Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 229 Mephisto's Promise

As soon as the voice came out, the audience fell silent instantly, and time seemed to stand still.

Even Mephisto, an old devil who has lived for countless years, feels that his brain is a bit down at this moment.

what's the situation?

It's okay for the killing house to be fine, why did it suddenly become unharmed?

How to play this?

Could it be that the beast of disaster, Shashengyuan, still has resurrection coins?

"Oh, I didn't expect such a change to happen, so after the change, is Solomon the one who obeys?" A light flashed in Gilgamesh's eyes. The current situation of the killing hospital.

At this moment, Saseiin is no longer a beast. Although she possesses a part of the power of a beast, she now belongs to another state, Alterego, which is te!

"As expected of the King of Heroes, I am indeed different from just now. Specifically, it is as if I have sworn to live a life of abstinence until the end of the contract. Although this is a difficult thing, at least I will' The idea that everything you look at is your own bait' has been dismissed."

As he said that, the Killing Academy appeared directly beside Romani, which immediately aroused the vigilance of Master 390 and Arturia, but she didn't care about it, nor did she show any hostility.

He just leaned lightly on Romani's body, and then crossed Romani's neck with one hand, stroking his cheek: "But even so, you still have to be careful, Solomon. Even a king like you may have One day you will lose to endless desire, and then pamper me. Definitely, at the same time, I also hope that you will not lose to this temptation!"

"Get out of the way!"

At this moment, Sheba suddenly pushed away the killing yard, and embraced Romani's arm by himself, with an expression like a kitten with fried fur, protecting his belongings.

"Don't worry too much, at least for now, we are not enemies..."

Sesseiin smiled, she is no longer a beast, she seems to have become more attractive to originally determined people: "If you still don't want to believe it, I think I can give you a... ...Well, vote for something similar, such as this devil who rules hell, I can help you deal with him!"

Seeing the gaze cast by Seshoin, Mephisto was stunned for a moment, then directly raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender: "Okay, okay, Hell won't do things like invading Blue Star anymore, at least It was like this while you were here."

"I will immediately recall the army of seems that there is no need to be too anxious to recall. There are two hell armies on the blue star that have been slaughtered. Can't you tell me How about humanitarianism?"

Although Mephisto kept smiling, he was indeed a little uncomfortable at the moment.

Unexpectedly, Kiara, who was originally used as a knife by himself, would stand on Romani's side inexplicably.

In addition, even the hell army above the blue star, two large armies were completely wiped out in such a short period of time.

On the side of the eastern country, he is not surprised, but on the side of country M, it is a little strange. Obviously, the main combat power of Chaldea and the Avengers is not in Blue Star, so he really can't think of who will send him to M The demon army was destroyed.

And among the people present, many people had a slightly unreliable guy in front of their eyes. The person who is now in charge of fighting hell in the past, besides the well-known Dr. Da Vinci, is King Solomon Father, King David the Shepherd!

Maybe he seems a little unreliable guy, but as King David, he is extremely outstanding in terms of strength and leadership, let alone a simple group of demons and devils, even if there are twice as many, King David can also protect country M.

No (cddj) David’s character, if it wasn’t because of some things that made him uncomfortable, such as a giant-like demon suddenly blocked in front of King David who was pursuing a girl... ..

Such an abominable thing! I can't bear a cent of it!

If it wasn't like this, he wouldn't have wiped out all the demons and demons so directly.

Therefore, it is these idiot demons who asked for it to be wiped out. As for those demons, they had no intention of provoking King David from the very beginning.

"Talking about humanitarianism with the devil? When you invaded our world, did you ever think about talking about humanitarianism? Or did you actually want to sit on the chair of the United Nations and discuss with the leaders of several countries? What about the hell building an embassy in Blue Star?"

When Steve heard Mephisto's words, he couldn't help feeling a little ridiculous: "You started the war, and now that you've lost the battle, you want to have a good discussion with us. Why should we accept your proposal?"

Listening to Steve's pointed words and those resolute eyes, Mephisto didn't care. He did lose this time, but as long as hell is still there, he will never fail completely.

He is the master of hell, no one can kill him, not Odin, not Ancient One...not Lord Solomon!

He admitted that when King Solomon dealt with the killing courtyard, he said that the power he displayed was extremely powerful, and even he could not bear the terrifying attack, but here, he is hell! Unless King Solomon blasts the entire hell with one punch, Otherwise, even if his body was beaten to pieces and turned into dust by the flames...

He will appear again and again, after all, he is the master of a dimension, so he must have some privileges, right??

As for that ancestor, Wang Hassan's sword, he was somewhat afraid.

After all, even Tiamat, who has the characteristic of immortality, will be cut off "immortal" by that sword, but it is just a fear, he does not believe that with the power of one person, the entire hell can be endowed with death!

"You can't kill me. If you want to be my enemy, hell will come back at any time. Therefore, the promise I just made is already the biggest concession. Think about it carefully. As long as you exist on the blue star, then hell will come." Never invade Blue Star again...even an inch of land!"

Mephisto is a devil, but he is still very trustworthy in terms of promises, and in fact he can't help but keep his promises. After all, if Romani and others are on the blue star, he can't invade the world......

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