Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 165: The Unity Of Both Sides

"Tony...maybe it's not the time for us..." Dr. Banner wanted to cut Tony off, because he felt like he was really doing something wrong, at least with Ultron.

But Tony doesn't think so, he feels that everyone doesn't understand him, but this is understandable, because only he, only he saw such a picture.


Tony turned around sharply and looked at Dr. Banner: "You just keep your mouth shut and keep quiet. As long as someone points at you, you think it's your fault?"

"Who asked us to develop a robot killer?" Banner also felt a little uncomfortable, so he directly replied.

"We didn't, we weren't done at all! Did we generate the operator interface?"

Hearing Tony's words, Steve was going to say something, but when he saw Romani's gloomy face, he gave up.

If you continue to speak against Tony at this time, then the one who will really be angered is this King Solomon.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Tony took a deep breath, and his tone became slightly calmer: "Does anyone remember the battle in NY City? I sent the nuclear bomb to the portal that Romani opened, and I saw it! The menacing alien Human army, they are waiting on the other side, if it is not for Romani's flame, they will come out of the space wormhole aggressively...

"We are the Avengers, and we search for arms smugglers 24 hours a day, but that time was... our ultimate operation. Let's do it again, how do we defeat them?" Tony suddenly asked a question, A very real-question.

The war in NY City is definitely not the end. Blue Star has been targeted by aliens, and there will be even more severe challenges in the future—they.

"Unity." Steve saw that everyone fell into silence, he took a deep breath, and spit out these four words, which also belonged to his belief.

"We might lose." Tony felt that such an answer was a bit ridiculous. They could be united, but it didn't mean that unity could defeat the enemy.

"We still need to fight against each other..."

With a sigh of relief, Steve continued: "Thor is right, Ultron wants to destroy us, and we have to find him before he does it. This world is huge, let's shrink it first...."

Speaking of which, Steve took a few people to start working. He needed to find the exact location of Ultron so that he could start to formulate actions.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about this in advance." If Tony was the only one who felt sorry for him at this time, it was Romani who supported him.

Hearing such a sentence, Romani shook his head, his expression did not change too much, and the gentle smile that belonged to him was restored on his face:

"I'm not blaming you, Tony. I can also understand what you want to do, but as someone who has experienced it, I have to tell you that you want to protect what you cherish

In the end, you still have to rely on your own hands. This is a very interesting truth that a junior told me. "

"I have done similar things before, creating a monster...don't doubt your original intention, but we can change the process and result."

Romani didn't want to go into details about the story between himself and Getia. After the words fell, he patted Tony on the shoulder and then turned around and went to the help hall with Da Vinci and the others.

Ultron is a common enemy of the Avengers and Chaldea, and he needs to play a role too.

"Are you really planning to declare war on Asgard just now? As King Solomon." Da Vinci turned to Romani and asked while manipulating the electronic equipment and searching for Ultron.

"If necessary, Odin guy is strong, but I'm not afraid of him now.

In the previous conversation with Thor, Romani was not joking at all. Asgard is very powerful, but not invincible.

Especially now that Chaldea has the strength, it is really not afraid of the threat of Asgard. Just a few heroic spirits already have extremely powerful combat power, not to mention the existence of many Mephistas, and among them, there is a Mephista who is one of the Supreme Four Pillars.

"Now you are more like a human being than before." Da Vinci smiled slightly, and then said softly.

"Maybe, but I still have a strange feeling when making a decision. To be honest, I miss that guy called me a doctor. If he is here, he should make a very interesting decision. Although it may not be correct, it must be It will be interesting."

Romani looked up, and an interesting figure appeared in his mind.

...asking for flowers...

Hearing this, Da Vinci smiled and shook his head, saying: "If he sees you, the first thing he will do is probably to teach you a lesson. Don't forget, at the last moment

You did something very cunning. "

"Cunning... Maybe, but that's the best choice I can make.

Romani smiled: "I don't know if I can summon him and Mash..."

In a dilapidated church, Wanda and Pietro came here with a message.

"Speak, if you're wasting our time..." Wanda said impatiently when she saw the guy sitting on the chair with his back turned to him and couldn't see clearly.

"Did you know this church is right in the middle of the city? That's what the elders meant so that everyone could be at the same distance from God. I like that. Everyone is equal before faith.

"You must be wondering why you can't see my heart."

Wanda tried just now, but couldn't see anything: "It's a bit strange, but everyone will show their true colors sooner or later.

"I think they will." Ultron stood up suddenly, revealing his new mechanical body, which surprised Wanda and Pietro.

After a short pause, Ultron continued: "But you need more than people, so you let Stark take the scepter."

"It was unexpected, but I saw Stark's fear, and that fear would control him and drive him to self-destruction." Wanda did let Stark take the scepter, but she also did what she wanted to do.

"Everyone creates their own fears, many things are born. It's like adults create children, and some children end the existence of their parents... But there is a problem, Stirk is never the key , that kind-looking Solomon... Well, things are not that simple with him."

If there is anyone in the Avengers that Ultron fears the most, it must be Romani.

The legendary King Solomon, the closest person to God!

"So, you need my help, or to be more precise, you need your mother's help." At this moment, a figure wearing a pure white priest robe descended from the sky, and then stood between the Wanda brothers and sisters and Ultron. .

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