Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 206: Destroying The Planet Ego

"Are you going to find trouble with him on the planet?"

Romani looked at Star-Lord Quill a little strangely, he really couldn't figure out who gave the dancer the confidence: "I don't underestimate you, it's just that based on your strength, go to Ego's planet and you There is no difference in seeking death. Moreover, I am not good at helping you, because if you encounter danger on the planet, I will not care about your lives and give up destroying the planet."

To tell the truth, the best way to destroy Egg is to release the third treasure directly here, if you can't kill the old guy once, just bomb the second time!

"He killed my mother, I must..."

Before Quill could finish speaking, Gamora hit him in the stomach with an elbow, making him so painful that he couldn't speak the words that followed.

"Destroy this planet directly. Quill will slowly figure it out. Although I really want to go down and beat that old bastard, I know better that if we go down and face that guy, no one will come back alive."

Gamora is still very sensible. Among them, she and Drax are the ones with the strongest combat power. Definitely, if Groot gets angry, he won't be weak.

But with their fighting strength, there is no possibility of winning in front of a god that exists in the form of a planet.

"Stupid mortals! Just because you want to destroy me?" At this moment, that planet suddenly turned into a human face, looking directly at the spaceship where Romani and the others were with terrifying eyes, and the surroundings of the planet were even more terrifying. It is surging with extraordinary~ordinary energy.

"Oh, it looks like he's angry. Can we hurry up if we want to do it? Otherwise, I'm worried that space scavengers will pick up some of us later...

Looking at the changes in Planet Ego, Rocket couldn't help but speak. Although the words were still joking, it could be seen that there was a trace of fear in his eyes. After all, he was facing a planet, and he was still a god. Few people could keep calm in this situation.

"Open the cabin, I'll go out and deal with this guy... Sigh, I didn't take a long break to face another god, and it's a good thing it's not Tia's kind of existence with immortality, otherwise it's really hard to deal with."

Romani returned to the appearance of King Solomon, wrapped himself with magic power, and then stood at the exit of the inheritance.

"Ah, dear, what did you say just now, I don't seem to hear clearly?"

Suddenly, Sheba's face turned cold, his eyes flashed with a dangerous light, and he locked on to Romani. There was even obvious magic power emerging from her hands, making Quill and others unconsciously stay a few steps away from her.

Even Fufu seemed to sense the danger, jumped off Romani's shoulder and hid aside.

It said that this kind of thing can not be mixed!

"Huh? I said this guy is really difficult to deal with. What's the problem?" Romani froze for a moment, this time he really didn't know why Sheba changed his face instantly.

"What about the previous sentence?" Sheba continued to maintain a dangerous smile.

"The previous sentence?" After thinking for a while, Romani said without realizing it, "I said it's a good thing it's not Tiana..."

Well, at this point Romani suddenly realized, he finally understood what he said wrong, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, and he didn't even need to look back at this moment to know how terrifying Sheba's expression had become.

"Hehe, when did you start calling him Tia intimately? Could it be possible, my dear, did you avoid us and enter the Temple of Time while you were free some time ago?"

Sheba's face became more and more gloomy, and even a faint murderous intent could be seen flashing across her face: "That's right, Tiamat is indeed a very beautiful woman in human form, and it is reasonable to fall in love with her." Middle...but, why do I really want to ask you three special questions now?"

At this moment, the cabin door was suddenly closed, and then opened all of a sudden!

Romani didn't even think about it, just rushed out, he felt that if he stayed in the cabin, he didn't need to think about how to deal with Egg, because Sheba would definitely teach him a lesson first!

As soon as he left the spaceship, Romani's expression became serious in an instant. He activated the magic power in his body and walked directly into the universe. Then his eyes locked on the planet Ego, and a slightly cold voice came out of his mouth: " There is indeed nothing wrong with you calling yourself a god, after all, with such a powerful energy, few people can compare with you."

"It's still too late for you to surrender. I can feel that you can also help me expand. Although you and I are not of the same origin, your power can help me clear many obstacles."

...asking for flowers...

Egg smiled, but now that he is a planet, the way he smiles really makes people feel... ugly!

"Millions of years of life have not allowed you to grow in a real sense. To be honest, you are a very sad and pitiful guy. But there is a very good saying in Blue Star's Eastern Kingdom, poor people must There's something hateful about it."

Romani looked at Egg at this moment, shook his head, the terrifying magic power in his body began to flow, and a ray of blue light appeared above his head at this moment, forming a huge amounts of portal.

Through this portal, you can clearly see the blue star on the other side!

"Are you going to open up a path for me and dedicate your own planet?" The big face of Ignatius showed obvious doubts. He didn't quite understand what Romani wanted to do, and he opened the portal to the blue star here. .

After a short pause, Yi Ge became vigilant, and his deep voice came out slowly: "Or, are you planning to use the Space gem to threaten me? If it is the power gem, I might have a good discussion with you about reconciliation, but Space gem, its power is also very powerful, but it still can't pose any real threat to me!"

The power of each Infinite Gem is very powerful, but it is manifested in different aspects. The Infinite Gems that can threaten the existence of Yi Ge are nothing more than Power Gem and Reality Gem.

"I never wanted to threaten you or reconcile with you, it's better to get rid of threats like you as soon as possible.

While talking, Romani spread his hands, a special wave of magic power emanated from him, and opposite the portal, a band of light appeared around the beautiful blue planet at this moment, and the terrifying aura instantly permeated the air. Quartet.

"Let's take a last look at that beautiful planet. She has nurtured countless lives, and among them is the woman you may have loved... Then, fall into eternal sleep, Egg

"The third Noble Phantasm, the time of birth has come, use this to correct everything! Ars Almadel Salomonis!".

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