Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 146: Skye's Father

After finishing the phone call with Phil Coulson, Tony became excited. He wished he could put on his battle suit and rush out. Definitely, Romani expressed serious doubts about his excited state.

I always feel that Tony is not excited because he wants to help Phil Coulson, but because he can find an opportunity to beat Phil Coulson severely and vent his inner anger, so he becomes excited at this time.

"Romani, how about we set off right away?"

Tony suppressed his excitement for a while, turned his head and said directly: "J.A.R.V.I.S has located his position, and it is tracking and positioning, so they can't escape my eyes with their technology. You can directly open a portal now, Let's go over immediately and help this guy..."

"There's no need to be so anxious. We're not good at undercover agents like "410", or intelligence detection and analysis. Do you want to act as Sherlock Holmes?"

Romani is now in a state of being too lazy to move. He is already very tired after helping Tony fix the gemstone that is the source of magic power. Now he has to help Phil Coulson......

And according to Phil Coulson, that guy named Whitehall can actually control Warcraft.

This is not something ordinary people can do. Even spellcasters in this world cannot control these monsters, because their sources of power are fundamentally different.

Warcraft belongs to Tiamat, the mother of all things, and spellcasters like Kamar-Taj, their power comes from Visandi, and Kaecilius's little bastards get their power from the dark dimension.

If you have to say who can control these monsters in the Marvel world, then what Romani can think of is a big bald man who teaches and educates... um, why is he bald again?

But there is no Xavier Academy for Geniuses in this world, and naturally there is no so-called Mutant.

Shaking his head, after throwing out all the messy things in his mind, Romani raised his head and said: "So I don't think there is any need to be so anxious, wait for Phil Coulson and the others to be busy for a while, then the captain and the others should almost Here it comes...Trust me, the best time is when they activate the obelisk!"

"Although I don't know what the obelisk is, but, the opportunity to use that Whitehall as the Avenger again? I like this drama!"

Tony also reacted immediately: "I'm going to contact the captain and the others now, I believe that the news from HYDRA will make them move faster."

"Uh... I have a question, Dr. Romani."

Banner managed to insert a sentence, but like Tony, he didn't know what an obelisk was, but he had a special idea in his mind: "Can control monsters and have special powers, do you think it will be?" Like that big guy know, I mean that, Ivan the Terrible!"

For the King of Siberia that he met before, Dr. Banner has a shadow, even the Hulk in his body has a shadow of hesitation, so he brings this up at this moment.

"Don't worry, Dr. Banner, if it's not a critical moment, we don't need you to turn green, after all, it's not a happy color." Shrugging, Romani also joked.

Now they don't need to care too much, they can start to act only after the captain and the others are in place.

Compared to Romani and Tony's relaxed and deadly atmosphere, Phil Coulson's is almost crazy in a hurry. Whitehall can control the monster now, and he is united with Skye's father to want that The Obelisk carries out a plan to destroy the world. What's worse, his subordinate Qi was also caught.

Phil Coulson suspects that he never looked at the almanac when he established the new S.H.I.E.L.D, otherwise why would there be so many troublesome things.

But he is a professional agent after all, so he is very clear that what he can do now is to gather all the forces that can be gathered, and then prepare for battle.

Originally, what he was thinking was whether he needed to inform Chaldea again after asking Romani for help, so that they could also contribute.

After all, the opponent this time is really difficult to deal with, but judging from the current situation, it is estimated that Tony will bring the Avengers with him, so why call Chaldea?

The big deal is that after the matter is over, I may be beaten violently by the Avengers. Count how many people want to beat me?

Dr. Romani will definitely not do anything, after all, he was the one who rescued him. As for the others... Well, Phil Coulson said that as long as Hulk doesn't punch him, the others will endure it... ..

For him now, the most important thing is to find the location of Skye. If Whitehall wants to activate the obelisk, he must find a special place, a place similar to an ancient temple.

And at this time, Skye had already met her father, but the scene was different from what she had imagined. There was no warmth of family reunion, but some indescribable fear.

Inside the room was her father, or so the man named Calvin told him. And outside the room, there are hordes of monsters, constantly patrolling the surroundings like soldiers. The senses of those extraordinary creatures make it impossible for ordinary people to hide their whereabouts around here.

But as soon as she walked into this room, Skye found a very interesting thing. She tilted her head and observed carefully with her eyes. She was almost sure that the thing was indeed the little thing she had seen in previous missions. thing.

King Solomon's Gold Cup!

However, Calvin, that is, his father, did not notice that his eyes fell on the cup. He was just very excited when he saw his daughter: "Look, the way you turned your head looks very similar... 2.6...Is this heredity or nurture?"

Speaking of this, Calvin couldn't help but clenched his hands, the expression on his face was also changing constantly, he took a deep breath, his voice was trembling at this moment: I promise myself, I won't be too excited, But... I have waited too long for this moment, please allow me to do it again. "

After finally calming down his mood, Calvin tidied his clothes, then stood in front of Skye very solemnly, tried his best to look like an old father, and said, "Hi, my name is Calvin, It's your father, would you like to sit down?"

Who knows, when Skye heard this sentence, she looked at the middle-aged man in front of her like an idiot. Her expression was a little stiff. After all, since she was sensible until now, she didn't know what is called a father and what is called a mother.. .....

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