Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 143: Phil Coulson's Intelligence

The two bullets flew directly towards Gilgamesh, and the flight trajectory of the bullets, and even their rotation in the air were clearly visible.

Gilji was fine and didn't have the slightest idea of ​​dodging at all, but a halo opened in front of him, a thick long sword protruded from it, and two crisp sounds were heard directly, the bullets fell on the blade of the sword superior.

"Boring, do you want to take on something with this strength? Go back, there is no need to humiliate yourself here." Gilgamesh is not even interested in using a little bit of strength at this moment, these two so-called The S.H.I.E.L.D agent is really weak.

Hearing this description, Phil Coulson stood up abruptly, walked to the front of the golden table, and shouted loudly: "Your Excellency King of Heroes, please listen to me..."

"It's not necessary, not to mention the current S.H.I.E.L.D, even the previous S.H.I.E.L.D king is completely ignored."

Gilgamesh kept his calm appearance, and said without any hesitation: "The Chaldea where this king is located is only an institution to protect the existence of human beings. The political battles you have experienced before have nothing to do with this king. Relationship. To put it more simply, whether it is HYDRA or S.H.I.E.L.D, it makes no difference in the eyes of this book!"

"Also, don't underestimate this king! What that guy Solomon did, this king can also do. Your S.H.I.E.L.D special operations team, my eyes are not missing."

Gilgamesh also has EX-level Acute eyes, but regarding this special operations team, he really didn’t see it with his own eyes, but when he was drinking before

Romani told them.

After all, he wouldn't be bored enough to observe a bald man like Phil Coulson with his Acute eyes.

"Then, you should listen carefully to some changes in this world!"

Having said that, Phil Coulson has now decided in his heart that if it is not a major matter of life and death, he will never come to the hero king of Chaldea again: "Because of an accidental incident, we learned a lot of different things , including some special humans, and some humanoid creatures that are more special than humans!"

"Hehe, special human beings, aliens?"

Since accepting Chaldea, Gilgamesh has never let go of anything that might be useful, and even though Chaldea has just been established, the intelligence system they have is definitely at the top level in the world.

Jin Bing, Fisk Wilson, and the underworld bosses are responsible for collecting information through countless channels of the underworld, sorting it out, and reporting all useful information to their direct leader, Mephista Hill.

Mrs. Gao shared all the information of the hand and meeting with Chaldea, and at the same time specially organized a group of elites to collect all kinds of information needed by Chaldea all over the world. Now, the one who is directly responsible for Mrs. Gao is Mephista Ami, who can give people life, and only he can make people like Mrs. Gao who yearn for infinite life do things honestly.

In addition to these two originally big bosses, there are also many high-level officials in the country who are willing to provide information to Chaldea in exchange for wealth or even a day of life

Therefore, whether it is the CIA or the FBI, their intelligence bases are happy to open up to Chaldea, and even MI6 in Great Britain is the same. Now the information of the whole world, except for that mysterious eastern country, can be obtained as long as Chaldea is willing.

"Well, I admit that Chaldea is indeed extraordinary, but this information is unique."

As he said that, Phil Coulson took out his mobile phone and put it directly in front of Gilgamesh: "Come out from the waters of Bermuda, but no one has discovered his existence. Since Chaldea is now taking over S.H.I.E.L.D, I think this matter should be within the scope of your handling. Simply put, we need cooperation, or help!"

Looking at the picture on the phone, Gilgamesh's face finally changed. Although the picture is blurry, some of the bread of the man can still be vaguely seen.

Pure white, robes like priests, green hair hanging down, even a chapter of pictures, you can feel an indescribable atmosphere. It's as if he's at one with nature...

But what is a little strange is that in those emerald-like eyes, there is actually an interesting light yellow light flashing, which is not his color at all. More precisely, it was power that did not belong to him.

"Hmph, hehehehe!"

Gilgamesh laughed suddenly, but there was a terrifying chill on his face: "It seems that someone is already in contact with the mother of all things. Although I don't know how they contacted her, But there is no doubt that they helped the mother of all things, allowing her to wake up in a faster time."

What should we do?" Phil Coulson took two steps back now, looking at Gilgamesh with a serious face.

"Being able to provide this information proves that you are still valuable."

Gilgamesh calmed down his emotions, and then said: "But there is no need to do anything superfluous, as long as you follow your own code of conduct. And the guy you saw, if he doesn't want to be Others found his whereabouts, even Solomon and I couldn't find his whereabouts..."

"Go look for traces of HYDRA. Although I don't know what method they used to contact the mother of all things, this matter is definitely related to them. What's more, they are so provocative. If you don't let them in this world If it disappears in the world, then the king will be very upset!"

As the voice fell, the aura emanating from Gilgamesh was extremely terrifying. Even Mephista Dantalin, who was present (for the sake of the king), felt oppressed, and Phil Coulson, who was closest to Gilgamesh, even felt that he was about to suffocate Korea.

It's hard to imagine that a person can do such a terrifying thing just by relying on his own aura!

Phil Coulson's views on these kings are completely refreshed now, mainly because he has been in contact with King Solomon, that is, Romani. That kind of gentle king "looks like it's still very rare...

After finishing the conversation, Phil Coulson and Melinda left Chaldea directly, and when they left, they took a peacock from Chaldea, which was regarded as the help Gilgamesh provided them.

But now they don't know that this peacock will save their lives more than once in the future!

PS: No need for the author to say, all readers should know, who is the green hair who came out of Bermuda?

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