will also stand by Tony's side, not because he agrees with any party's point of view, but because Tony is his friend. This is enough.

The current Romani is not the King Solomon who relies on complete rationality, he is now a living human being with a humanity that King Solomon did not have before.

So what Romani is thinking about now is whether to establish his own power in this world, such as Chaldea. After all, he will definitely summon other Mephistas in the future, if they are all crowded in his own clinic.


As soon as you enter the door, it is such a big clinic, crowded with seventy-two pillars of Mephista and yourself, the picture is too beautiful to imagine!

"Thinking about it this way, I can indeed form an organization of my own, and I don't have to worry about manpower at all. Seventy-two pillars of Mephista are enough." Romani made his own decision as he drank the last sip of wine in his glass. He wants to form his own organization in this world, an organization different from Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. This organization only obeys him.

When necessary, this organization can protect the world, after all, Blue Star is still his homeland. But if someone else makes trouble, no matter what psychology the other party is in, it seems to be some kind of registration agreement that wants to restrain them, or make them become sharp knives in the hands of those officials, then he will never compromise!

And at that time, the organization under his command can also become a force that refuses to compromise!

"In this case, the name should be called Chaldea. Anyway, I can't think of any other better name."

After hearing Romani's words, Andumari walked over slowly, like a gentleman, and respectfully said: "If the master is to form an organization in this world, then I have a good suggestion."

"Well, let's hear it." Romani was also interested at the moment, and he really didn't expect Andumari to make a suggestion at this time.

"In this city, there is an area called Hell's Kitchen, which is very chaotic. Although there are some underground forces controlling them, and they also have a king of underground forces, after all, only strength is the most important thing there. If you want to build a Our own organization is definitely the best choice, and the people in the dark world are the most tempting and the easiest to control." Speaking of this, Andumari also showed a standard devil smile.

As one of the Seventy-two Pillar Mephistas, playing tricks on people's hearts is an easy thing for him.

What's more, there is Hell's Kitchen, which is very suitable for the development of demons like them from the name, isn't it?

"Hell's Kitchen?" whispering these words, Romani also remembered something about that area.

He remembered that there should be a fat man named Jin Bing, although he was fat, but in fact his whole body was full of muscles, possessing the limitless movement ability of the human body. Then there is also a pretty blind man there, who likes to act chivalrously at night, but he is still limited to the scope of human beings. Although he can become an extraordinary person, he is not a very powerful guy.

If you choose there as a place to develop your organization, Andumari can start to act alone, and with Andumari's ability, Romani doesn't need to worry about any troubles.

"Okay, just do what you want, Andumari, remember to avoid the sight of S.H.I.E.L.D. Although we are not afraid of any party, sometimes we can have as little trouble as possible. Wait for a while and I will I will summon Dantalin and let him act with you, with Dantalin's ability, everything will be much more convenient." Romani made a decision directly at this moment.

And the Dantalin he mentioned, like Andumari, means Mephista, the seventy-two pillars of King Solomon, the seventy-first Mephista, who appears in various images of men and women, but no matter What image, he must be holding a book in his right hand. He teaches all the arts and sciences to the summoner, can probe anyone's privacy, know everyone's thoughts, and change their thoughts at will, can simulate the image of anyone, and can form a mirror image.

It can be said that no top agent in the world can compare with Dan Talin. He is a born lurker, a deceiver, and a manipulator at the same time. After all, it is Mephista, the existence of this level, if any of them get out of control, it will be a disaster for this world.

In another world, Gaitia, a complex formed by the seventy-two pillars Mephista out of control at the same time, almost completely burnt the humanity.

Definitely, Romani doesn't need to but he's teaching art and science, as long as he obeys himself that's enough.

"Thank you very much for your help, master. If Dantalin's ability is available, I think things will be very simple, but I have another kind request. If possible, can Ami help us too ? You know, those in high positions always have an irreplaceable greed for life." Andumari bowed slightly, speaking with great respect.

The Ami he said in his mouth, like him and Dantalin, means King Solomon's seventy-two pillars Mephista, ranking fifty-eighth Mephista. Possesses a body of fire, is in charge of astrology, and masters spells that can exchange human vitality with others. The key lies in this, the spell of exchanging human life force with others, he can exchange your life force with others.

Imagine exchanging the vitality of a dying old man with a newborn baby, then the old man can live another life.

What a wonderful thing!

This is a fatal temptation for those in high positions, and no one can refuse, even the HYDRA named Pierce!

"Don't worry, he will come, but not now."

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