Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 160: The So-Called Ultron

After Romani appeared, Tony also brought Dr. Banner into the laboratory. After all, what he wanted to do was related to science, and Romani couldn't help him much.

"How's it going?" Dr. Banner asked directly as soon as he entered the laboratory.

"oh, scepter"

Tony froze for a moment, and then immediately replied: "That's right, we want to know where Strack's creativity came from, and at the same time, how to contact the big guy in Shanghai. So, I analyzed this gem inside, you may discover..."

Speaking of which, Tony projected the program of J.A.R.V.I.S.

After J.A.R.V.I.S greeted Dr. Banner, Tony went on to say: "In the beginning, J.A.R.V.I.S was just a natural language user interface, and now he can command the Iron Legion. Except for Pepper, he handles more things than anyone else. called Dana."

"That's right." Dr. Banner does not deny this, J.A.R.V.I.S is indeed a product of a cross-age.

"Let's take a look at his opponent." As he said that, Tony projected the analysis map of Mind Gem, a data bigger than J.A.R.V.I.S.

"It's very beautiful." Dr. Banner was also attracted by seeing this projection map. After all, as a scientist, he can reach the world's top level, and he is quite fascinated by these things.

"Guess what it seems to be doing?" Tony made a fool of himself at this moment.

But for this question, Dr. Banner didn't need to think about it at all, and he could give the answer directly: "It's like thinking...I mean it's not the human brain, but, I mean , lo and behold . . . a lot like a neural discharge."

Faced with such a miraculous thing, even Dr. Banner was a little incoherent.

"In Strucker's lab, I saw some ultra-advanced robots at work."

Tony nodded, his thoughts were the same as Dr. Banner's: "They eliminated the experimental data, but I guess, it's doing some kind of advanced technology research.

If Dr. Banner can't react to this point, then he doesn't deserve to be one of the top scientists in the world. He looked at Tony with a dumbfounded look, and couldn't help but say, "Are you talking about artificial intelligence? "

"Very likely, Banner." Tony took a deep breath, walked up to Dr. Banner, looked him in the eyes, and spoke his mind, maybe this is the key to developing Ultron.

Hearing this, Dr. Banner couldn't help laughing, but it wasn't a kind of ridicule, it was more of surprise and shock: "I thought Ultron was just a fantasy."

"It was still yesterday."

Regarding Banner's words, Tony was noncommittal, and immediately set his sights on the brain-like projection map: "Suppose we can harness this energy and use it for my Iron Legion program?"

"This is an assumption against the heavens." Dr. Banner was a little reluctant to continue the conversation, he felt that this topic was a bit out of this era, beyond the scope of what they should be in touch with.

"We're here to pretend."

But Tony insisted that he was a mad scientist, otherwise he would not be the Iron Man he is now: "Supposing you were lying on a sunny beach, drinking a cocktail, and your body turned brown instead of green, what would you think? You don't have to go back Find Veronica."

"Come on, I helped design Veronica." Dr. Banner was taken aback.

"Just preparing for the worst, right? What's the best case scenario?"

After seeing the picture Wanda showed him, Tony's thoughts have changed drastically: "Is this world safe? The next time aliens invade again, will they be shut out by us? Or when the big guy in the sea wakes up, can we really resist her?"

Dr. Banner was a little bit moved, but he still shook his head and said: "But it is us human beings who threaten the earth.

Tony shook his head, he didn't intend to get entangled in this, but directly expressed his thoughts: "I want to use it in the Ultron program, but J.A.R.V.I.S can't download the data map of this density, we can only download it when the scepter is around." It only takes three days to do it, give me three days!"

Speaking of this, Tony already seemed a little anxious. He didn't want to be like in the picture, where he obviously had Ability to save him, but he didn't try his best. He didn't want to see his teammates die, and he didn't want to see his good friends disappear in smoke.

...asking for flowers...

"It turns out that you want to engage in artificial intelligence, but you don't want to tell the team?" Banner fully understood now, and he was the first person to know about it.

"Yes, that's right, do you know why?"

Tony doesn't deny it at all, this is what he thinks now: "Because I don't have time to listen to them arguing, I don't want to hear nonsense like who is right... I... want to wear clothes for this world Put on your armor."

"Then why don't you tell Romani, I remember you said that you are best friends, and he is King Solomon who symbolizes wisdom, so he should be able to give you the best advice.

Dr. Banner couldn't understand why Tony didn't talk to Romani. From his point of view, he believed that Romani probably wouldn't deny Tony's idea: moreover, with Romani's help, the scepter could easily be kept. Come down, he's the strongest Avenger after all, isn't he?"

"Yes, he will support me, but I don't want him to know, because he is likely to stand at the forefront. Do you want him to sacrifice? Let him become a barrier in this world? Please, I don't want this .”

Tony saw the scene where Solomon turned into fly ash. As a good friend, he didn't want that to happen, even if it was only a one-in-a-million possibility: "This fragile blue planet needs Ultron...our peace, Let's imagine."

Dr. Banner was silent, he had no way to continue to refute Tony, whether it was from the perspective of an avenger, or from the perspective of a friend.

If the next time, Chitauri, even an alien army stronger than Chitauri comes, what should they do?

Let Romani, King Solomon stand at the forefront? Use his flames to stop those damned invaders?

It would be best if he could block it, but what if he couldn't? Let him be the first to go up and sacrifice?

Or the guy in the sea, let her destroy everything?

It is undeniable that the world needs a stronger force to protect itself!

"Okay, do as you say." With a long sigh, Dr. Banner finally made a decision to create that program, the so-called...

Ultron Zhang!.

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