Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 227 Snatch Me Hell In Front Of Me? ?

White feathers fly, death knells toll...

Those blue pupils, the existence that came out of the shadows, is the Death God who harvests life!

Swinging out a sword is the strongest proof, and sue Angel for death!

"Are we winning?" Tony asked softly after seeing the old man's sword slashing at Kiara's body, finally gaining the strength to stand up.

"It seems like this is the case. If this is not the end...I... will feel like I am dreaming." Steve also stood up at this moment, and he felt that the Avengers, including himself, were just Come here for soy sauce.

Although Romani is also a member of the Avengers in name, but now it seems that he is more like a Chaldean.

At this moment, Romani only felt that everything in front of his eyes had become a little blurred. After taking a step forward, his body softened and he fell directly to the side. But before he fell down, a hand reached out and supported Romani.

"Heh, I'm really useless enough, I'm exhausted from this little battle..."

Romani looked at the dumb-haired girl beside him who was supporting her, laughed lightly at himself, and then said: "Thank you, Artorie23ya...... However, the current situation is more troublesome than before, That guy can't be solved so easily!"

When he was speaking, the seriousness on his face did not disappear, his eyes were fixed on the direction where Kiara Seshoin was, and there was no way to hide the look of fear.

"Ah! ah! how uncouth it is to have done me so much harm!"

At this time, Killing Academy appeared in front of everyone again, but compared with before, her body was much more broken at the moment, and even the demon horns on her head showed many cracks at this moment.

Whether it was King Solomon's punch with all his strength, or the deadly accusation Angel that the old man took advantage of when she had no way to defend, they had already exceeded the limit of her own defense.

Hit backwards by these two forces, even Kiara Sesshoin, who is a beast of disaster, would not be unscathed!

"It's really boring ants. It's you who pushed me to this point. Since I have to make such a decision...then, are you ready to pay the price?" Killing Yuan stared at Romani And the old man, after all, it was these two people who caused damage to her that was difficult to recover in a short period of time.

The next moment, Seshoin suddenly opened her arms, and the peach-red magic power began to link her body with the hell space like silk threads.

However, the moment she made this action, a figure charged towards Seshoin with terrifying magic power, and the fire of hell rose up at this moment. All the threads connecting the hell spaces were burned.

"This is different from what we promised, beautiful Bodhisattva..."

Mephisto broke free from the shackles of the sky just now, and stood in the mid-air in front of the killing courtyard, with a murderous smile on his face: "If there is nothing wrong with my feeling, you should be Are you taking the dimension of hell?"

"Sorry, my magic power is almost used up." Seeing Mephisto break free from his restraint, Enkidu also showed a hint of apology on his face.

Definitely, no one will blame him, being able to restrain Mephisto for such a long time, he is already very remarkable. Although there are also Mephisto enemies

The reason for the water is inside...

"Are you going to stop me too?"

Killing Yuan's complexion became extremely ugly at this moment, she did not expect that this old devil would come out to disrupt the situation at a critical moment.

Indeed, at first her idea was to reach the human world, and then integrate herself with Blue Star to enjoy the ultimate pleasure. But just now, Romani's extreme strength displayed by the god-fighter, coupled with the strongest sword of the old man, made her feel the threat of death.

It is precisely because of this kind of status that she suddenly changed her decision and wanted to integrate with hell. If she did this, no one would be her opponent in this hell dimension.

And when that time comes, she will replace Mephisto and become the new Lord of Hell!

However, Mephisto naturally would not just watch his rights and power being taken away by Seshoin, so at that moment just now, he directly broke the lock of the sky, preventing the integration of Seshoin and Hell.

"I didn't stop your thoughts. To be honest, I don't care who rules the world. I am a devil, and the devil likes to make some interesting deals. Besides, I may prefer delicious souls..."

Mephisto shook his head with a smile, like a gentleman, his words and voice were very polite: "It's just that you broke the rules, Bodhisattva! Hell is my territory no matter what, even Odin can't take it from me. It takes away. And you, I admit that you are very powerful, but the score is clear, isn't it? I remember that some countries in this world have such laws, and you can be directly executed if you break into private land."

"So, hell... will only be Mephisto's private domain, understand?"

Just when Mephisto declared his sovereignty over hell to Shasei-in, a bright red magic vortex gathered at the top of a strangely shaped sword, and the bright red magic like a vortex actually made the surrounding space as broken at this moment. Like glass, one piece after another fell.

"Hey, who allowed you two to let me look up? Miscellaneous cultivators in District 843 dare to stand above me. This is a damn felony! But I am in a good mood today. Since you are miscellaneous cultivators, then How about just yelling twice to please the king?"

Having said that, Gilgamesh had no plan to reply to Mephisto and Sesseiin Kiara at all. He directly recited the name of the Noble Phantasm, fully displaying the most powerful power at this moment: "The moment of sanction comes Already, the sword that splits the world for me! Heaven and Earth leave the star of Bizhi...Enumablish!"

A red beam of magic power surged out in an instant, just as Gilgamesh sang when releasing the treasure, this terrifying magic power indeed possesses the power to open up the world.

However, it is still a little bit short, and it is still a little bit short of killing the killing courtyard!

"Give it to me. Although it's just a trial version, I think Dr. Da Vinci's research should be correct!"

At this moment, Tony stood up, he slowly raised his right arm, an astonishing energy condensed in his palm instantly, and there was a light yellow light on this energy

Seeing this scene, Romani was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously said to himself...

"Mind Gem?!"

PS: Tomorrow, I will start to make up the chapters that are owed in the past two days. I'm sorry everyone, I have been too tired these two days, and there are a lot of things to do.

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