Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 202 Justice Stark

This sentence is a naked threat, and one does have the power to destroy the planet. After all, it is a god who has lived for millions of years. No matter what, such an existence cannot be underestimated.

"You want to destroy my planet, but you don't even look at yourself? To be honest, I'm scared by you. What's next? Are you going to use the flashlight on your body to blind my eyes?"

As soon as he heard the other party's threatening words, Tony started to mock without any hesitation. He is a person who is not afraid of things. He was a little anxious because he saw the scene of alien invasion before, but after defeating Tiamat , those anxieties disappeared.

They have even defeated the gods of the creation level. Even in the vast universe, there are probably not many people who are their opponents, right?

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, Quill suddenly stood in front of Ego, he frowned, looking at this guy 23 who made him feel both familiar and strange: "I want to know everything, everything in the real sense."

"Everything?" Egg smiled, he didn't care about telling Quill everything, at least until now, he didn't care anymore, "It's very simple, I heard that there is a blue star in the universe who can withstand the power of the power gem After you survive, I will know that you are my bloodline, and a child who truly inherits God Bloodline... Quill, you are a god just like me!"

"My body is a planet, that's why the Maybe not called a doctor, but let him go, he keeps threatening me, saying that destroying the planet is not difficult It's because he knows it."

Yi Ge said naturally: "I spent a long time looking for something meaningful, and finally the goal I found was to keep myself close to eternity, and the method to reach that step...... I call it It's expansion! Believe me, as soon as you come home with me, you'll find that will be your goal too."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Quill couldn't understand Egg's words.

And at this time, the curious little baby Drax went online again: "Hey, how did you get born, Quill? If your daddy was a planet, he would crush your mother to death"

"Oh, damn it! I don't want to know about these things now!" Quill was speechless, who knows that Drax's focus will be on this.

However, the current Egg didn't pay attention to his idleness, so he continued: "For thousands of years, I have planted thousands of my extensions in thousands of worlds, and I have to realize the only real goal of life. grow, to spread, to cover all that exists, to know all, to become me!"

"But there is a problem, just me, a god, is not enough energy to accomplish such a great cause, but with two gods, maybe it is enough. And the second god is you, my child, Peter!"

It is Yi Ge's idea to make everything in the universe a part of him. If he can achieve that step, he will be the master of the entire universe, and no one can be his enemy

Because everything is already within his control!

"Fu!" At this moment, Fufu standing on Romani's shoulder suddenly called out.

After hearing this voice, Romani also smiled, turned to Fufu and said, "I really want to slap him away too, but those guys have the right to know the truth, so let's wait for him to finish speaking. "

"Fu!" Fufu yelled again, this time it was telling Romani that if Romani didn't get rid of this old man in a while, it would shoot him away.

Not to mention that Egg obviously couldn't understand Fufu's words, so he still looked at Quill to himself, and said softly: "Among everything I do, what I like the most is trying to graft my genes into other Speciesally, I would have hoped that this pairing would be enough to fuel the expansion."

"I asked Yondu to send me some descendants, which was against the principles of the predator, but I generously compensated him, and to appease his conscience, I said that I would never hurt them

The stories are the same as what he just said. "

"Until I found you, a god like me, since I existed in this universe, I was finally no longer alone!"

"Lonely?" Quill was stunned for a moment, and then said suspiciously, "You said you loved my mother."

"I do love her, my water lily, she sings every song that's on the radio, I've come to this planet three times to see her, you know if I come for the fourth time, I'll never leave... ....The meaning of my existence is gone. So I did what was necessary, but it broke my heart to let her suffer from a brain tumor..."

Speaking of Quill's mother, Yi Ge also fell into the memory. Maybe at a certain moment, he really loved that woman deeply, but in the end, he chose to expand!

"Son of a bitch!" Quill didn't have so much emotion. When he heard that his mother was killed by Egg, he immediately fell into Rage, pulled out the two guns at his waist, Then Egg started shooting crazily.

However, Yi Ge had already made preparations for defense. The light blue energy barrier condensed in front of him, and the ordinary energy bullets couldn't do any harm to him at all.

"You let me down, my son, but I will forgive you this offense." Egg said with a light smile.

At this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly penetrated the blue barrier, and at the same time pierced Egg's chest.

Immediately afterwards, Romani also looked at the old guy in front of him with disgust, and said in a cold voice: "You also let me down, old guy, or the old planet. I have been reminding you to obey the rules, but I didn't expect you to It has violated the rules of this planet...Tony, do you know how to punish people deliberately according to our laws for causing brain tumors?"

"Wow, this has never happened before, but it just sounds very eye-catching, then Justice Stark will give you a very satisfactory verdict. . . . die

As soon as the words fell, the energy beam also exploded at this moment, instantly blasting away Egg, who had just been pierced through the chest by Romani.

"Stupid mortals, you are causing your own destruction, but it doesn't matter, after all, in the end, your world will be assimilated by me, and it will become... me!"

Yi Ge roared angrily, but at this moment his body didn't have much strength at all.

And Romani raised his hand again, and the terrifying thunder swept out in an instant: "Believe me, there will never be that day, because I will soon destroy that damned planet!"

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