Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 190 The Appeal Of The Mother Of Origin (Gageng Is Coming)

As a creation-level deity and the mother of all things, Tiamat possesses an extraordinary power named——


To develop a special energy space centered on oneself, in that space, the existing concepts of evolution, earth creation prophecy, etc. will be subverted. Existences like monsters or servants, as long as they are swallowed by this space, they will be wiped out.

At the same time, this power also endows Tiamat with great patience to Servant Noble Phantasms born from the correct human history~.

In this world, Anti-Genesis still maintains the power to deny all previous life and try to create a new world, so the living will not be affected by this special power.

Gilgamesh and other heroic spirits now appear in this world as living beings, so they will not be devoured and destroyed, but will inevitably be suppressed. After all, in the history of mankind, they have already existed in the past.

Because of this, the damage of Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm to Tiamat was minimized. Because he is not only a hero that existed in the past human history, but also the hero king of Uruk, and the myth there happens to be the home field of Tiamat.

"Solomon, your Noble Phantasm, your power, even if it is extremely weakened, it is enough to deal a fatal blow to Tiamat now." Gilgamesh turned his head suddenly, and looked directly at the person beside him. Romani, however, found that the other party's expression became a little dull.

At this moment, Romani raised his arm high, and the halo of his Noble Phantasm appeared on the outer layer of the blue star. It was an extremely powerful power. As long as he recited it, as long as he waved his hand, this power would be vented in Tiamat. body.

But at the moment, he stopped, his eyes flashed a faint light, at this moment Romani seemed to be in a special space, where only he and Tiamat existed.

Not the huge and terrifying Tiamat at the moment, but the Tiamat who is human-like, with long silver-white hair and a flawless face. However, as soon as he looked up, he could see the loneliness on the other party's face.

"Are you... Solomon?"

At this moment, Tiamat's voice sounded slowly, it was no longer so frightening, and there was no hatred and resentment, only a touch of sadness.

"I have given birth to many lives, and I have been loved by all beings..."

"But the children, they took me as a platform and left me..."

"I want to love them all the time...want them to stay with me forever...."

"Could it be that my all wrong?"

Romani only felt a tremor in his heart, he wanted to close his sight and hearing directly, he obviously hated sad things the most, but why did he insist on witnessing and listening to all of this...

He was silent for a long time, and then he said: "I don't know if you still remember, but my lovely junior told you, please remember Tiamat, your children love your."

"Don't abandon me, and don't love me anymore." Tiamat's cheeks slid across Jingying. In fact, she didn't want to destroy this world. What she really wanted was perhaps just to go home , and their children will always stay together.

As long as this is the case, she may be able to be satisfied.

Who would have thought that a god as powerful as Tiamat, a creation-level god, would shed such tears.

Regardless of her strength and her identity as a god, she is just a mother!

"Solomon, what the hell are you doing?" Gilgamesh couldn't help shouting seeing that Romani hadn't moved for a long time.




Cough cough........ The last sentence was heard by Sheba.

At the moment, almost everyone turned their attention to Romani, but it was only at this moment that they noticed that there was a crystal clear color in the eyes of King Solomon. The sadness on that face made anyone feel distressed when they looked at it.

Gilgamesh was stunned for a moment, and then realized immediately, after all, he also possesses the existence of excellent acute eyes.

Looking at Romani's appearance at this moment, Gilgamesh couldn't help but said: "You guy...have you seen Tiamat's heart? Are you showing pity or intolerance? Solomon!"

"Before you pity Tiamat and feel sad for her, you want to take a good look behind you. For this war, we have paid countless blood. If you go to pity her, then in the near future, you You will see more sorrows. And those sorrows will be caused by you!"

...asking for flowers......

Hearing Gilgamesh's words, Romani clenched his fist tightly. His face was struggling and unbearable. He knew very well what the consequences would be if he didn't release the treasure.

After a moment of silence, Romani's eyes suddenly radiated light again, and his body also revealed the brilliance of divinity at this moment.

On the wall of the world, Da Vinci looked at Romani at this moment, and couldn't help but whispered: "Have you pushed the ability of acute eyes and listening to the voice of the sky to the limit? Sure enough, he is still the coward who doesn't want to see sadness, even if Under such circumstances, are you still going to save the mother who was abandoned by the children?"

In an instant.

It was just a moment, but to Romani, it seemed like a long time had passed, the light on his body gradually dimmed, and his eyes became resolute again: "Tiamat, this is already the limit of what I can do, If you can, please be a kind and kind mother, and quietly watch your children grow up..."

"It's time to end everything!"

"At this moment, it will be the end, but it will also be the new life!"

"Use my Noble Phantasm to liberate this world, and the light belt that surrounds the world declares the end of At the moment!"

"The time of birth has come, so fix all things! Arsalmade del Salomonis!"

Covering and destroying everything, the light poured in from outside the blue star, descended from the top of the sky, and completely enveloped Tiamat in the blink of an eye.


Deafening roars resounded in all directions, the dark sky was torn apart by the light, and the first ray of sunlight sprinkled on the Bermuda Sea again, and the sea eroded by the black mud gradually returned to its original color at this moment.

Tiamat huge amounts of body, began to dissipate at this moment......

No one expected that at this moment, when everything was about to end, the old gentleman in the distance suddenly stepped towards Tiamat, and the sinister voice sounded at this moment: "Decedent soul Going to hell, there is no difference between gods and gods. Next, I will collect the soul of this god!"

PS: I would like to thank Youfeng Yotsuba for the monthly pass and reminder, but the author's code is really slow, this old life is going to be gone, hey corpse.

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