Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 131 Friends And Choices (Big Brother Zhuo Cheng Added Chapter 2)

Nick Fury is really embarrassed now, he knows that he may have done something wrong, but no matter what, he doesn't want S.H.I.E.L.D to be destroyed.

After a while, he looked up at Steve and said helplessly, "I don't know about Barnes."

"Even if you knew, would you tell me? Are you still planning to divide the management?"

Nick Fury's words, in Steve's ears, are no different from jokes, and he has made a decision, so he won't be changed by a word or two of apology or kindness: "S.H.I.E.L.D, HYDRA....not one left! "

"They are right." Hill agent also agreed at this moment.

Nick Fury looked at people one by one, and found that no one was willing to support him at all. In the end, he could only focus on Sam.

"Nine Zero Zero" saw the black stewed egg's gaze, and Sam froze for a moment, then shrugged: "Don't look at me, what is he doing and I'm doing, just slow down."

At this moment, it became very clear that he couldn't keep S.H.I.E.L.D. Even if he could convince Hill agent and Natasha Romanoff, he would definitely not be able to shake Steve's determination, let alone convince Romani.

"All right.

Nick Fury felt a little uncomfortable, after all he had put too much effort into S.H.I.E.L.D, after taking a deep breath, he continued: "Now, we obey your orders, captain.

After determining the general direction, Steve also wanted to relax, because of his friend, the killer who obeyed HYDRA, Bucky Barnes.

His mind was full of memories of himself and Bucky back then, he thought he was dead, but he didn't expect to meet under such circumstances.

"Maybe you need a good doctor, Captain." Romani knew what Steve was going through inside, and walked slowly to his side, with a faint smile on his face

"Thanks to Romani, I know how to adjust my mentality."

Having said that, Steve still couldn't help but confided a few words: "He is a very good friend of mine, he can give life to each other, I believe he still remembers me. Even if

Now he's on the other side, and I'll bring him back too. "

"But he killed a lot of people." Romani also knew something about what happened between Bucky and Steve, more precisely than anyone else.

Steve was silent for a while, then explained: "That's HYDRA's fault, Bucky wouldn't do something like this, he's more of a hero than I am."

"And what about Stark?"

"Tony?" Steve didn't quite understand why Romani brought up Stark at this moment, but his gut told him there must be a reason

Romani thought for a while, and couldn't help but sigh: "Two Starks, are they your friends? If you had to choose between Barnes and the two Starks, which side would you choose?"

"I don't quite understand..." Steve turned his head in confusion, "Do you know anything?

With a bitter smile on his face, Romani raised his head and looked at the somewhat gloomy sky: "They always say that I am a weak guy, a coward who does not want to see sad things happen. Maybe it is because of this, in many Sometimes, I want to prevent some sad things from happening.

"I can understand the friendship between you and Barnes, the friendship between life and death, so I also know very well that if you have to choose between Barnes and Stark

You will definitely choose the former. Right, Captain?"

Although there was no answer, Steve's expression had already told Romani the answer.

After a slight pause, Romani continued: "In the cave in Afghanistan, I witnessed the birth of Iron Man, and since then, Tony and I have become friends...he is a playboy, proud, indulgent , has a lot of bad habits... But, he is a very good friend, and you should be able to understand this, after all, the two Starks are very similar."

"So, if I had to make a choice, between you and Tony, I would choose the latter without any hesitation.

Steve's face changed slightly, and he felt a vague feeling of uneasiness in his heart: "What happened? Tell me, Romani!"

"My eyes can see a lot. To be honest, many times I don't want to see so much. Being a confused person is much happier than being omniscient..."

Romani also turned around at this moment, staring at Steve, his face and tone became extremely serious at this moment: "There is something in HYDRA's hand, mission report, December 16, 1991. This mission report is very simple, Only one thing is recorded, about an assassination mission of Bucky Barnes, and the target of the assassination is...

"Howard Stark!"

Hearing this name, Steve clenched his fists subconsciously: "This...impossible."

"It's useless to deny, because it's the truth." Romani shook his head, without any hesitation.

"Why... why did you tell me this?" Steve now understands why a fool is happier than an omniscient, because at this moment, he also wants to be a fool who knows nothing.

As I said before, Howard and Tony are also his friends, and he also knows the two Starks, so he knows better how Tony will react if he knows this.

The Iron Man in the battle suit will never let Bucky go, and he will never let go of his father-killing enemy!

"Because I don't want to see sad things happen, simple as that."

Romani thought for a long time about whether to tell Steve about it: "Listen Steve, keep this secret in your heart, it's best if you can bury all 1.0 HYDRA who know this secret, don't let Tony know this Secret. If it comes time to make a choice, I will stand by Tony's side without any hesitation, and even burn your best friend to ashes!"

Tony is his first friend in this world, a real friend!

"Since you can see it, why don't you just destroy those damn HYDRA!" Seeing Romani who turned to leave, Steve couldn't help but yelled.

When Romani heard this, he stopped abruptly, turned around, and there was even anger in his eyes: "Because! I can see the past and the future, but I can't see the present! I haven't regained all my authority, and I still It’s not the fully intelligent King Solomon who can see the future but not necessarily be able to change it, do you understand? You bastard!”

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