Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 193: Chill In Hawaii

To celebrate, Tony almost packed up the whole of Hawaii. The Avengers, Chaldea, Asgard warriors, and even many spellcasters from Kamar-Taj gathered here to celebrate the rare victory.

Basically, the people who participated in the Battle of the Wall of the World, except for the first emperor, all others came, and they really needed such a carnival to relax.

"Tony, won't there be any weird things when drinking this time? I remember that we were drinking at a party before, and then out of nowhere came out that robot named Ultron." Barton spread his hands and said jokingly .

"Even if another Ultron comes out, it won't be a problem. Now we have gathered here the strongest combat power on the planet. As long as there is no more creation-level god

Everything else is not a problem. Tony also knew that Barton was joking, so he answered directly.

His thinking was right, Ultron was not a threat at all, if not for Tiamat's awakening, the previous war would never have been so tragic.

"I always feel that you belong to the crow's mouth, but to be honest, I have to ask Romani if ​​I have time, is there any creation-level gods on this planet? If so, at least before that kind of monster appears , I want to make a mental preparation in advance."

Thinking of the terrifying existence of Tiamat, Barton felt terrified.

"After the end of the Age of Gods, the creation-level gods basically disappeared, and the appearance of Tiamat was just an accident, so you don't need to worry." Quetzal walked over slowly at this moment, hearing Barton's voice Words, is to open the mouth to answer.

And at this time, the great Thor, the prince of Asgard, has turned into a shy boy, following Quetzal's side, his eyes kept sending signals to Tony, as if he was asking for help.

This tall big sister, he doesn't even know how to chase after her!

Tony looked at Thor who showed his might on the battlefield speechlessly, and in his heart, ten thousand alpacas were galloping past. This stupid big man would have such a shy expression.

What's so hard about chasing tall big sisters?

If you like it, just kiss it directly, you don't even dare to be beaten to death, how can you say you like it!

But after all, they are teammates, so if you can help, try to help, Tony's brain has directly entered a state of overload, and see if Thor can come up with a good idea.

And Steve is now wandering around the seaside with a few new friends who joined the Avengers. Falcon, Wanda and Pietro are all listening to Steve with serious faces, and I don’t know what they are talking about. What.

To say that the most popular person in this gathering is definitely Joan of Arc. Her current situation is called a crowd of stars. People around her don’t know how many circles they have surrounded. There are both men and women. Looking for her autograph.

The old man was not used to talking to people, so he sat by the seaside alone, watching the constantly undulating sea, and slowly sipping the fine wine of the King of Heroes. Agreeing to come to this party is already the biggest concession of the old man.

In fact, many of the people present worshiped the old man, but the aura around the old man's body made these people who worshiped him dare not approach him at all.

I always feel that one step closer to the old man is like being close to Death God.

At this time, Iskandar was laughing and drinking with a group of people. His boldness also attracted many fans. Even Ghost Rider, that is, Johnny Blazer, sat in front of him, drinking and chatting.

The Mephistas of Chaldea also look like strangers are not allowed to enter. They specially found an open area, usually chatting about the past while tasting the wine of the hero lord.

I have to say that the wine in that guy's treasure house is really top quality, even the seventy-two pillar Mephista wanted to pry the door of his treasure house. The treasure or something is not important

What matters is the wine!

In this scene, the most tragic and embarrassing person is Romani, who is currently being educated by Sheba and Da Vinci.

The reason for this situation is because Romani is a promiscuous guy. Although he doesn’t think so himself, in the eyes of Sheba and Da Vinci...

Helen Zhao has been sticking to Romani's side since the beginning of the party, and Joan of Arc is also a stubborn girl. Even if she knows that this is a brand new world and she is not a so-called follower, she still treats Romani as a master.

"Roman, tell me the truth. The reason why you used the second treasure to save Tiamat was because you were planning to hide her beauty in a golden house? After all, Tiamat with a normal mentality is a rare beauty."

Although Da Vinci had a smile on his face when he spoke, such a smile made Romani feel a chill down his back.

々I think it's just a matter of time, we can't interfere with the Temple of Time, and we won't know when you become a beast. Sheba sat beside Romani, and drew circles on Romani's chest with her little finger, "Can't I satisfy you, my lord?"

"That..... I really don't have that many thoughts, I just feel that Tiamat is more pitiful..."

Romani really can't explain it now, but he dare not not explain it. Otherwise, the two aunts and grandmas around him will eat him alive in a while, so who can he ask for reasoning?

"In fact, this matter is easy to solve. We don't care about what happened before. As long as you don't summon female heroic spirits when you summon in the future, you will be sick." Da Vinci said that he was very understanding .

But this sentence fell into Romani's ears, but it made (may well) bitterness on his face.

Is it up to me to decide on the summoning?

If this matter could be controlled, the old man would have been called here long ago, why bother to call Tiamat!

At this moment, a portal exuding the breath of Ice suddenly opened not far in front of Romani, and then Skadi, who was wearing a luxurious purple dress, walked out slowly from it, with a faint smile on her face. With a smile, his eyes locked on Romani.

"Ah, it seems that there are still things we don't know, can you explain it well, Fu?"

Da Vinci's face turned black for an instant, and he didn't know if it was an illusion. At that moment just now, Romani seemed to feel the killing intent from Da Vinci!

"It's amazing, King Solomon. Even gods like Tiamat can be defeated. I'm getting more and more interested in you... Miscellaneous."

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