Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 149 Little Fan Skye

Whitehall never imagined that Captain America would suddenly appear in front of him. He was originally a colleague of Red Skull, so he knew better than other HYDRA what kind of terrifying power and will this guy in tights possessed .

He was also full of fear for this guy who had beheaded HYDRA more than once.

Subconsciously clenched the pocket watch in his hand, only in this way he felt more at ease, then suppressed his emotions forcibly, with that usual smile on his face, and said slowly: "It's not that simple to send me to prison You should take a good look at your surroundings now, maybe my men can't deal with you, but these cute little guys can eat you alive."

That's right, what gave him confidence were the hundreds of monsters around here!

Whitehall is very clear that no amount of HYDRA agents can deal with Captain America, but the monsters are different. These monsters have power beyond ordinary people. Once the number increases, even Captain America will be difficult to deal with.

"Boom! Boom!"

Just when he raised his confidence to face Steve, two gunshots in succession caused the monsters to commotion.

Phil Coulson broke into this place with his own team. Apart from them, there were more guests in this place. Otherwise, Phil Coulson alone would not be able to deal with these 193 guys bred by Tiamat.

"Just grab it, Whitehall, you have no chance." Even so, Steve is also vigilant at the moment, those magical beasts around him.

I counted it in my heart, and there are a total of seven heads by my side, and this number is still within the range of my own tolerance. As for the others, that is not what I need to care about.

"If you'd told me that seventy years ago, I'd have thrown my hands up, but now...

Just when Whitehall opened his mouth to speak, three huge amounts of wyverns violently destroyed the walls of the room, waved their huge amounts of wings, and sent out a terrifying gust of wind to sweep towards Steve and the others Come.

This wyvern is not an ordinary monster, at least it is much more powerful than an ordinary Ulidim. Even for a super soldier like Steve, it is quite troublesome to deal with two wyverns at the same time.

"Now, the times have changed, captain, you should learn from your friends, either get a Ph.D. to learn technology, or ask that King Solomon about magic."

Whitehall walked to one of the wyverns very calmly, his words were full of confidence, with these magical beasts around, he was not worried about this old antique seventy years ago at all.


At this moment, a beam of energy light cannon slammed into the wyvern closest to him, and then, the red and gold guy flashed from a distance.

"You seem to have mentioned me just now, but science and technology cannot be studied and understood by a Ph.D. Next time, remember to directly say, learn from Iron Man."

Tony spoke very angrily, then turned his head to look at Steve, and laughed: "But then again, Captain, you should have no hope of learning technology, which requires IQ, a very high IQ. But magic... "

Before Tony finished speaking, a golden portal opened directly beside Steve, and Romani walked out slowly, his eyes swept over the monsters around him, and he didn't speak immediately.

After a short pause, Romani raised his right hand abruptly, and dozens of magical long whips Nineteen emerged out of thin air, overwhelmingly falling towards those monsters.

Under his majestic ocean-like magical power, the number of Ulidim around him, as well as the Wyvern that caused a strong wind in the air, had no ability to resist at all.

In front of Romani, these ordinary monsters are like fish, whether it is Ulidim or Wyvern, there is no difference.

"Magic is not so easy to learn, and sometimes it is even more difficult than taking several doctoral degrees.'

After killing all the monsters around in an instant, Romani set his sights on Huai (cdag) Thor: "To be honest, I'm curious how you control these monsters, except for Tiamat, they don't like Obey the orders of others...especially, this other person is still a human being!"

Indeed, Romani is also very puzzled by this point.

Do you want to say that there are props to control monsters?

Definitely, among the treasures possessed by countless heroic spirits, there must be treasures that can control these monsters, but treasures of that level are also rare treasures for the heroic spirits who own them.

Not to mention that no other heroic spirits were summoned to this world, even if there were, they would never give their Noble Phantasm to a HYDRA.

Whitehall, who was still a little calm at first, couldn't calm down at all when he saw Iron Man and King Solomon appearing one after another.

He even glanced outside subconsciously, and didn't see the big green man and the hammer god who struck thunder and lightning, so he was very satisfied now.

He figured it out, he bumped into the Avengers and went on a public trip!

I just want to play with that obelisk, and it won't be a big problem. You guys can either save the world, or deal with that Strucker who wants to do big things!


At this moment, Skye, who was standing aside, snatched the pen from his father's hand, walked quickly to Romani's side, and said, "He used this pen to control Warcraft before." , I don’t know much about it now, but this pen is still useful.”

After taking the pen, Romani took it apart directly, and then a green hair appeared in front of his eyes. When he saw this thing, he almost understood it.

Before that, Andumari also told him what happened in Chaldea, and the cooperation between HYDRA and Tiamat angered the proud King of Heroes.

Now the Mephistas of Chaldea are chasing HYDRA all over the world, and even Iskandar, who likes to stay at home and play video games, is dispatched.

And all this is because of the owner of the green hair.

But what Romani wondered was, who is the owner of this green hair?

That dear friend of Gilgamesh [the great hero of the ancient Urushu...  

It was still shaped by the power of Tiamat, and it was named after the name of the god in the mythology - Jin Gu!

"By the way, Your Majesty Solomon, I saw a good thing in that room before. It's your cup, the golden one." Skye is now like a die-hard fan who offered treasures to his idol. Twinkle little star.

PS: I'm still infusion, it may be two days late to make up the chapters, I would like to say sorry to all the bosses.

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