Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 174 The New Jotonheim

The world of ice and snow, like Siberia ruled by Ivan the Terrible before, is a world covered in ice and snow, but the environment in Jotonheim should be much crueler than this.

However, when Romani set foot here, he felt as if he had arrived in a heaven of ice and snow. Although the surroundings were covered with ice and snow, it gave people an indescribably beautiful feeling.

A ray of light flickered in Romani's eyes. He looked up at the iceberg in the distance, and there was a special blue object swaying on it. The snow-capped mountain with no trees clearly had flames floating on it.

This is not something that can be formed by natural phenomena, only magic or other mysterious powers can create such a spectacular scenery!

The fuck is this really Jotonheim?

A world of ice and snow and blue flames covering the mountains, plus a huge sun in the sky, that's not what Jotonheim should have at all!

This kind of picture is simply like a world that is extremely similar to Siberia when Ivan the Terrible came!

Why does Romani feel as if he has entered a special place...well, the Lost Belt!

But if this is the same as when Ivan the Terrible came, then it is a little strange, because here, you can't see the huge amounts of fantasy tree. If there is no fantasy tree, how would this world be destroyed? shaped?

"Invader, you came from Asgard 780, are you going to start a war?" At this moment, several Giants of Jotunheim stepped over, and they all looked at Romani with hostility.

Because Romani has never been to Jotonheim, he came here through Bifrost in Asgard, so he is naturally regarded as a person of Asgard.

Just when Romani moved his gaze over, he felt an extremely powerful force from the Giants of Jotunheim at the head. It was obviously just an ordinary Giants of Jotunheim

But the sense of power emanating from his body is stronger than that of the Asgard foursome.

"Kennaz? It looks like that guy really reshaped Jotonheim, but if he does this, things will be even more troublesome." Romani couldn't help sighing as he stared at a special symbol on the Giants of Jotunheim tone.

I don't know whether to say that the Marvel universe is full of disasters, or because my arrival has brought more disasters to it.

The special symbol on the Giants of Jotunheim at that moment was a super-high-end magic, or it should be said to be magic, after all, it belonged to the (cddb) age of gods.

The original rune!

The rune in Norse Mythology is a lost magic foundation. Although countless magicians have reproduced it, it is still not worth mentioning compared with the Age of Gods.

It is said that the supreme being in Norse Mythology, the great god Odin, created many things from the original Ymir body. Definitely, this Odin does not refer to the heavenly father in golden armor in Asgard, but the more terrifying real god!

He created many, but Rune was an exception. This special shape of characters contained the mysteries of the world, and was discovered by the great god to point to the real shape.

Kennaz is one of them, but this rune is not complete, maybe the guy who portrayed it is worried that the complete rune will bring death to the Giants of Jotunheim.

Anyway, this rune only used part of the meaning, it endowed this Giants of Jotunheim with strength, making him from an ordinary guy [to be comparable to the top fighters in Asgard.

"If possible, I would also like to learn the original runes..." Romani sighed again. Although he is the magic king, he doesn't know much about the original runes. After all, he is a Norse Mythology The secret of the pulse.

"Come from Asgard, if you don't answer again, don't blame us for destroying you!" Several Giants of Jotunheim took a step forward, ready to strike at any time.

"OK OK!"

Romani had no intention of fighting with them here, so he raised his hands without any hesitation, and made a gesture of surrender: "I am not from Asgard, I am from Midgard, and the reason why I came here is to confirm Just a few things."

"So, you don't have to hold such hostility. If possible, I hope to meet the current Lord of Jotonheim, or in other words, Her Majesty the Mistress!"

That's right, according to Romani's estimation, the one who rules Jotonheim now should be a queen.

"Who the hell are you?" The Giants of Jotunheim in the lead looked at Romani coldly. Jotonheim has a new owner. It has been rumored for a long time, but only they Giants of Jotunheim only.

"It's true, since you are meeting the queen, you should naturally give your name."

After the words were spoken, the light shrouded Romani's body, and he immediately returned to the appearance of Solomon, and his eyes revealed an indescribable majesty at this moment: "I am the king from Midgard, the magic king Solomon, so It should be fine, right?"

At this moment, a wave of magic power suddenly flashed across, and the face of the Giants of Jotunheim in the lead also changed suddenly at this moment.

After a while, he directed the other companions to get out of the way, and then said: "The queen agrees to your audience, come with me!"

Smiling slightly, Romani followed behind the Giants of Jotunheim and walked forward.

It didn't take long for him to see a castle. In this world of ice and snow, such a castle seemed a bit lonely.

But you only need to take a look at it to understand that this place must be the residence of a noble person, and even a world-class architect will be amazed by its magnificent appearance.

This is the city of ice and snow built just for the ugly to sit in it!

"Ah, what a powerful wave of magic power, who can build such a magic formation, it seems that he is also a powerful magician!"

After bringing Romani into the palace, all the Giants of Jotunheim left, and feeling the aura emanating from the palace, Romani couldn't help sighing, the ability of this formation seems to be stronger than his Looks better.

Definitely, if you really want to compare, my Crown Time Temple is much more powerful than this palace.

"Very wise, King Solomon!"

At this moment, accompanied by the sound of high-heeled shoes, a delicate female voice came slowly: "This ice and snow city was built with my magic power. In other words, you seem to be standing in my belly right now." oh!"

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