Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 162 The Hammer And Sword Story

"Liar, you're lying." Barton made it clear that he didn't believe Thor's words. In his opinion, the hammer could be placed on the table stably, and it shouldn't be particularly heavy. In simple terms, the table can lift this hammer, and so can itself definitely.

Also, I don't see that this table has the power of Thor, does it?

"No, no, no, I'm definitely not lying to you." Thor moved his small hand lightly, then quickly grabbed Romani's wine glass on the table like a shooting star, clinked with Steve and drank it down in one gulp, making people who saw this scene Some can't laugh or cry.

But Romani doesn't care, if he wants to drink, he can just go to Jin Shining, anyway, that guy is not so stingy.

Iskandar, who lives in the Chaldea mansion, has gone to drink for countless times, and the wise king is a little easier to talk to.

"Ah, anyone who is qualified can hold this power zone."

Barton also deliberately pretended to be a necromancer, and then laughed: "No matter what you say, it's a lie."

After drinking the last good wine, Thor also got excited, pointed at Mjolnir on the table, and said indifferently: "In this case, why don't you give it a try?"

The scene quieted down for a moment, but only for a moment.

"let's go!"


"Now there's a good show to watch."

After Tony, Barton, and Rhodes hit three times in a row, Barton stood up and walked to Mjolnir.

"Barton, you've had a rough week, and we don't blame you if you can't get up." Tony drove the car without any hesitation, and the car definitely wasn't going to kindergarten anyway.

Everyone laughed, and Artoria was the only one in the audience, staring at the hammer very seriously, but even though she was staring at the hammer, she kept sending delicious food to her mouth.

I have to say that the food prepared by Tony at this party is indeed very delicious, which is not available in the treasure house of Jinshining.

After all, these foods cannot be preserved for a long time.

Barton looked at Thor, smiled and said, "You know I've seen it, don't you?"


As soon as the words fell, Barton mustered all his strength and grabbed the handle of the hammer. No matter how hard he tried, Mjolnir just didn't show any face, let alone being lifted up, even if he didn't move. all at once.

"I really don't know how you did it." Now Barton was convinced, he smiled and let go of his hand, the hammer was indeed not something he could pick up.

"Looks like a silent judgment?" Tony sneered without any hesitation, anyway, he's the kind of person who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Please, Stark, try it too." Barton stepped aside and held out his hand to Tony.

Who is Tony?

Not only does he not think it's a big deal when he's watching the excitement, sometimes if the thing is not big enough, he will intervene. How could such a small matter make him shrink back?

Without any hesitation, Tony just stepped forward: "I've never been afraid of a real challenge, it's just simple physics.


Throwing his hand through Mjolnir's collar, Tony replied, "Yes, if I lift it, I can rule Asgard?"

"Yes, definitely." Thor replied without any hesitation, because he didn't think anyone other than himself could lift his hammer, not even his younger brother.

"Then I'll go back to the first night power method." After finishing speaking, Tony stepped on the table with one foot, after all, in terms of physics, he could exert more force this way.

But in fact, no matter what method he uses, the strength emanating from such a small body cannot compare to Barton's professional agent.

So, Tony chose to call the arm of his battle suit, but the deadly hammer just didn't move. After a while, he called Rhodes together, but the hammer still didn't bother to move, and the two men mocked each other for not using enough force.

After Tony and Rhodes, Dr. Banner also tried, but as a Hulk, he couldn't even hold a hammer, let alone him in an ordinary state.

On the side of Chaldea, Iskandar also made an attempt, but he is a king who upholds dominance. Desire and government are both things he was born with. With these qualities, he

Naturally, there was no way to get Mjolnir's approval.

Romani didn't have the slightest intention of trying. He tried it once when he first met Mjolnir, but he directly encountered Odin's spirit body.

At this point in time, he didn't want to disturb Odin's rest, and as King Solomon, he might really raise the hammer and hit Thor to the point that it would be bad.

Most of all, he doesn't want to have Asgard's first night rights at all, unless he wants to be beaten by Sheba and Da Vinci.

Seeing that everyone was quite interested, Steve stood up all of a sudden and walked towards the hammer.

"Come on buddy." Holding the sledgehammer, he expressed that he was not panicking at all.

"Come on, Captain." Tony also cheered Steve up.

Steve rolled up his sleeves, grasped the handle of the hammer with both hands and lifted it up forcefully, Mjolnir trembled unexpectedly, and Thor's expression changed instantly. But soon, everything was the same as before, and there was no way for him to mention Mjolnir.

However, the look in Rome's eyes changed a little bit. Regardless of some special memories, he could tell that Steve, who was able to make Mjolnir move, had the ability to lift the hammer, but he didn't Not doing that. 210

"Guys, have we all forgotten something? This hammer is a bit like a certain legend." Andumari said suddenly at this time, and when he said this, he set his eyes on Alto Liya's body.

"Oh, yes, that's right!"

After thinking for a moment, Tony came to his senses: "The sword in the stone, right? Anyone who can pull out this sword from the stone platform is the king of Great Britain. I remember this legend."

Artoria, who was eating, sensed that something was wrong. It seemed that someone was talking about herself, so she raised the fruit hair on her head a little cutely and twitched twice.

"Hmm... If it's the same as the sword in the stone, I can try it, but I'm not interested in ruling Asgard. If I raise it, can I just pass it as a joke?"

These words are not ridicule at all, but Arturia's inner true thoughts.

"Definitely, but if you raise it, I can prepare more delicious food for you, and you are welcome to taste it anytime." Tony also saw that Artoria liked these foods, so he immediately launched a food temptation offensive.

Upon hearing this, Artoria's head was stunned, like an antenna, and then she walked directly to Mjolnir's side, and slowly stretched out her hands...

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